15 🌸

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3rd person POV

Hyunjin and Seungmin were now standing in front of each other downstairs. Y/N stayed in bed, since it was clear the boys wanted to talk alone. Y/N was really anxious about it, but she knew how bad it could be if she interfered. They needed this talk.

"Well, talk" Hyunjin said annoyed. It was Seungmin that asked him to talk, so he should be talking. "Listen, it's clear that we're both in love with with Y/N. I'm pretty sure she knows it as well, but this can't continue."

"What?" Hyunjin asked sarcastically. "Oh come on, you know exactly what I mean! The way we're treating each other. Are we really letting a girl break our friendship again?" Hyunjin looked down. He realized that continuing this would result in another friendship break, but he didn't want to give up on Y/N, this time he actually fell in love, for the first time.

"I don't want our friendship to break either Min, but I don't want to give up on her. I've finally found my happiness, I don't want to lose that." They looked at each other, guilt visible in their eyes. "I don't want to give up on her either Jin, but I'm not willing to give up on our friendship either." Hyunjin nodded, definitely agreeing with him.

"I don't want to lose our friendship either" he admitted. "We really have been acting shitty haven't we?" he asked laughing a bit, remembering all their actions. "Yeah" Seungmin said softly and laughed a bit as well. It felt nice to be able to laugh again instead of just arguing.

"So... What are we going to do?" Seungmin asked. "I mean... You're the one dating her at the moment." Hyunjin looked down, feeling seriously guilty. "Not exactly." It was better to confess it now than let him find out about it later. "We were pretending to be dating."

Seungmin's eyes widened, his mouth dropping in disbelief. "You what? You're kidding right? Why?" Hyunjin sat down on the couch, Seungmin following his lead. "When you started dating Elle, everyone knew how bad she was, and we wanted to make you realize. We all knew she was just dating you to make me jealous again, and we thought that if I would pretend to date Y/N, she might finally show her true intentions, saving you from her blinding spell."

Seungmin looked down. "I always knew" he said sadly, his head hanging low. "You did?" Hyunjin asked surprised. "Yeah, but I just didn't want to. I thought it was enough to just be with the person I loved, but it literally eats you from the inside." Hyunjin nodded. "I'm glad you finally realized how bad it was." Seungmin laughed a bit. "I guess I am too."

"So...." Seungmin started as Hyunjin sighed and took over. "I know, Y/N. I'll talk to her about ending this fake relationship, that way we both have a fair chance okay?" Seungmin's face lightened up. "Thank you Hyunjin, really."


I looked up to see the boys both entering my room again, but this time looking much better, actually smiling, which automatically made me smile, feeling more at ease. "I guess your talk went well?" I said with a grin on my face, as the boys both smiled back. They looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah, it did" Seungmin said content.

"I told him about our fake relationship, Y/N" Hyunjin suddenly said. Panick immediately took over, but seeing Seungmin still smile reassured me a bit. "It's okay, Hyunjin explained everything to me, don't worry about it" Seungmin said as he noticed my worried gaze.

"Y/N, we need to talk about, you know, us" Hyunjin started awkwardly. "Right now?" I asked, eyeing to Seungmin. "I'll give you too some time" he said laughingly as he left the room. My gaze went back to Hyunjin, who now moved somewhat closer. He put his hand on top of mine and smiled softly.

"Y/N, let's end this fake relationship." My mouth fell slightly open from shock, but I quickly closed it, causing Hyunjin to laugh even more. "It's true you know, about that I like you" he started while keeping his sweet smile. "It's true, which is why I want to end the fake relationship, because I want it to be real."

"Hyunjin, I-" Before I could finished he cut me off by putting his finger on my lips. "You don't have to answer right now, think it through okay?" He removed his finger from my lips as I nodded. "Okay" I said softly. He kept his smile, innocent, yet longing. Sweet, yet somewhat sad as if he tried his best to remain calm, but had to fight himself for it on the inside.

He stood up, slowly but surely. "I'll go then. I'll send Seungmin up so you two can talk as well. Don't make any rash decisions okay?" He sounded really worried, probably thinking that if I would get caught up in the moment I might be dating Seungmin in a few minutes. "Don't worry, I won't." I said with a reassuring smile.

His smile became more genuine and reassured. "Thank you" he said softly. Before walking out, he looked back once more, flashed another smile and left. My smile unconciously grew as well, as if his smile was contagious. I was just glad things were starting to clear up.

Only a minute later Seungmin arrived, his expression was unreadable. "How did your talk go?" he asked a bit worried. "We broke off the fake relationship" I said calmly. His face immediately lightened up, showing a glow in his eyes. "Really? I'm glad!" he said happily, making me laugh softly.

Seungmin sat down as well, but kept his distance, not forcing us to get a lot closer, but slowly trying to rebuild the bond we once had, for which I was really grateful. "So... I started to break the awkward silence. "You and Elle?" His smile disappeared slightly. "We broke up."

His look seemed to sadden with every second, even though he tried to contain his feelings. "Does it hurt a lot?" I asked worried. You can't just stop loving someone in a matter of seconds, I knew that all too well. He just nodded. "It does, but it's better this way."

"Why?" was all I asked. I knew how much he loved her, so why would they break up? "Because of you silly" he said with a small smile reappearing on his face as he looked me in the eyes, taking me aback slightly. "Because of me?" I asked somewhat confused. He nodded. "After seeing how she treated you, I realized that there was someone more important to me than Elle" he said.

"And that someone is you." His smile now grew again. We both sat there, with the world disappearing around us. The sun accented his honey-like skin, his eyes reflecting the sunlight. "Y/N, you mean so much to me, and I'm so sorry for all the things I've done. I know I hurt you so much, but please, will you give me another chance?"

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