23 🌸

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"Oka-" "GUYS, ARE YOU DONE YET?" Chan yelled from downstairs, startling the both of us. "NOT YET!" Seungmin yelled back downstairs. There was a long awkward silence between us, both not sure of what to say at all. "We should probably start packing" I said as I shook my head, trying to shake away the thoughts. "Yeah" Seungmin replied awkwardly as he started helping me pack.

We both sat on the bed, picking up the stuff. "Seungmi-" "Y/N-" we both said at the same time, facing each other. Our faces were only inches apart. Both of our eyes widened, clearly flustered as my cheeks were burning up. "You go first" he said embarrassed as we scooted away from each other. "Let's go tomorrow" I said determined. His face immediately lit up as he looked me right in the eyes. His eyes were glowing, like they held an entire universe. "Thank you!"

"If you're done flirting, let's continue packing her suitcase shall we?" Chan said leaning against the door with a smirk on his face, catching us both off guard. "At least knock if you're here!" I said slightly embarrassed. Chan laughed and started helping me pack. "Nah, this is more fun." I shook my head and continued packing as well, so did Seungmin who was now bright red.

Not too much later we finished packing and Chan lifted the suitcase to the door. "I'll let you two talk for a while, I'll wait downstairs okay?" he said with a soft smile as he went downstairs. Seungmin and I looked at each other both somewhat flustered and smiled shyly.

"So... About tomorrow" I started. "What are we going to do?" Seungmin smiled to himself. "It's a secret~" he said with a wink to tease me. "Come on, tell meee!" I said curiously, making him laugh. "I won't say a word!" He ruffled my hair and crouched down in front of me. "Let's go downstairs." I smiled and let myself rest on his back.

"Done so soon?" Chan asked slightly surprised when he saw us downstairs. "I guess" I answered nonchalantly. "Anyways, let's go!" Seungmin said happily. When we drove away, Chan kept a worried face. "Chan, what's wrong?" I asked concerned. "Well, we still don't know where you're sleeping right?" I shook my head slightly embarrassed at the thought of sleeping in the same room as a boy. I know I did so before with Hyunjin, but my cheeks were still burning up. "I'm just concerned that the boys might make a fuss out of it."

I turned to the window, already picture what could possibly happen, and I have to admit, it didn't look good. "Maybe I should have stayed in the hospital after all" I said with a long sigh, but I felt Seungmin lightly hit my shoulder from the back. "Don't say that! Aren't you happy to be with us?" He asked pretending to be hurt. "I am! It's just that I've caused you guys trouble already, I don't want to be a burden." I looked down, the uneasiness rising.

"Y/N, listen to me" Seungmin said as he got closer, now only a few inches away again. "You could never be a burden to us, you know that right?" A soft smile appeared on my face and my cheeks became slightly more red. "Thank you" I whisper softly. "Lover birds, we're home!" Chan said enthusiastically, instantly breaking the mood. "Chan, stop doing that!" I whined, but Chan just laughed mischievously. "Do what?" He asked 'innocently'. "You know what I mean!" I said slightly frustrated, mostly because of how embarrassed it made me.

"Fine, fine, I'll stop for now, but anyways, let's get out of the car!" Chan turned off the engine and got my suitcase out. My door opened and to my surprise, Jisung was already standing there with the wheelchair right next to him. "Did you get everything?" he asked with a huge smile on his face, instantly making me smile as if it was contagious. "I did! Well, I think I did?" I said kind of unsure. Jisung ruffled my hair before lifting me up. "I'm sure you did, don't worry!"

The four of us went inside again and my eyes instantly fell on the table. "Is that cake?" I asked enthusiastically before even greeting the others. "Hello to you too" Minho said
disappointed. "Sorry" I quickly apologized. "Anyway kids!" Chan butted in. "What do you mean kids?" Jeongin asked offended. "Well, you guys are- THAT'S NOT THE POINT! We should find a place for Y/N to sleep, because I'm not letting her sleep on the couch. Especially with her legs, she needs a good comfortable bed with much space!" Everyone looked at each other and agreed.

"How about my room? I can just room with Seungmin" Jisung offered. He looked at Seungmin who nodded in agreement. "She'll probably take over my room anyways next week, so that way she can get used to it" Jisung said without thinking. "Take your room over next week? Why?" Felix asked confused, startling Jisung.

"Ehm, I have to tell you guys something" he started sadly, instantly worrying the others. "Jisung, you're not seriously dying like in Y/N's dream are you?" Changbin asked trying to lift the mood a little, but still worried. Jisung laughed a little, but his expression soon became sad again. "I'm moving to Malaysia with my parents."

A silence fell in the room, everyone was too shocked to say something. I looked down, trying to fight back the sad feeling. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Minho asked hurt. "I thought we shared everything" he added silently, holding back his tears. "I'm sorry" Jisung said. "I just didn't want to make you guys sad, but it feels like it hurts even more now..."

Minho walked up to Jisung and hugged him tight. "Do you really have to leave?" Jisung silently nodded his head, unable to speak. "I'm sorry" was all he could say. "I'm sorry." Everyone watched to two heartbroken, until Felix spoke up. "That just means we'll have to make this the best week ever right?" Minho slowly let go of Jisung and smiled through the tears. "Yeah!"

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now