8 🌸

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After ignoring the message, Hyunjin's phone started buzzing as well.

-Why are you at Y/N's place?
-You barely know her

Hyunjin sighed. "I swear, it's clear he's jealous, so why does he keep clinging on the Elle!" I looked down somewhat embarrassed. "If he really liked me in that way he probably wouldn't have left me so suddenly..." Hyunjin immediately noticed the sadness in my voice. "I'm sorry!"

"Y/N, if you really feel that uncomfortable about doing this, I don't want to force you." Before I could answer, the doorbell rang. I walked up to the door confused with Hyunjin following closely. I opened it shocked, seeing Seungmin right in front of me. He seemed somewhat out if breath. He must have run here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused, but also with a mix of a lot of other emotions. Seungmin was still catching his breath, but his eyes were staring right through my soul. "I...wanted...to...check...up...on...you..." He said, still trying to catch his breath. "Why on earth would you want to check up on me?" I asked sarcastically.

"You weren't answering your phone!" He said, genuinely looking worried. "Don't you already have a girlfriend you should be worried about?" I asked in an annoyed yet hurt tone. He sighed. "Listen Y/N, I know that we aren't on great terms, but just because of this doesn't mean I don't care about you."

Aaand that was a direct hit. It made me feel even more guilty for acting this way, acting so cold, but I didn't want to get hurt by him. Not again. I didn't want to catch feelings for him again. I had to move on.

"Listen Seungmin, I'll take care of worrying about her, so you go back to your girlfriend" Hyunjin interfered as he put an arm around me, slightly pulling me back. Seungmin furrowed his brows. "Y/N, what exactly is going on between you two?" He asked confused, also somewhat annoyed.

I couldn't answer him. Honestly, I didn't even know what was going on myself. "Y/N?" Seungmin asked once more, forcing me to answer.

"Seungmin?" A girl's voice called out. Everyone's attention shot to the girl. "Baby, what are you doing here?" Once her eyes moved from Seungmin to me and Hyunjin, she clearly seemed annoyed, but put on a smile. "You must be Y/N. I'm Elle, nice to meet you!" She held out her hand. I hesitantly reached out, until Hyunjin took it. "You two should get going" he said coldly.

Everyone became quiet, the atmosphere growing more awkward. "Seungmin, why were you here anyway?" Elle asked him, somewhat clinging onto him. It was easy to spot her glance at Hyunjin, but she quickly looked back at Seungmin. "Just checking up on Y/N" he replied casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Well, now that you've checked up on her, you should go now" Hyunjin replied, now seriously annoyed. He closed the door and took me back inside. "Why can't Seungmin see she's up to no good?" He asked frustrated. I looked out the window, seeing Seungmin happily smile at her.

"What's so special about her that I don't have?" I asked almost inaudibly, but Hyunjin still heard me. He quickly walked up to me and took me in his arms. "It's okay" he whispered. Exactly at that time, Seungmin looked through the window, seeing the two all close together. Hyunjin and Seungmin coldly stared at each other, neither of them wanting to break their gazes, until Elle pulled Seungmin along. His look softened again as he happily walked away.

After dinner, I got another text message from Seungmin. I didn't want to open it at first, but ignoring it wasn't an option either.

-Y/N, do you really have to be so close to Hyunjin?
-Let's talk one more time
-Tonight at 11 at the park, our usual spot

I glanced over at your clock. 9.43. I still had an hour. Hyunjin scoffed as he read the messages. "I guess the plan is working, but I'm starting to like it less and less" he admitted. "You were the one who insisted on doing it though!" I argued, as he sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted Elle gone, but I don't think he should be so close to you after breaking your heart like that."

I stared at Hyunjin. "You really hate Elle a lot don't you?" He looked at me a bit shocked, but quickly nodded. "She's the reason our friendship split this badly, I won't forgive her that easily. I nodded in understanding.

After about half an hour, Hyunjin went back home, and I prepared for the evening. I went to the park, to the spot where me and Seungmin first met. I smiled softly at our first memory together, remembering the good times the two of us had.

"The view is really pretty isn't it?" I heard a familiar voice say the words I remembered oh so well. "It is" I replied softly. He sat down next to me. "Y/N, I know that I've been a complete ass the past few days, and I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you I guess." He replied honestly, making me somewhat flustered.

"I've been acting terrible too... It hurt, acting so harsh, but I was afraid of getting hurt again, so I shut you out... I'm sorry" I told him. I never wanted to hurt him in the first place, my goal was to rescue him from the wench. Even though I wasn't sure if the relationship me and Seungmin had together could ever be restored, I still cared about him. Yes, he hurt me awfully a lot, but it still felt wrong, acting so mean. It was more like he was a prisoner, and I needed to free him from Elle's guard. He was just being blinded by her, so all I had to do was show him the light, right?

"Y/N, can we please put this all behind us? Let's start over again" Seungmin asked hopefully, but I shook my head. "If you're asking me to forget everything that happened from the day I met you, I can't do that." His hope was immediately crushed. "But... I guess we could try to patch things up" I replied with a soft smile. His smile immediately got back. "I would love that!"

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