21 🌸

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I woke up a few hours later, still confused. Which one was the dream? His death? Or seeing him alive? I instantly opened my eyes and saw Jisung safe and sound and sighed out of relief. My eyes were glued to him as if I was afraid that if only he moved an inch, I might actually lose him. When he opened his eyes I quickly shut mine again, pretending to be asleep, embarrassed if he would have caught me staring.

Fortunately he didn't and was as quiet as a mouse. I heard him get up and felt him sat down next to me, stroking my hair carefully. "You know" he whispered, probably not knowing I was awake. "I never got the chance to tell you this, but I might not see you all that much soon. My father found a new job in Malaysia, and asked me to come with him, so I accepted."

He paused for a second. "I always wanted to tell you I like you, but I decided to give up. Maybe in another life we could have been happy together, but in this life all I can do is wish you happiness." He stopped for a little while. "You know, you really scared me that day. Not the day of the accident, but the day you ran home crying. I barely knew you, but my heart broke, seeing you that broken."

He softly pressed his lips against my forehead. "So don't ever be this sad okay? You have to promise me you'll be happy, or you're forcing me to come back here." He sat there for another minute in silence until he stood up and walked out of the room.

I opened my eyes again, my cheeks were burning up, but a smile appeared on my lips. "Thank you Jisung" I said softly. "You're welcome" he suddenly said, startling me. He came back with a tray of food. "I thought you might be hungry, so I got you some breakfast!" He put the tray on a small table right next to my bed.

"Did you, by any chance, know that I-" He quickly cut me off. "Know that you were awake? Why else would I say those things if you were asleep, that wouldn't be smart now would it?" he said, causing me to chuckle. "I guess you're right!"

We both started eating. "So, when are you leaving?" I asked and sipped the water. His smile disappeared. "Next week." My eyes widened and I accidentally spit out the water. "Next week?!" I asked shocked, to which he just nodded. "It's soon right? I wish I could stay here longer as well, but sadly I can't."

My smile disappeared as well, until a thought suddenly hit me. "Wait, this is almost exactly what I dreamed about! You were going to Malaysia, and you also liked-" I couldn't say the last word, too embarrassed. Jisung looked up surprised. "Wait, how would you know that I was going there? I haven't told anyone but you now!" I shook my head equally confused. "I don't know, but let's hope the rest won't come true!" He quickly laughed it off. "Let's hope so."

Not too much later a doctor came in. "Hello miss Y/N, how are you feeling right now?" I smiled at her. "I'm already feeling a lot better. My head still hurts, and I'm not sure about my legs, but it doesn't hurt all that much anymore." The doctor smiled at me. "During the car accident, the driver drove over your legs, so they're heavily bruised. It's honestly a miracle you were able to run out of here!"

I looked at Jisung and chuckled. "It was probably the adrenaline that kept me going!" The doctor smiled. I'm glad to see you're in a good mood. You'll have to wear a bandage around your head, and you won't be able to get out of a wheelchair soon, but you can go home!" My smile widened instantly. "Really? Thank you so much!" Jisung and I hugged each other, but quickly let go embarrassed.

"I'll go get you a wheelchair, you stay here okay?" Jisung said. "It's not like I really have a choice" I said laughingly. I got my phone out and texted Seungmin.

-Seungmin, I'm coming home!
-I already got discharged
-I still have to be in a wheelchair,
but aside from that I can go home!

I instantly got a text back.

-That's great!
-I'll ask Chan to pick you up.
-See you soon <3

I smiled softly at the heart in the end. "Texting your boyfriend?" Jisung suddenly asked, startling me again. "Jisung, you seriously need to stop sneaking up on people!" He laughed at me. "You just have to be less scared, it's just me Y/N. But anyways, sit down, I'll take you outside." I looked from the bed at the wheelchair and back and forth.

Jisung kept staring at me and facepalmed. "You can just ask me for help you know" he said teasingly as he walked up to me. Before I could even answer, he had already picked me up. One hand under my knees, the other supporting my back as my arms instantly wrap themselves around his neck to stop me from falling. He gently placed me in the wheelchair and started strolling without a single word, the both of us too flustered to answer.

We both went outside, waiting for Chan in front of the hospital. It wasn't all that much later until the black van of his pulled up, already honking at us. Chan and Seungmin got out after parking it, all ready to help me get in. Before I got in, Seungmin got his camera and pointed it at me. "Smile!" he said happily, which I did, but kind of confused. "Seungmin, why do you keep taking pictures of me?" He just smiled at the camera, admiring the picture. "I told you, it's a secret~" he said smoothly. Too smooth for Jisung, who hit Seungmin's arm. "That hurt!" Seungmin whined, but Jisung just laughed and stuck his tongue out. "You deserved it!"

In the meantime, while the two were bickering, Chan lifted me up and helped me get in the van, and when I sat down, he put the wheelchair in the back. "Guys, are you coming?" I asked as I rolled the window down. Their jaws slightly dropped. "Since when are you already in?" Jisung said surprised. "While you two kept fighting, I decided to help her, since you two were too busy" Chan said jokingly.

The two sulked and got in the back of the car. "Not fair Chan, not fair" Seungmin said while pouting. Jisung backed him up by nodding vigorously, but Chan laughed it off and drove away. Not much later, we arrived home, all the other boys already waiting for us in front of the house. It was all decorated, balloons and garlands outside, Hyunjin and Jeongin waiting with a huge banner.

"Welcome home Y/N!'

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now