7 🌸

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I hesitated. "I don't know about this Hyunjin, that makes me feel seriously bad. It would make me no better than Elle." Hyunjin sighed. "I know it doesn't feel nice, but it's the only way to save him, and I don't want to lose a friend."

"I don't know about this either Hyunjin" a voice suddenly spoke from the other side of the door. Hyunjin sighed, trying to hide his smile. "Ji, if you're listening anyway, why don't you just come in?" The door slowly opened, revealing Jisung with a worried expression on his face.

Jisung sat down on my other side. "Hyunjin, if we're doing this, and I'm just saying if, what did you have in mind?" Hyunjin's face lighted up a bit, while Jisung's only became more worried. "You need to date."

"She needs to WHAT?" Jisung shouted, seriously confused and even more worried than before. Hyunjin just sighed. "Not really of course, but pretend to date." I grew more uncertain with every word. "Who on earth am I supposed to pretend-date with?"

"With me!" Hyunjin and Jisung both said at the same time, then looking at each other, and back to me. "We'll talk about that later, but what do you think?" Hyunjin asked with a serious face. "I really don't know Hyunjin... It just feels wrong" I admitted. I knew very well that it wouldn't make me any better than Elle if I did it, but I wanted to save Seungmin from her hands.

"Is there really no other way?" I asked hopefully. Hyunjin shook his head. "If there was one, I would have already tried it a long time ago." "Fine" I replied after a long silence. "I'll do it, but if it's starting to feel like too much, I'm out." Hyunjin's face once again lit up as he hugged me. "Thank you Y/N!"

Why am I even doing this? I asked myself that question over and over. He hurt you, so why did I want to save him so badly? "I'm home" I heard a very familiar voice shouted from downstairs. I immediately regretted saying yes to the plan, but it was too late to back out now.

"Come, I'll walk you home" Jisung said as he stood up. "Why do you get to walk her home?" Hyunjin asked while pouting. "Because I actually know her address." Jisung stuck his tongue out and took my hand, leading me downstairs. I quickly said goodbye to Hyunjin and followed Jisung downstairs, my smile quickly fading when I saw Seungmin with his oh so cute girlfriend.

I stood still, the both of us looking each other in the eyes. "I should go with you after all!" I heard Hyunjin say, storming down the stairs, but quickly stopping when he saw Elle. Her eyes suddenly glowed as she put on a smile, but I could see confusion in her eyes. Hyunjin ignored Elle and grabbed my other hand, now with two guys by my side.

"Let's go" Hyunjin said annoyed, pulling me and Jisung along. I looked back, seeing both Seungmin and Elle look at the three of us confused and hurt at the same time. Hyunjin walked in a fast pace, almost impossible for me to keep up with. "Hyunjin, can you please slow down a little?" Hyunjin seemed to come back to reality and slowed down. "Sorry."

I haven't seen him this frustrated before. Maybe it's because I've only known him for one day, but that's not the point. "Hyunjin, are you okay?" He didn't answer, but when I wanted to ask again, Jisung slightly tightened his grip. "Don't mind him, he just hates Elle a lot" he whispered in my ear, getting really close. I just nodded with a slight blush on my face.

The way back was quiet, making my imagination do the talking for me. What were Seungmin and Elle doing right now? I could only imagine the worst. "Y/N? Y/N!" Jisung's voice snapped me back into reality. I shook my head and looked up, only to already find myself back at my own house. "Thank you guys for bringing me home" I said politely, still feeling a bit weird about the whole situation. "It's no problem" Hyunjin said with a sweet smile in his face. "We should probably get going as well" Jisung said, nudging Hyunjin's arm. "Bye guys!"

"I'm home!" I said as you got inside, however, there was no reply. "I'm hooome!" I said once more, somewhat louder this time, but still no reply. I checked my phone to see a message

-Hey sweety, we have to stay a little longer. Your grandma isn't feeling well so we have to take care of her.
-We'll let you know when we're coming home, but I don't expect it to be soon.
-Me and dad love you!

I let out a sigh. Alone again. I put the dinner I kept in a plastic bag on the sink. I started cooking when I got a message.

-Y/N, it's Hyunjin. Do you by any chance have enough dinner for two?
-I am NOT eating with Elle, who is apparently eating over.
-Everyone is so awkward right now because of her, so I just walked away.
-She even chased after me, saying dumb stuff like how she missed me...
-It's annoying
-So please tell me I can go over to your place
-I have no where else to go...

I softly smiled before replying

-Don't worry, I've got enough for two!
-You know the address right?
-Dinner is almost ready, so hurry up!

I smiled once more and put my phone away. I quickly cleaned the house a little, making sure it wasn't too messy when he arrived. I put dinner on the table when I heard a soft knock. I opened it and saw Hyunjin with a small bouquet of roses in his hand, taking me aback a little. "What's all this for?" I said laughingly. "I thought I should at least be a proper dinner companion."

Just before eating dinner, I got another message. "Who is it?" Hyunjin asked curiously. "Not sure, let me check!" When I read the message, I was actually shocked. "Hyunjin, look at this! Whatever it is that we're doing, I think it's already working.

-Since when did you get so close to Hyunjin and Jisung?
-You shouldn't hang out with other guys so much
-Be sure to stay safe, I don't want them doing anything to you...

Hyunjin smirked a bit and gave me my phone back. "The plan has officially started!"

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