3 🌸

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Tiredness quickly took over my body. I tried my best to stay awake, but I just couldn't. My head slowly fell on Seungmins shoulder. Still half awake, I could feel his hand tuck my hair behind my ear. His hand slowly moved towards my cheek, caressing it softly. I could feel my cheeks burn up, but hoped he didn't notice.

Suddenly our lips connect. It was only for a second, but it felt like my whole world had been turned upside down. I wanted to open my eyes, but my body wouldn't let me. It seemed as if my body had already fallen asleep, yet my mind was more awake than ever.

A thousand thoughts flood my mind after that kiss, but all that I could think of was the feeling of his soft, perfect lips. It felt as if I had finally found a part of me that had always been missing.

I could feel Seungmin slowly lifting me up, putting me on his back, and he started walking. My head rested on his shoulder, as my mind soon fell asleep as well.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. After remember what happened last night, I figured it must be Seungmins room. My fingers slowly moved to my lips, remember the feeling of his touch. My cheeks burned up once again. Was I dreaming or did he really kiss me?

My thoughts were swept away when I heard a small knock on the door. "Y/N, are you awake?" I quickly sat up straight. "I am, come in." He carefully opened the door and walked up to the bed, sitting down on the edge. "Did you sleep well?" He asked in a sweet honey-like voice. "I did, thank you. But... How did I end up here?"

It was best to pretend not to know. What if you were just dreaming after all? Seungmin laughed softly. "You fell asleep yesterday before I could even teach you anything." He chuckled. "I carried you back here, since I didn't know where you live, I hope you don't mind?" I quickly shook my head. "Not at all! Thank you Seungmin" you smiled brightly.

"We just have one small, ehm, situation going in downstairs" he started awkwardly. I tilted my head, indicating a question mark right above my head. "Do you remember the boy from yesterday? The pizza courier?"

'take good care of him for me.' You remembered him all too well after whispering something like that in your ear. "I do, why?" Seungmin awkwardly stared at the ground. "Well, he's my housemate, but... He isn't the only one. There's eight of us together, and they're all downstairs, knowing that 'some girl' is sleeping upstairs..."

I put my hand in front of my mouth. "Wait, they didn't misunderstand anything right? Owhmygosh that would be so awkward!!!" Seungmins chuckle came back. "I don't think so, don't worry. Just... Be careful around them, they can be somewhat.... weird."

Now it was my time to chuckle. "How weird could they possibly be?"

I take those words back. After washing my face and trying to fix my hair with my hands, I got downstairs. I stood in front of the entrance to the living room, but was completely frozen in shock. Guys running around, the house was a complete mess compared to yesterday. How does Seungmin survive in here?

Suddenly the boy who I recognized was Jisung now noticed me, and stood still in front of the other side of the door opening. "Ehm, guys?" He slowly said, but no one paid attention. "GUYS!" he yelled a lot louder this time.

All the boys now watched whatever was going on with Jisung, and their gazes slowly moved to my small figure. "Oh" someone said, after it got awfully quiet. "Ah, I, ehm, I was just leaving, I'm sorry. Thank you for letting me stay here." I quickly bowed and ran to the front door when someone stopped me, gently laying a hand on my shoulder.

"We probably scared you right? I'm very sorry for all the mess down here. I'm Chan, nice to meet you!" He held out his hand, and I hesitantly shook it. "I'm Y/N." "Y/N, why don't you stay over for breakfast. I'd feel bad if you left so soon." It felt awkward, eating with Seungmin and seven other guys you didn't know, but declining would feel mean. "Sure. I was hungry anyway."

The whole table was silent. No one dared to say a word, afraid they'd say something wrong. Well, apart from Jisung. "So, for how long have you and Seungmin been dating?" Wrong question! The water I tried to drink got in the wrong hole, causing me to choke on my water. I could hear Seungmin chuckle. "We aren't dating yet."

'Yet'.... Did he really just say yet??? As in, he's planning on doing so? My whole head started spinning. "Y/N, are you okay?" Chan asked, who was sitting next to me. "I'm fine!" I quickly said to avoid any awkwardness. "The food really was delicious, but I should probably get going now. Thank you once again."

I bowed once more and was ready to walk up to the door, when a hand grabbed mine. "Give me one second, I'll walk you home" Seungmin said with a cute smile. I got my purse, and together with Seungmin I started walking home. Once we were outside we both burst out in laughter. "That was the most awkward breakfast I ever had!" I said laughingly. "I agree!" Seungmin said back.

While walking, he told me all about the boys. Their age, what they do on a daily basis, it was quite interesting. Our hands briefly brushed, making my cheeks slightly redder. He smiled at me and took my hand. I looked at him somewhat in shock. "Just in case a bad guy decides to hit on you." My heart was about to pop out of my body, that's how nervous it made me.

"O-okay" I stammered, not being able to make full sentences. When we arrived, I stood still in front of my door. "Thank you for yesterday, and this morning as well, I really had fun!" I said with a bright smile on my face. "You too thank you. We'll meet again soon right?" I nodded quickly. "Of course!" His smile grew. "Then goodbye Y/N." He walked up to me and put his hand on my head, slightly pushing my hair back. Like that, he kissed my forehead, and quickly took a step back. "Bye!" He said and left, leaving you in a messy state. I think I might be in love with him.

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now