2 🌸

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That evening I was happier than ever before. My parents looked at each other and smiled. "I guess you like your new present?" my father asked laughingly. Of course, they had no clue it was because of something completely different. "I really love it, thank you so much!" "You probably took some pictures right? Why don't you show us?"

Suddenly, panick modes switched on. "Wait, you can't!" I said before my mom took my camera. "Why not?" she asked confused. "Because... I accidentally deleted them. But I'll take more pictures tomorrow, I promise!" I hastily said. They shrugged it off, making me sigh in relief.

"Y/N, where do you want to eat for dinner?" I didn't even have to think twice. "The usual!" There was this one place where we always went out for dinner whenever we had something to celebrate. Not only because the food was so great, but because it was our uncles restaurant. He opened it on my birthday 18 years ago, making it really special for us.

I put on my prettiest dress and some simple make up, styled my hair and put on pretty low heels. My parents gasped when they saw me. "You really have grown into a beautiful lady Y/N" my mom said as she kissed my forehead. "Thank you mom!"

We drove the restaurant, which was only 10 minutes away. Once we got there, we were happily greeted by my uncle. He was a really lively person, and made everyone in the restaurant feel like friends or family. We sat down, but once I saw our waiter, my mouth dropped, just like his.

"Seungmin?" I asked confused. My uncle walked up to us. "This is our new waiter! Isn't he cute? Have you two met already?" Seungmin and I looked at each other and he laughed softly. "Yeah, we met today."

My parents now looked at each other and smiled. "So that's why our girl was gone for so long!" My father laughed. Oh gosh, it started. Every time, but literally EVERY TIME I am with a boy, my parents ship me with them, which is why I usually try to hide it.

After seungmin took our order, my parents kept chatting, but all I could focus on was Seungmin. The way he walked, his smile when he greeted the costumers. I couldn't take my eyes off him. "He's cute, isn't he?" my mom suddenly said, causing me to jump a bit. "Mom, come on! I wasn't looking at him."

"You weren't? I feel hurt" a voice said next to me. "Seungmin!? I- you-" Whatever I would say, nothing would save me out of this awkward situation. Seungmin laughed softly and gave us the food. "Have a nice meal Y/N, miss, sir." My eyes followed him until he was out of sight. Once we were finished, I suddenly found a small note under my plate. "See you tomorrow! (p.s. you look pretty tonight)"

I smiled and quickly put the note in my pocket, hoping my parents didn't see it. "Y/N, are you ready?" "Give me a second!" I quickly put on my jacket and walked up to the door. I turned around once more, but Seungmin was nowhere to be found. I walked through the door and went home again.

"So, that boy Seungmin!" my mother started. "Gosh mom, not every guy in the world is interested in me!" I chuckled. "Of course they are! You're pretty, smart, sweet-" "Mom, stop it! Just leave it for this once? As my special birthday present?" "Okay sweety, just this once!"

Once we were back home, I ran into my room and got the note out of my pocket. "you look pretty tonight" I read those words over and over again, squeeling more every time. Is he an angel sent down to earth?With him in mind, I soon fell asleep.

That morning I woke up full of energy. I'm meeting Seungmin again! Before going there I still had time left, so I decided to go shopping. My parents had already gone out for work, so I was home alone. I bought some new dresses, skirts and shirts and put on the nicest outfit. He made me want to look pretty.

13.30 pm. It's still early, but I guess if I'm early I can take some more pictures! I got my camera and went out. It was only a 5 minute walk, but I wanted to be there as soon as possible. Once I got there, I looked around, but of course Seungmin wasn't there yet. I started taking pictures of all the things around me, once I suddenly saw another flash that wasn't mine.

"Seungmin!" I said enthusiastically as I turned around. "Hi Y/N" he said with the sweetest voice ever. "Why did you take a picture again?" He smiled once more. "It's for this project I decided to work on." I curiously walked up to him, trying to see the picture. "Show me, what project is it?" He put his camera high in his hand, making it unable for me to reach. "It's a secret."

The afternoon went by faster than the speed of lightning. He taught me all kinds of things about photographing. We both took pictures of the things we loved in the park, and moved on to the rest of the city as well. We showed each other our favourite places in the city, taking even more pictures.

Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz. "One second!" I quickly looked at my phone and saw a message from my mother.

Sweety, your dad and I will be staying over at your grandmothers tonight, so you'll be home alone. We'll be back in the morning, take care!

I sighed. "Guess I'm alone again." "What's wrong Y/N?" Seungmin asked with a somewhat worried look on his face. I quickly shook my head. "It's nothing! My parents just go out a lot, so I'm alone again for tonight." It did feel lonely to be alone so much, but I was already used to it.

"Why don't you eat over at my place tonight? We can eat your favourite meal and go stargazing afterwards! I could teach you about night photography as well" he said somewhat shy. My face lit up. "Really? Thank you!"

We went over to his house. "What do you want to eat?" he asked while putting his camera on a shelf. "Actually.." I said slowly. "Can we order pizza? I always order pizza when I'm alone, I guess it would be nice to eat it with someone else as well!" Seungmin chuckled. "Of course!"

We sat down on the couch, waiting for the pizza to come while watching TV. It wasn't very interesting, but being next to him felt like enough. When the doorbell rang, I shot up and ran up to the door. "Seungmin, the pizza is here!" I opened the door to see another young boy around our age. He looked at me somewhat shocked, leaving me in confusion. "Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"Hey Ji!" Seungmin now said, coming out of the living room. "So this is why you ordered two pizzas. You have a date!" the boy now said enthusiastically. He ran up to Seungmin and hugged him, almost dropping the pizza. "My boy is growing up!" "You're only 8 days older!" Seungmin whined.

Seungmin took the pizza out of the boys hands and gave him the money. "Y/N, this is Jisung, my friend." Seungmin now said while smiling, yet I felt his eyes beg for help, causing me to chuckle. "Nice to meet you Jisung!" I said and smiled, reaching out my hand to him. He ignored the hand and went straight in for a hug. "Please take care of him for me." Jisung whispered, making me blush.

Seungmin pulled Jisung off me. "Come on, you should get going! Bye Jisung!" he said as he shoved him out of the door. "You two must really be close friends" I said smiling. "It must feel nice to have such a good friend." Seungmin flashed his signature smile and ruffled my hair. "We're close friends too right?" Before I could answer he was already back inside the living room. "The pizza will get cold!" I smiled brightly. "Coming!"

Once we finished our pizza, it was already dark outside. "Do you still want to go out?" Seungmin asked. "I have to anyway right!" I said laughingly. We went outside and started walking. "Seungmin, where are we going?" I asked curiously. "To my only favourite place you haven't seen yet!"

A cold breeze send shivers down my spine. I really should have brought a jacket. Just then I felt a jacket wrapped around me. "I already thought you'd get cold" he said while looking me in the eyes. Even his eyes were smiling. "It feels like I'm the lead of a new movie" I said laughingly. "If it were a movie, I'd watch it a thousand times!"

Once we arrived at the place, my jaw dropped in awe. We were on a hill, having a perfect view of the city with all it's lights. "It's so pretty!" I exclaimed and got my camera. I started taking pictures and turned around to capture this whole scene, but stopped when my camera viewed Seungmins smiling face. "I'm sorry" I said and quickly put the camera away. "Don't be! I'm glad you like it.

Seungmin pulled out a blanket. "Why don't we sit down?" which is exactly what we did. We sat there in silence, just enjoying each others company while sharing a thousand thoughts. "Seungmin?" I whispered after about an hour. "Yeah?" "Thank you for taking me here" I said as our hands connected.

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now