13 🌸

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"Seungmin, we can't. You're dating Elle, I'm dating Hyunjin, we can't" I said sadned. Tears formed in his eyes. They were desperate, helpless, pained. "Please, I just want you Y/N, I just want you." He hugged me again, resting his chin in the crook of my neck. A tear fell down my cheeks. If Elle wouldn't have reappeared, I would have been the happiest girl right, but I couldn't. Under all these circumstances, how could I say yes?

He refused to let go of me. People were staring, but it felt like we were the only two people on earth. The warmth of his embrace instantly killed the cold breeze, his arms felt safe, protecting, but right now it all felt wrong. The gaze he gave Elle, the smile when he was around her, those are things only she could give him right now. No matter how much he begged, I knew that his heart still belonged to Elle.

"Seungmin, I-" he cut me off once again with a kiss, as if I wasn't allowed to speak. A tear rolled down my cheek, but fell into his fingers that were holding my cheeks. No matter how much I liked him, I knew that right now I couldn't, I shouldn't be doing this.

Seungmin suddenly moved his face. His eyes widened, fear written all over his face. I turned around, and saw a furious Hyunjin standing just a few meters away. Hatred was written all over his face. Seungmin grabbed my wrist again, wanting to run away, but Hyunjin caught up to us and grabbed my other wrist. He pulled me back, releasing my from Seungmin's grip. Hyunjin stormed in front of me, hitting Seungmin with all his might.

Seungmin stumbled back, and I let out a scream. Everything just went so fast. Seungmin hit Hyunjin back, I ran up to the without thinking, but was immediately pushed back again, causing me to fall on the ground. I couldn't do anything but watch them ruin each other. I couldn't move, all I could do was cry.

Soon it all stopped. Chan, Minho and Jisung came running up, Elle behind them. Chan and Minho ran up to Seungmin and Hyunjin, forcefully pulling the two apart while Jisung ran up to me, helping me up, making sure I wasn't hurt. Seungmin and Hyunjin just glared at each other.

"What the heck do you think you're doing!?" Chan asked furiously. "Ask the guy who was kissing my girlfriend!" Hyunjin yelled, trying to get out of Chan's grip, but Chan wouldn't let him go. Hyunjin gave up on trying and just scoffed. "Seungmin?" Chan asked, just wanting to get a clear idea of what was going on. "He doesn't deserve her! He's just trying to steal her away from me!" Seungmin yelled back with tears in his eyes.

"You already lost her the minute you betrayed her!" Hyunjin shouted back. "Hyunjin" Chan said stern. "Are you sure that you told me the whole truth about what was going on that morning?" Hyunjin just ignored the question. "Hyunjin!" Chan shouted, now also getting annoyed, and forcing Hyunjin to answer. "Fine, I love her okay? Now leave me alone!"

He finally got out of Chan's grip and walked away. Seungmin's eyes finally met mine, but my vision became blurry. My head hurt, tears kept flowing out, and it felt like my body had no strength left. "Why does this have to happen to me?" I cried almost inaudibly. My legs gave up, causing me to fell on my knees on the ground. Jisung tried to get me up again, but I couldn't. I didn't want to get up again and be strong, for once I wanted to show I wasn't all that strong, I had a weak side too.

Minho let go of Seungmin, who just stood still with tears in his eyes as well. Elle, who stayed silent all the time walked up to me, crouched down, and when she was finally at the same level as me, she hit my face. "Why are you stealing everything away from me!" She yelled in my ear and started hitting me rapidly. Jisung quickly pulled her off of me. "They were never yours to begin with! Hyunjin never loved you and you're just using Seungmin!" Jisung yelled at her.

Her eyes moved to Seungmin, begging him for help, but he just stood there, looking at her hatefully. "Baby" she said crying, but Seungmin walked away, leaving her behind. Elle ran after him, leaving just Chan, Minho, Jisung and me. "Come, Y/N, let's go home" Jisung softly said as he lifted me up. His hand was around my waist to support me with walking. My head hung low and my mind was all blank.

When we were home, Jisung got the key from under the doormat and opened it. He carefully placed me on the couch and got a glass of water. "Y/N, how did it get to this?" He asked sadly. "If only I never met you guys" I sobbed. "Y/N, don't say that. Yes, a lot changed ever since you came into our lives, but you genuinely made Seungmin happy. That didn't happen in a while."

I finally looked up, my teary eyes meeting Jisung. "Than what about my happiness?" "Owh gosh, Y/N, I'm sorry." He put his thumbs on my face to wipe away the tears. "I'm sorry for what those two did. I'm sure they never wanted you to end up like this but they... They have a complicated past which never really got closure, I'm guessing that old wounds are finally opening up again. I'm sorry."

I heard a soft knock on my door. Jisung wanted to get up, but I pulled him back down. "Please, I don't want to see them right now." Jisung still stood up. "I'll tell the person off, don't worry." Jisung walked up to the door and opened it. "Hyu-" "Out of my way!" Hyunjin bursted through the door and ran up to me. He kneeled down and put his hands on my cheeks.

"What have I done?" He asked, mentally beating himself up for it. "I'm so sorry, if only I stayed there, maybe Elle wouldn't have hit you." "Hyunjin" I quietly said, finally looking at him. "Do you really like me?"

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