27 🌸

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3rd person POV

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin confused. "What's wrong Hyunjin? I thought we finally put everything behind us? You even gave me a huge peptalk about what she likes and told me to take care of her." Hyunjin let out an annoyed sigh. "That's the problem you dumbass, when will you start taking care of her instead of leaving the girl you like who is in a freaking wheelchair for your ex?"

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin slightly confused but quickly seemed to have caught on. "I already told her you were picking her up so I thought she'd be fine!" Hyunjin face palmed himself. "Listen, no girl wants to be left alone by the guy she likes, just so he can bring another girl home, especially if it's his ex who he, quite obviously, isn't completely over."

Seungmin immediately protested. "It's nothing like that, really! It was just because she couldn't walk home alone! Elle and I are just friends now, she genuinely apologized so I told her we were okay. But me and Y/N were gonna talk after as well, I was just about to talk to her! Oh God, She probably misunderstood it all!" Seungmin wanted to run upstairs, but Hyunjin stopped him. "She's already asleep, you can talk tomorrow, but just... Don't break her heart again or I won't back off so easily anymore" he said before walking away upstairs.


I hid myself under the blankets, hoping whoever was coming upstairs wouldn't come into my room. I absolutely was not in the mood to talk right now. I knew that I shouldn't be jealous, Seungmin and I aren't even dating yet, or at least not officially, so why is this feeling literally eating me from the inside? I didn't want to get hurt, not again yet I can't let go of him. No matter how much it hurts, I don't think I can ever stop loving him.

As my door opened, I instantly lay still, pretending to be asleep. "Hey Y/N" I heard Seungmin's voice ring softly as the bed sagged slightly. His hand moved to my head, peacefully placing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I guess you're already asleep" he said as he let out a little chuckle. His hand now rested on my hair, softly stroking it with his thumb. You could feel the warmth of his body through his fingers, making me relax in this slightly difficult situation.

"You know, I'm really sorry for suddenly leaving you" he whispered. "It's just, Elle is also very important to me, I just wanted both of you to be safe, you'll understand me right?" Sadness immediately washed over me as I tried hard not to show it. Seungmin let out a small sigh as he kissed the top of my forehead. "I love you okay?" he said as he quietly walked out of the room.

Immediately, tears started flowing down as I finally let all my emotions out. The door opened again, startling me as I immediately tried to stay silent again, but when the door closed the voice immediately hushed me. "Hey Y/N" the voice said softly. I instantly turned around with big crocodile tears in my eyes. "Jisung" I cried out. He immediately walked up to me and took me in his arms. "It's okay, it's okay."

I couldn't stop crying, the hot tears kept flowing down my cheeks, dripping from my chin. "Why does he have to keep playing with my heart Jisung" I cried out. Jisung kept rubbing my back as his other hand rested on my head, slightly pulling me closer to him. After I calmed down a little, I slowly let go of him, but he didn't let go of me. Instead, he just pulled me closer to him again.

"How am I supposed to leave you like this?" he asked, his voice shaky and unstable. The corners of my mouth dropped, remember he was leaving soon. "Do you really have to leave Ji?" I asked him, my voice now shaky as well. "Who else will come and comfort me in all this madness when you're gone? I don't know if I can survive without you!" The tears came back again, all my emotions flowing out of me. I could feel his teardrops fall on my shoulder, soaking into my shirt. "I'm sorry" he kept repeating. "I'm so sorry."

I looked at his sleeping body, comfortably resting in his, now old bed, his head leaning on my shoulder as I sat next to him, not being able to move much. The door opened once again, revealing Minho, smiling softly as soon as he saw Jisung peacefully asleep. "So there he was" he whispered as he sat down at the edge of the bed, looking at Jisung with a smile plastered on his face.

"You know" Minho started after a while, "when we met, he was only 5. I went to the play yard when I suddenly saw a little guy jumping up and down, his hands in the air, desperately grasping for what seemed like a plush rabbit, held up by a bigger, fatter guy, with two boys behind him, all three smirking. I was about to walk away, but suddenly our eyes met."

Minho looked at Jisung, his smile growing wider remembering their past. He let out a small chuckle. "He looked so helpless. The tears were in his eyes, begging me to help him, I just couldn't stand still, and before I knew it I actually punched the bully!" The both of us laughed, yet still remaining quiet enough for Jisung to continue sleeping. "Ever since I just had the feeling that I needed to protect him."

Minho's gaze shifted to me as his smile became somewhat more proud, showing his gratitude. "You made me realize that I don't really have to take care of him anymore, that he can already take care of himself and others around him. Thank you Y/N" he said genuinely, instantly making me smile shyly. "No problem."

Minho carefully lifted Jisung up. "I'll bring him to bed, goodnight Y/N" Minho said, flashing one last smile before walking out of the door. I watched them slowly walk away as my smile grew wider and wider. "No, thank you!"

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now