16 🌸

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My heart was split in two. I wanted to be with him, but somehow it felt wrong. I wanted to be happy with him, but could I be happy with him? After all that happened? What if he left me hanging again? And Hyunjin too. He helped me so much, was everything just pretend?

"I want to give you another chance, but right now I don't think I can be in a relationship. I want to figure myself out first, clear my head a bit, so please give me some time to figure out what I want" I said softly, slightly embarrassed, but he just smiled. "Of course! I'm already happy that you want to" he said happily as he engulfed me in a hug. "Thank you Y/N!" I smiled back. "You're welcome."

"I should probably get going" he said after letting go of the hug, smiling shyly. "Yeah" I said softly, smiling as well. I walked him to the door. "Let's meet again soon okay?" he asked slightly worried, but my smile instantly calmed him down. "I would like that" I said happily.

After he left I checked my phone, seeing infinite messages from Hyunjin, causing me to chuckle.

-How did it go?
-What did he say?
-You two aren't dating right?

"He's already like a jealous boyfriend" I said laughingly, finding it somewhat cute.

-We aren't dating
-We talked out our differences,
and about his relationship
with Elle

He answered almost instantly.

-Thank god!
-I just heard Seungmin come home as well
-But there's a slight problem
-Elle is here too
-She won't stop bothering the both of us
-Please come over!! Save us

I sighed and put my phone away, already grabbing my shoes. She really won't stop huh? When I finally arrived at their house it was Jisung that opened the door. His facial expression was hard to read, but he didn't say a word and just went upstairs again.

I could already hear the yelling from the living room. "How could you guys do this to me! Can't you see she's trying to blind you both! She can't even choose who she likes!" I stopped moving, it was as if my body was paralyzed. The worst part about it all was that she was right. I don't know my own feelings anymore.

Suddenly a loud sound brought me back to reality. I stormed inside, finding Seungmin hitting her cheek. "Don't you ever dare to say anything bad about her again! Leave us alone!" She had tears in her eyes, but that's not all. They were burning with fire, rage had completely taken over her body.

She pushed Seungmin back, barely making him step back. "I never liked you anyway!" she yelled out of frustration. "All I needed was to make Hyunjin jealous, that didn't even work out, you're useless!" That's when I lost it, now it was my turn to slap her cheek. "Leave them alone already!" I screamed, hot tears streaming down my face out of anger.

She was clearly shocked to find me there. Her eyes were wide open, not knowing how to react. Seungmin also stood there in shock, not noticing when I came in, while Hyunjin seemed relieved. "Finally" he mouthed, walking up to me. He sat me down on the chair he was sitting in, making sure I calmed down a little.

"It's true, that I don't know my own feelings, but I don't use people to make others jealous. I don't force people to love me." Elle was still clearly in shock, as if she wasn't able to realize what was going on, until shock replaced itself for anger. Elle stormed right at me, her eyes screaming murder, but Chan suddenly held her back. "Don't you ever come back again" he said in a low scary voice, and yanked her arm, literally dragging her out of the house.

He smashed the door behind him and entered the living room. The three of us were clearly shocked by Chan's actions, since we've never seen him this mad before. Chan just sighed. "I thought it was time to finally get rid of her." We all burst out in laughter, laughing off the awkwardness. "Finally, I thought we never would!" Hyunjin laughed. 

We could see Elle walk away angrily, definitely yelling, but luckily enough we couldn't hear her. "Thank you for that Chan, I think you just did what everyone wanted to!" I said, trying to catch my breath from laughing too much. "No probs" he answered with a smile on his face. "Now that she's finally gone, and you three made up, everything is good right?" he asked slightly nervous. Seungmin, Hyunjin and I looked at each other and smiled. "Yeah!" We said together.

"Then we can FINALLY BARBEQUE TOGETHER!" Chan yelled as the other guys stormed down. "BARBEQUE?" they all yelled, causing us to laugh. Chan got a box and showed it. "I bought this for when things would finally be alright, so guess what we're doing?" Everyone's faces lit up and Jisung ran up to me, hugging me. "I'm really happy everything worked out!" he said with the brightest smile. I smiled and hugged him back. "Me too!"

"So, who are you dating?" Jeongin suddenly said bluntly, silencing everyone. Everyone's eyes were glued to me, making me slightly uncomfortable. "I'm not dating anyone right now" I answered quietly, slightly embarrassed. "YOU'RE NOT?" Felix yelled in shock. I shook my head, wanting to speak, but Seungmin spoke for me. "She's still unsure about her feelings, so we promised not to pressure her."

Everyone else just nodded, seeming to understand. "ANYWAYS, FOOD!" Jisung yelled to break the awkwardness. I mouthed him a small thank you as we all went outside to the barbeque. These weeks have been a complete roller coaster, but in the end, everything worked out well! What else could possibly go wrong?

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