22 🌸

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Chan lifted out the wheelchair again, as Jisung lifted me in it. Everyone was standing in front of the house, holding the banner up high. I locked eyes with Hyunjin, smiling brightly. He walked up to me and gave me a tight hug, still making sure that I was safe and that the wheelchair wouldn't accidentally roll back.

A warm feeling washed over me. The feeling of happiness, which I thought I had lost due to that terrible dream. The fact that everything seemed to be back to normal again made me unable to stop smiling. Of course, it wasn't as it used to be, just me and sometimes my parents, but me and my new family.

I contacted my parents and told them about the situation in the car, and as I couldn't control their panick when they heard I was in a wheelchair, Chan luckily enough took over the phone and told me to put it on speaker. He gently explained the situation and offered a room in their house, to which my parents agreed. They would have offered to go home, but since they both have a job and my grandmother to take care off, they decided to let Chan take care of me.

What he didn't say, was that, in fact, there were no vacant rooms for me alone. I'd have to share a room with one of the boys until Jisung went to Malaysia. He decided not to tell, since obviously, my parents would never agree to such a condition. Alone with a boy in one room, at night? Never!

Hyunjin let go off the hug, since the other boys also wanted a hug from me. He protested, but had no choice since the others literally stormed right at me. Even though we didn't know each other all that well yet, we all really cared for each other. Going through hard times together really made us grow closer.

I gave everyone a hug and smiled even brighter. "Thank you for letting me stay here everyone!" They all smiled and Minho ruffled my hair. "No problem, we're glad to have you!" Jisung rolled me in the living room, as everyone gathered around. "Y/N, you still have a lot at your home right?" Chan asked slightly worried. "I totally forgot!" I started pushing the wheelchair in the direction of the door. "Let's go get my stuff!"

Chan sighed laughingly as he came up to me to open the door for me. "Anyone want to help?" Seungmin immediately ran forward. "I'm coming!" He glanced at Hyunjin for a second who had a somewhat worried expression, but quickly turned back. "I'm coming" he said once again, much more determined. Chan looked at the two and nodded. "Okay, then let's go. Minho, can you order pizza for everyone? I think Y/N deserves something nice to eat!"

My face immediately lit up. "We're getting pizza?" Chan and Minho looked at each other and nodded. "Pizza it is!" Minho said happily. "Let's go get your stuff" Seungmin said. He stood right behind me and slowly moved closer, kissing the top of my head as he rolled the wheelchair forward. I looked up a bit flustered, since he and Elle became a couple he hasn't shown that kind of affection, but I smiled back when I saw him smiling happily at me.

Minho came to the door to see us out while Hyunjin and Jisung were talking together, not seeming too happy. Seungmin lifted me up firmly and took a moment to just look at me. Our eyes locked, a smile forming on both of our faces until he put me in the front seat again while Chan put the wheelchair in the back. I rolled down the window. "We'll be back soon!" I yelled to which Minho smiled. "Come back safe!"

It didn't take too long to reach my house. Chan got out the wheelchair again, and Seungmin lifted me in it. "Y/N, do you have the keys to your house?" Chan asked. "Of course I do!" I got the keys out of my pocket and leaned forward to unlock the door. "Y/N and Seungmin, will you get things from upstairs? I'll check to see if there's anything from downstairs that you need to take with you" Chan said and Seungmin and I agreed. Seungmin crouched down in front of me, me facing his back. "Hop on" he said laughingly. I let myself carefully fall on his back and we went upstairs. He put me down on my bed, where I could rest my legs.

Before packing, Seungmin sat down next to me for a while. His head hung low, his smile slightly disappearing. "You know" he started, "it was really difficult... Watching you in the hospital. Chan often told me to come back home, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave you." He gulped, trying to contain his emotions. "It makes me wonder how stupid I was to leave you in the first place."

I looked down as well, at my feet who were dangling in the air. I didn't know it either. One the one hand, I understood. He had someone else he loved, but on the other hand, I couldn't understand him at all. I couldn't understand what he was thinking at all. He loved Elle with all of his heart, why did he leave her? Seungmin grabbed my hand with both of his and looked me in the eyes. He looked so nervous yet determined, it really reminded me of a cute puppy.

"Y/N, let's go on a date tomorrow, just the two of us. Give me a chance to prove how much you mean to me. I won't force you to go, but please allow me to take you out once more." He paused for a second to see my reaction. I was still at loss for words, kind of the aback my his sudden affection and his determination. When I didn't answer he continued.

"We could go for a picknick, take pictures, go for a walk, although you can't exactly walk but I would just push you in the wheelchair. We could go get something to drink, read a book, go stargazing again like the first time, everything you want, but please, will you give me a chance?"

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