30 🌸

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Seungmin carefully placed me in bed as he sat down next to me. There wasn't even a sparkle of happiness in his eyes, his body seemed to have lost its strength as his mental state clearly wasn't well either. Neither of us spoke for a while, we just sat there in silence, both staring at the ground, not knowing what to say. What would you even say to someone who just left you alone for another girl who already betrayed him?

Seungmin let his head fall into his hands, completely seeming to crumble. "Y/N" he said, it was easy to notice his voice was off. "I-..." He paused for a second, trying to figure out the right words. "When I saw Lucas, the first thing I did was run to your room. I was so scared when you weren't there. I thought he had done something to you... "

He let out a sigh and looked me in this eyes, placing my hands on his. "The thought of losing you again was unbearable, I never even got to officially ask you out, all the plans I had for the future seemed to have disappeared in the blink of an eye. I ran down again and hit Lucas so hard, I kept yelling at him, asking him what he had done to you... When the police arrived, they had to hold me back, I only calmed down a little when Chan told me you were safe..."

He looked down again. "...with Hyunjin" he added silently. He looked back at me, somewhat desperate. "Y/N, I hate this feeling, and I know that he means well, but I hate it when you two are together, just laughing, hugging, whatever you do, it's eating me from the inside." My eyes widened a little in disbelief as I scoffed. "Says the guy who left me to bring his crazy ex home!"

"She's not crazy!" he defended. "She apologized right? Yes, she was wrong, but you can't just judge a person on what mistakes they make, you should judge them on how they grow and learn from them!" "Sometimes it hurts more to hold on to a person and keep believing in them then to let them go. Can't you see she still has tricks up her sleeve? Why else would her brother have come here!" I argued as tears started forming in my eyes.

Seungmin stopped arguing as he saw how hurt I was and let out a frustrated sigh. "Maybe you're right. Maybe, she is as awful as you say, but I can't just leave her. She needs someone, and I want to be there for her." "Then go" I said coldly, but a tear streaming down my face. Seungmin looked rather shocked at first, but then pained.

He stood up and walked to the door. "Will you promise you you'll wait for me?" he asked, nervously and hopefully. I shook my head, trying to keep back more tears. "I can't Seungmin. I love you, but I can't get myself get hurt over and over because you're clearly not over Elle." Seungmin wanted to protest but just walked out. I could hear him break down from the other side of the wall, him smashing it as hard as he could before storming out.

A few minutes later Jisung came up, looking more determined then ever as he got out a suitcase, already packing my stuff, leaving me in confusion. "Jisung, what are you doing?" "Packing your stuff" he said without paying any attention. "I can see that, but why?" He stopped and let out a sigh. "You're coming with me. To Malaysia."

My brows furrowed and my mouth slightly fell open. "What? What do you mean? Jisung, what is this about?" Jisung now sat on the bed, his hand cupping my cheek. "Y/N, I can't leave you. If you would have been happy here, I could have, but lately all I've seen you do is crying. I know how much you care about Seungmin, but I can't let him hurt you like this, not if I'm not here to comfort you." He stood up again and continued packing.

"Jisung-" I said in a hushed yet worried voice, but he wouldn't let me speak. It seemed like he completely made up his mind and no one would be able to change it. "Y/N, don't worry. I'll make sure it's gonna be amazing over there. We can go shopping, go to school together, go wherever you want, as long as it makes you happy. I promise I'll take care of you."

"Jisung, listen to me" I tried again, but this he turned around, his eyes somewhat red. "Please. I'm begging you. I don't want to leave you. I don't want to leave this house, everyone here, I don't want to leave, please don't make me have to leave you too." He dropped the bag and threw his arms around me, crying out in mine.

"Do you want to stay that badly?" an unfamiliar voice suddenly called out. Jisung and I both looked up to see a man around his 50s. "Dad" Jisung said softly as he wiped the tears away. I immediately turned red and flustered. "I-it's nice to meet you sir! I'm Y/N." His father smiled softly. "I heard a lot about you, it's nice to finally meet you too." His father turned back to Jisung and walked up to him, ruffling his hair. "I came to bring you home, but I guess you didn't want to all along huh?"

His father smiled a little. "You could have just said so you know?" Jisung nodded as he looked down. "I didn't want to be selfish" he said. His father shook his head. "It's okay to be selfish from time to time. I'll tell mom you're staying here." Jisung's face shot up. "Can I?" His father laughed a little. "Only if you promise to take good care of yourself and those around you." Jisung nodded happily as he hugged his father. "Thank you so much" he cried out of happiness.

Suddenly a loud thump startled us all, revealing five others boys. "You're staying here?" Minho asked, also with tears in his eyes. Jisung nodded happily as he ran right into Minho's arms. Slowly everyone was crowding around him as they all hugged him. "Thank you" I whispered to his dad who was watching them proudly.  He turned to me with a smile. "Please take care of him for me." My smile grew wider. "I will!"

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