26 🌸

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There she was, the last person I wanted to see today. Elle. Her eyes were watery and red, even in the darkness it was easy to see she had been crying a lot. Her gaze shifted from Seungmin to me, slightly pointing at the wheelchair. "What... Happened?" She asked, her voice on the verge of breaking down. "A car accident" I replied monotone. "Oh" was all she could say.

"Seungmin, I know this probably isn't the right timing, but can we please talk?" she asked him as the tears started flowing down her cheeks as soon as she said his name. He looked at me, definitely seeming conflicted. I nodded, telling him to go. I knew very well that he still cared for her, even though it hurt. A flashes me a small smile before walking up to her, the two going somewhere a little further away. I could still see them, but had no idea what they were saying.

Clearly, the conversation was a mess. Elle was definitely crying and Seungmin... For one second my heart stood still as he took her in his arms. Were they getting back together? They can't right? Didn't he say he loved me? So he can't possibly date her right? My head felt like it could explode any minute.

"Y/N" Elle's voice called out, pulling me back into reality. "I'm so terribly sorry for what I did, I really went too far." She looked down, genuinely seeming to feel guilty. "I admit that the technique you were using wasn't really the best" I started off hesitantly, "but you probably just didn't think it through right?" I asked with a small smile. Her face shot up, a smile appearing on her face as well. "Thank you Y/N!" she said happily.

Elle turned to Seungmin, who stood beside her. "Seungmin, do you think you can take me home?" she asked a bit worried. "I heard there's a group of guys vandalizing the neighbourhood lately." Seungmin looked at me, and then back at Elle. "Give me one second." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it next to his ear. "Can you come to the park? Yeah, right now. Really? Thank you, see you soon!"

He turned back to me. "Y/N, Hyunjin is on his way here, I'm bringing Elle home okay? We'll talk at home okay?" I nodded while looking down. "Sure" I said, disappointed definitely noticable. He started walking away with Elle when a sudden thought popped up in my head. "Wait, Seungmin!" I called out. He turned back. "What were you going to say?" I asked anxiously. I knew what he was gonna say, but I needed to know. What he completely over Elle? Did he like me enough to ask it when she was here as well?

He gave me a small smile. "Let's talk about that tomorrow okay?" My hopes immediately dropped. "Oh, okay." They continued walking and as soon as they were out of sight a tear fell down, and another, and another one, soon the tears started flowing down uncontrollably. "Who on earth leaves a date for his ex" I asked in-between my sobs.

"Y/N?" Hyunjin called out awfully confused. He speeded up his pace and soon reached me. "What are you doing here alone? Where is Seungmin?" Upon hearing his name, I started crying even more. Hyunjin was taken aback for a second, but immediately took me in his arms. "It's okay, I'm here. I'm here."

My face was burried in his chest, my arms wrapped around his torso as his were on my back and head, slowly stroking my hair. Soon the crying just became sniffing, but neither of us let go. 'He does smell good' suddenly popped up in my head. I inhaled his scent once more, a small smile appearing on my face. The time seemed to have stopped.

Hyunjin slowly moved away as he wiped my tears away. "What happened?" He asked in the sweetest voice possible. His voice was husky and so calming. "Would you believe it if I told you he's bringing Elle home right now?" Hyunjin frowned, yet his expression quickly turned somewhat dark. "You're telling me she's back? Again?" I nodded. "She apologized to me and clearly she and Seungmin made up as well... They sure seem close again since they were hugging."

Hyunjin had the word disgust written all over his face. "I told him to take good care of you and the first thing he does is literally leave you for that b*tch?" He ran his hand through his hair, showing his forehead in the process. "I even tried to be happy for him, yet he just threw all that away! I can't believe him!"

"I'm sorry" I quietly said while looking down, tears forming in my eyes again. Hyunjin immediately turned back to me to take me in his arms again. "It's okay, don't worry. I know just as well that you can't choose your own feelings." He planted another kiss on my forehead as he quickly backed away again, somewhat embarrassed and shocked by his action. "I'm sorry, I guess I can't do that anymore now can I?" he said awkwardly. I looked at the ground, my face completely red, too flustered to say a word. Hyunjin ruffled my hair and started pushing the wheelchair. "Let's go home."

"Y/N, welcome home! And... Hyunjin?" Chan asked confused. "What happened to Seungmin?" Hyunjin let out an annoyed sigh. "He's bringing Elle home." Chan frowned, making the exact same expression Hyunjin had when he heard her name again. "But I thought we got rid of her?" Chan asked, causing Hyunjin to chuckle. "Apparently not."

Chan's gaze moved to me. "Y/N, are you okay?" I quickly nodded my head. "I'm fine, just a little tired, so I should probably sleep soon." Chan clearly didn't buy it, but smiled anyway. "I'm here if you want to talk okay?" I small smile appeared on my face as I looked at him. "Thank you Chan." Hyunjin lifted me up, startling me a little. "Let's get you to bed."

"Goodnight Y/N" he said as he tucked me in, turning the lights off. He quietly closed the door behind him as another door downstairs opened. "Seungmin" Hyunjin said in a dangerously low voice. It was difficult to hear, but if I focussed I could hear his voice. "We need to talk."

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now