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"Y/N?" Hyunjin asked once more, this time more hopeful. "Hyunjin, that's you right?" I asked him again. I could hear him come this way as I felt two arms wrap themselves around me. "He didn't do anything to you right?" I shook my head. "I'm okay, but it will be way worse when he finds out where I am, we have to get out of here!"

I stood up, about to quietly open the door, but Hyunjin pulled me back. "There's something I have to tell you first, if things go wrong" he said, almost afraid. I sat down again, kind of scared of what to come. "What is it?" Hyunjin let out a deep sigh before explaining. "I overheard a few things about Seungmin and Elle while I was here and I think we both misjudged him..."

Hyunjin's POV

An hour ago

Lucas and Elle were laughing sinister as Lucas locked the door, taking the last stripe of light away, leaving me with nothing but darkness. "I can't believe Seungmin is finally standing up to me though" Elle said ranted. "Was threatening Y/N not enough? I mean, I thought if I told him I'd send you after her he'd totally obey me. I can still remember the look in his eyes the first time he had to leave her, I'd almost pitied him."

I moved slightly closer to the door, trying to hear the words clearer. "So you're telling me that all the time he was with you was because you threatened Y/N?" Lucas asked laughingly, to which Elle hummed. "He never loved me to begin with, but I had to do something to make him help me. Not that the plan worked anyways since Hyunjin fell for the slut as well, but oh well, now I've got Hyunjin and Seungmin will be here any minute, I'll win after all!" she said laughingly as the two walked away.

3rd person POV

Chapter 4

"Owh my gosh Seungmin, what happened to you?" His confused face turned into a sad one. "I..." He couldn't seem to find proper words for whatever was going on inside his head. "Let's go inside and talk there okay?" I softly said, making sure we'd get some privacy.

I sat down on his bed. Even his room was a mess, when it was normally so clean. "What happened?" I asked with a concerned look on my face. He looked down on the ground for a while, but suddenly he looked me right in the eyes, his gaze penetrating right through my soul. "Y/N, what would you do if you found out the person you used to love so much but suddenly disappeared, tried to back into your life?"

Earlier that day - extra info

"Elle?" Seungmin asked surprised as the girl he used to love was suddenly right in front of him once again. "What are you doing here?" Elle laughed a little. "I just got back here, I see you already have a new girlfriend?" Seungmin smiled shyly. "She's not my girlfriend yet, I'm going to ask her out soon!"

"That's good, because, you're not going to" Elle said, somewhat dark. "What do you mean 'I'm not going to'?" "It's actually quite simple. You're helping me make Hyunjin jealous again!" Seungmin scoffed, terribly irritated. "I'm not playing your little game again Elle. The moment I saw you I hoped you'd changed, but I guess you're still the same old girl who used me."

Elle looked up, slightly surprised. "You knew? I knew you were a smart boy!" Seungmin raised his arm, but threw it down again, trying to control his anger. "Listen, I'm gonna go now, don't you ever bother me again." Elle laughed again. "You won't get rid of me that easily. Listen up puppy, remember my brother? If you don't do exactly as I say I'll quickly give him a call and send him after your little girlfriend."

Seungmin turned around, visibly frightened. "Fine, I'll do it, but just... Please don't hurt her, I'm begging you. What do I have to do?" Elle's smile turned into a half hearted grin. "You're gonna fall in love with me."

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