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"Happy 18th birthday Y/N!" My parents said happily as you got downstairs around noon. I smiled brightly, happy for all the things to come. "Thank you mom and dad!" I gave them a hug, and my mom gave me a present, all wrapped up with a pretty lint.

"Wait, let me take a picture first!" I got my phone, and took a picture. My camera roll was already full of esthetic pictures. My parents chuckled. "Why don't you open it? And be careful with it!" I carefully opened it, only to see a brand new camera. I put a hand in front of my mouth in order to stop me from letting out a scream. "Thank you so much!" I said almost with tears in my eyes. I hugged them once more. "Why don't you go test it outside?" My dad said, and I ran out.

I went to my favourite park nearby. I always go there whenever I feel down. The view alone can heal all broken parts. Right in front of me stood a boy about my age, who was taking a picture of the pretty cherry blossom trees. A breeze blew, causing the petals to fly around him. Captivated by his aura, I quickly took a picture. I took a look at it, and I have to say, it came out even better than expected!

Once I looked up again, I saw the boy smile at me. "The view is really pretty isn't it?" Not only his aura, but also his voice was mesmerizing. "It really is" I replied with a soft smile. "Are you a photographer as well?" The boy asked, while still smiling innocently. "I just got it for my birthday, so I don't really know if I already classify as one" I chuckled softly and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Do you want me to teach you?" he asked, a bit unsure.

I don't know why, but he really gives me a safe feeling. His angel like voice, sweet personality, he seems like the person anyone would like to be friends with. "Sure!" I replied enthusiastically. We sat down on a bench, and I feel like we talked for hours. "How did your love for photography start?" he asked me after a while. "It all started a few years ago. Things weren't really going well at home, and my parents fought a lot. At the time I always used to go to this park to calm down a bit, and the beautiful scenaries used to calm me down a lot. I wanted to always be able to see the view that calmed me down and made me happy, so I decided to capture it, and that's how it all started!"

He looked at me in awe. "Wow, compared to that my story is so boring" he said and chuckled. "Tell me, I want to know!" I pushed. "Fine, but promise me you won't laugh?" I nodded hastily. "I promise!" "Well, it was because of the person I used to love. It was her everything, and she used to tell me about it all the time. After she left me for another guy, that was all I had left of her. I wanted to hold on to it so badly, I started photographing as well to remember her. I found a way to live with it, but my love for photographing still stayed."

"Do you still love her?" I asked carefully, not knowing what else to say. "A lot" was all he said. I looked at him in pity, not knowing how to reply. He caught on to my look and stared at me for a couple of second, then breaking the eye contact. "I'll survive though, don't worry about me!" he quickly said, trying to lighten the mood. "You better!" I said, laughing the awkwardness off.

Suddenly my phone rang. I quickly answered once I saw the caller ID. "Mom, I'm so sorry! I totally forgot the time." I heard a sigh, but also a small laugh on the other side of the phone. "We thought so. Will you come home right now? We're going out for dinner!" My face lit up. "I'm on my way! Bye mom!" I hung up and looked at the boy. "I have to go sadly, sorry! Goodbye... wait, what's your name?" I asked, forgetting I totally didn't know. "It's Seungmin. Kim Seungmin. How about you?" "Y/N. Min Y/N." "It was nice meeting you Y/N!" "Likewise!"

Just when I was about to go, I heard him call my name. "Y/N!" I turned around, my hair softly waving because of the cold breeze. Seungmin was now standing in front of the bench, a few meters away from me. "Will we meet again tomorrow?" I heard the uncertainty in his voice, which somehow made me chuckle a little. "Of course! tomorrow at 2 pm?" His uncertain face became brighter. "See you then!"

When I walked away again, I heard a click. I turned around once more to see Seungmin with his camera pointed at me. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. "Taking a picture of something pretty. I gotta go now, bye bye Y/N!" He ran away, leaving me flustered. "See you tomorrow Seungmin" I whispered back.


Since my friend changed her bias, I'm writing ANOTHER story!!! It's gonna be so busy, updating three stories at the same time! She's totally worth it and I love her though! I really hope you guys enjoy this as well <3

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now