25 🌸

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Hyunjin POV

My heart split in two as the two came down together, Y/N on his back with her arms wrapped around him, smiling happily. My eyes instantly searched for Y/N's, desperately seeking confirmation. Please don't let it be true was all I could think of. Y/N finally looked at me, but despite her smile, her eyes told a whole different story. 'I'm sorry' was written in it.

"Oh, are you two...?" Chan asked with a big, proud smile on his face as he saw their smiles. Seungmin nodded happily as he looked at Y/N, full of admiration. It was impossible to miss, he really loved her, which hurt even more. The thought that someone you love so much, you spent so much time with, the thought that that person would ever fall for someone else, who loved them back as much as you love them. That nightmare just became reality.

I couldn't do anything. All I can do from now on is be happy for her, pray that she's happy and that he treats her like I would. I should let go, but I don't want to let go of her. I don't want to believe that whatever we had was officially over. I just stared at the ground, trying to contain all my feelings when a hand patted my back. Jisung stood right next to me with a weak smile on his face. Not a happy one, but a sympathetic one. One that has been through the pain. I gave him a weak smile back as I nodded, implying I was, or at least would be okay.

"Seungmin, I think I forgot my phone upstairs, can you get it for me?" Y/N asked in her sweet voice, a voice I wanted to hear forever, the first thing I wanted to wake up to and the last thing I heard before going to sleep. Seungmin quickly pecked her cheek. "No problem, I'll be right back." Y/N's smile grew wider and her cheeks turned redder. Seungmin put her down on the couch and went upstairs, her eyes following his every move in wonder. There really was nothing I could do anymore. They're in love.

I went upstairs to see Seungmin, sitting in on the bed. I silently sat next to him. "Hyunjin, I-" "She likes vanilla ice cream the most, so you have to give her that often. Whenever there's a spider, catch it immediately and don't let her know she's terrified of them. If there's thunder, put headphones on her head and hold her tight to calm her down. She can't eat spicy food so make sure whatever you order isn't too spicy. She loves romantic movies and dislikes horror.

Give her roses every once in a while, and take her to the cinema, she absolutely loves it. Her favourite food is pizza, but no pineapple on it!" I let out a sigh as I looked him in the eyes. "Promise me you'll take good care of her?" Seungmin smiled a little. "I promise." He stood up and was about to walk away when he turned back. "Hyunjin" he said, making me look up. "Thank you."


"Are you ready?" Seungmin asked as he handed me the phone, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Yeah, let's go!" I said happily. "We're going out!" I said to Chan who nodded in approval. "Will you be back before dinner?" he asked. I looked at Seungmin who shook his head. "We won't, but I can't say too much or it won't be a surprise anymore." Chan laughed. "Just get home safe kids!" Seungmin let out a sigh. "For the last time, what do you mean kids!! You're 3 years older, you're talking like some sort of grandpa!"

Chan looked up, looking offended yet trying to hold in his laughter. "Whatever, just go on your date or something" he said, finally laughing. "We will, bye bye!" I said as Seungmin started pushing the wheelchair. "Are you ready for the best day of your life?" he asked with a wink, making me slightly flustered. "I am" I said happily.

My mouth fell open as I saw where we were. "An amusement park!" I said as I instantly turned around to see him, a contagious smile plastered on my face. "I told you it'd be awesome!" he said as he pushed us to the ticket register. "Two tickets please" he said as he handed the cashier the money. "Here is a wheelchair ticket, with this you won't have to wait in line" the lady said as she handed the tickets to Seungmin. "Thank you!" we both said in unison as we looked around.

In my entire life, I don't think I've screamed this much. The roller coaster, pirate ship, we even went into the haunted house! Seungmin stood there for five minutes trying to comfort me, doing everything he could think of to calm me down, even buying me a plushie and matching head ornaments.

"Thank you so much for today, it really was amazing" I said we were just outside of the amusement park again. The sun had already set, the moon high up in the sky with thousands of stars surrounding it. "It isn't over yet" he said with a slight smirk on his face, making me even more confused. "But it's already 10, what else could we possibly do at this hour?" He smiled as he leaned in to kiss my temple. "Be a good girl and don't ask too many questions okay?"

About half an hour later, we got to the most familiar place. The park! "Of course, how could we possibly not go to the park" I said laughingly. He sat down at our spot, parking me next to him. There weren't many people, maybe just two who were walking their dog. The street lanterns were the only source of light, being just enough to make out his face.

He finally turned to me with a nervous smile on his face. "Y/N, I wanted to do this officially." He stood up and kneeled down before me, his hands grabbing mine. "Y/N, will you be my-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a voice called out, totally broken. "Seungmin?"

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