14 🌸

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His eyes gazed at me like never before. Jisung moved upstairs, not in the mood for more drama, while Hyunjin and I kept staring at each other. I was scared for his answer, or maybe not exactly his answer, but my own feelings. What do I think of him? Were these past few days really just pretending?

"Y/N, let's talk about this another time okay? You're tired and your body is really weak, you should rest. "Hyunjin, please, tell me!" I insisted. He stood up, silently deciding what to do. I wanted to stand up as well, but immediately fell back, my vision becoming blurry. "Y/N, are you okay?" Hyunjin asked worried as he came over. I didn't answer. My head was spinning awfully.

"Owhmygosh, this is bad! JISUNG, HELP OUT HERE!" Hyunjin screamed. Jisung immediately stormed down "What's wrong?" As soon as he saw the state I was in he rushed over. "Hyunjin, you carry her upstairs, I'll prepare a wet cloth, she's burning up!" Hyunjin did as he was told and carefully put me in bed.

My eyes were shut, but I could still hear them. Seconds later I felt a cold wet cloth resting on my forehead. A drop rolled down my face. "I'm sorry Y/N" Hyunjin cried. "It's not your fault man" Jisung said, trying to comfort him. "Okay, well, maybe a bit, but at least you're not fully to blame?" Hyunjin let out a small laugh. "You suck at comforting you know!" Jisung scoffed but laughed it off.

"She really looks peaceful when she's asleep" Hyunjin said after a while. Not that I was asleep, but I didn't have the strength to say something. "Hyung, tell me. Do you really like her?" It stayed silent. "Come on, tell me! Don't leave me out again." Hyunjin let out a sigh. "Yeah. Yeah, I do like her." It sounded more like a confirmation for himself rather than an actual answer.

"What are you planning on doing? We both know she's still head over heals for Seungmin" Jisung said slightly worried. "I don't know... I can't force her to love me, so all I can do is show her how much I care." Jisung hummed, agreeing with what Hyunjin just said. After staying silent for a few more minutes, I heard them leave, and soon fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up in cold sweat. Everything around me was dark, the only light coming from the moon that shines through the curtains. "Another nightmare" I said with a sigh. When I got up, the wet cloth fell down. "It's still wet?" I questioned. I went downstairs to go to the toilet, only to find Jisung downstairs.

"Y/N? Why are you awake? It's in the middle of the night!" He walked up to me and put his hand on my forehead. "Your fever isn't really going down... Try to get some more sleep, that's the best medicine!" I simply nodded. "Hi, why are you here?" I asked confused. "To look after you of course" he said laughingly as he ruffled my hair. "You were in such an awful shape that Hyunjin and I couldn't just leave you here alone."

Hyunjin... The memory of what happened before I fell asleep came back. I still remember very well how soft his voice was when he said that. A blush appeared on my face, but luckily, because of the dark, Jisung didn't notice. "Did Hyunjin go home?" I asked, trying to surpress the memory. "He's upstairs in another room sleeping."

"Shouldn't you be sleeping as well?" I asked teasingly. "Hey, one of us had to stay awake in case your condition got worse! Now go back to bed" he said teasing back, as he pushed me towards the stairs. We both went upstairs and into my room. "I'll replace your cloth, just try to rest out okay?" I nodded and smiled. "Thanks Ji."

3rd person POV

When Jisung got back with a new cloth, he saw the small girl already fast asleep. Jisung sat down on the bed, right next to Y/N and put a strand of hair behind her ear. "She really is going through a lot" he said with a sigh and a pity look on his face. "I just hope she doesn't get hurt any more than she already has... I should be there for her" he said, confirming it for himself. He lightly pushed her bangs back, putting the new cloth on her forehead. "Hang in there Y/N" he said as he got up and went out of the room, letting the girl rest.

Your POV

This time when I woke up the sun was already shining bright. I got the cloth off of my forehead again, removing the weight that was resting on my forehead. However, I didn't wake up peacefully. The sound of people yelling is what woke me up. At first I thought it was the neighbours again, but the voices sounded too close.

I went downstairs to check where it came from and saw Hyunjin and Seungmin arguing at the front door, Seungmin desperately trying to get in, but Hyunjin blocking his way. "At least let me see how she's doing! After that I'll leave, I promise, but just let me through." "Go check up on your own girlfriend, but leave mine alone!" Hyunjin sneared back. "For the so maniest time, she isn't my girlfriend anymore Hyunjin, we broke up!"

Did I hear that right? They broke up? You've got to be kidding me right? Apparently Hyunjin thought the exact same thing. "You? And Elle? Broke up? Come on, we both know that can't be true, you love her too much!" "I'm telling the truth! Yes, I do still love her, but I now know that I lost what's most important to me, and that's Y/N. I love her more than anything in the damned world, and seeing how Elle treated her, I don't care anymore!"

Hyunjin turned quiet, unsure of what to say. He wanted to say so much, but nothing came out. Seungmin saw his chance and slipped through. I quickly ran upstairs again and dove into bed, hoping he didn't notice me. Just three seconds later, Seungmin slowly opened my door and sat down on the bed. I pretended to wake up and saw him looking at me with tender eyes.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" Seungmin asked, his hand now resting on my cheek. "Y-yeah" I said flustered. "Y/N, I'm so sorry about yesterday" he started. "If only I didn't walk away, I-" before he could finish I interrupted him. "It's okay Seungmin, don't sweat it. You were frustrated, I get it." He smiled, happy I seemed to understand him. "Thank you Y/N."

Suddenly, the door was thrown open with a lot of force, revealing Hyunjin, trying to catch his breath, all sweaty and red. "Hyunjin? What happened?" I said as I sat up straight. He walked over, indicating for Seungmin to move, which he did. "What girl doesn't have any medicine at home" he said inbetween his heavy breathing, causing me to chuckle. "You ran all the way for medicine?" He nodded since that took less effort than talking.

"Thank you Hyunjin" I said after taking the medicine. "Anything for you" he said with a smile on his face. Seungmin stayed silent all this time, not interfering, until now. "Hyunjin" he started. His face became serious, his voice deeper than normally and his eyes hooded. Hyunjin looked at him, immediately catching on on the atmosphere. "Let's talk this out."

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