9 🌸

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The two of us stayed up late, talking again, as if everything was back to the way it used to be, just for the a few hours. It felt nice, being able to talk to him again. If only we could stay there forever. Sadly, that was disturbed when both our phones buzzed. We took out our phones and checked the messages.

-Y/N? Where are you?
-I left something at your place, but when I rang the doorbell no one answered
-I thought you were already asleep yet, but I just want to be sure
-You're safe at home and sound asleep right?

I quickly glanced over at Seungmin's phone as well.

-Minnie, where are you?
-Why aren't you home yet? I'm worried.

Home, she makes it sound like they actually live together! I silently scoffed before texting Hyunjin back.

-Heyy I'm out with Seungmin
-We managed to talk again and patch up a little
-I'll tell you everything later okay?

Almost immediately, I got a reply back.

-What the heck are you doing out at this hour?
-It's two in the morning Y/N!
-Where are you? I'm taking you home right now

-I'm at the park, but you
really don't have to take
me home!
-I'll be fine, don't worry.
-Besides, shouldn't you be

-we'll worry about that later, I'm there in five minutes.

I sighed, and felt Seungmin glancing at my phone. "Hyunjin is coming here too?" He asked confused and slightly disappointed. "I didn't know you where that close." I quickly shook your head. "We're not exactly that close I think... But I'm not sure about all of this, or why he's coming in the first place. He chuckled. "Actually, it's a great timing. I promised Elle I would go home anyway."

I looked down at the ground. "Are you two even living together now?" His eyes widened as he vigorously shook his head and hands. "No, we're not!!! She's just staying over for the night. That's all, really!" I chuckled, but still felt somewhat hurt inside. "You don't have to report to me, she's your girlfriend, it wouldn't be unusual to want to see each other more often." Somehow the look in his changed a little, but not for the better. "I guess so."

It was quiet for a little while. I just stared at the stars, trying to find constellations. Suddenly, a flash had blinded me for a second. "Seungmin?" I asked as he had his camera pointed at me. "It's for the project!" He said with a sweet smile.

Not too long after Hyunjin arrived. "Y/N!" He said as he waved from a distance before jogging over. "What are you doing here at this hour?" His gaze fell on Seungmin. "I asked her out here" Seungmin answered for me in a monotone voice. "Couldn't it wait until the morning?" Hyunjin asked, thinking it was weird to ask a girl over at the middle of the night. "It was her choice to come here anyway."

They both sighed. "Anyways, I should get going" Seungmin said. He turned to me and gave me a tight hug. "Bye Y/N, get home safe!" He let go and cutely smiled at me, completely ignoring Hyunjin. I watched him slowly move out of sight and turned to Hyunjin. "What about you? What did you forget at my house that was so important that you had to get it at 2 in the morning?" I said laughingly.

"Well.... Ehm... I sort of already found it in my pocket" he stammered. "You're an idiot you know" I said laughingly. "I know" he laughed back. "But seriously, you shouldn't go out so late! What if anything happened to you?" "I'm okay, really! See, nothing happened" I argued. He sighed and flicked my head. "That's because I'm here now! Let's go home, you're probably tired right?" I nodded in agreement as we both started walking.

"So... How did things with Seungmin go? He sure seemed close to you already" Hyunjin asked awkwardly. "We both apologized for acting so awfully, and that's pretty much it! After that we talked for a long time, just to catch up." My smile grew while thinking about it. "Y/N... Do you still remember the plan we made?" I nodded. "About that..."

I awkwardly stared down. "I honestly don't know if it will work. Like, how can he be jealous if he doesn't even like me? It's easy to see he's still head over heals for Elle." Hyunjin looked at me with pity in his eyes. "I thought about the plan as well, and I might have found a way to alter it a bit so it will probably work."

I looked at him in confusion. "How?" His gaze penetrated my soul. "We shouldn't be making Seungmin jealous, but Elle." He began explaining. "It's clear that Elle is doing this to make me jealous again right? How about we make her jealous instead? That way she might stop acting all holy and actually show her real self."

I nodded, understanding his point. "But... How did you want to do so? Making her jealous I mean? I'm sure it's not all that easy. Especially without hurting Seungmin!" As soon as I said his name I mentally scolded myself. Clearly that wasn't Hyunjin's most important part of the plan, but it still mattered to me. No matter how much I wanted it to stop, I still cared a great deal for him.

Hyunjin now stopped walking to properly look at me. I stood right in front of him, returning his gaze. He carefully took a step closer, until he was only inches away. He grabbed my hands, holding them slightly up. "Y/N, I know this may sound crazy, and it probably is the craziest thing I'll ever say in my life, but..." He paused for a second to take a deep breath. "Y/N, be my girlfriend."

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now