5 🌸

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I ran home crying, not wanting anything to do or hear. I didn't need an 'I'm sorry', that would only hurt more. I didn't need any text messages explaining it. All I needed was rest, and time to forget about him, but it wasn't easy at all. The image of him kissing her kept on playing in my head. No matter what I did, he wouldn't let me forget about him.

My phone kept on buzzing, showing a thousand messages from Seungmin, but it was too late. If he chose to be with her, why would he apologize to me? I can't control his feelings, he can't help with who he falls for. If only I didn't fall for him.

I heard a knock on my door, shouting following after soon. "Y/N, please open up! I never meant to hurt you. Please open the door, I know you're in there." I slowly walked up to the window, watching him bang on that door as if his life depended on it. If only I were his life.

Seungmin looked up, making our eyes meet. His look immediately changed into regret, worry and pain. "Please" he repeated once more, but this time softly, almost gentle. "Leave me alone" was all I was able to say without crying. "Y/N, I don't want to leave you alone. At least let me explain, that's all I'm asking."

Those words made me snap. "You already asked enough don't you think! Why don't you go to your girlfriend, don't bother me anymore!" I closed the curtains so that he wouldn't be able to see me anymore. He kept shouting, but after a few minutes it became quiet. I slightly peaked through the curtains, only to see him sit down, leaning against the door while crying.

I went down and set on the other side of the door, crying as well, wanting to be with him one last time before trying to forget him. I heard him got up, slowly walking away from the door. I wanted to open it, run to him, ask him to choose me instead, but I knew I shouldn't, or rather couldn't. It would only make the situation worse.

I got my phone, finally deciding to read the messages, knowing that if I read them later I would only be hurt again.

-Please answer
-I'm begging you, I never meant to hurt you like this
-I didn't know she would come back, I swear
-I thought I had already put her behind me, but I guess I couldn't
-If I knew she would come back I wouldn't have done this to you

'If I knew she would come back I wouldn't have done this to you'. Was I just a mistake? Someone to pass the time with? Another text message came in, but not from Seungmin.

-Y/N, I'm sorry for bursting out like that
-Are you okay?
-Stupid question, of course you aren't
-I saw what happened at the park... I'm sorry
-I'm on my way with ice cream and movies, I'll be there in 5 minutes

I smiled through my tears when I heard my stomach agree with eating something. I wiped my tears away and tried to cover it up, but the red tint in my eyes was still easy to see.

After a few minutes I heard a soft knock on the door. I hesitantly opened it, revealing Jisung with a tub of vanilla ice cream and a Disney movie. "Hey" he said in a small voice, also with pity in his eyes. "Hey" I said back before letting him in.

I got us two spoons while he put on the movie. We didn't say anything, but his company was enough to somewhat comfort me. Halfway through, Jisung's phone started buzzing. I peeked over my shoulder, trying to read the messages that were send.

-I heard you are at Y/N's house, what on earth are you doing there?

-Comforting her because of you

-You know I didn't mean to hurt her! I really care a lot about her, so please don't do anything you'll regret.

-Like you?
-Listen Seungmin, if you care so much for her, why did you do this to her in the first place?
-The only one who will regret today is going to be you and you know it
-So don't bother texting right now

He put his phone away, clearly annoyed by Seungmin. I quickly looked back at the screen, ignoring the messages. It soon became quiet again, the only sound in the room coming from the TV.

When the movie was finished, neither of us got up for a few minutes, until Jisung spoke up. "Will you be okay?" I nodded, trying to be confident. "I will, I just need some time. Thanks for just now Jisung." He smiled gently and stood up. "I should probably get going. If you need someone, just call." A small smile formed on my face. "Thank you."

When he left, I went out to the grocery store. Even though I wasn't all that hungry, I still needed to eat. I bought dinner, and went in my way home, when a familiar voice stopped me. "Y/N!" The voice shouted out, sending shiver down my spine.

I put on the fakest smile I had and turned around, facing Seungmin.
"Y/N, let's talk."

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now