epilogue 🌸

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*5 years later*

"Guys, hurry up!" Seungmin said as he hurried into the fitting room. "Who even is late for his own wedding" Minho said laughingly, only making Seungmin more stressed. Seungmin's phone buzzed, making him instantly grab it. "Hyunjin says Y/N is as good as ready, we have to hurry!" Changbin sat down on the couch, letting out a sigh. "If I hear the word hurry one more time I'll just go to Y/N!"

Luckily enough for Seungmin it didn't take him too long. In the meantime, I couldn't stop pacing back and forth, overly nervous. "Y/N" Hyunjin started. He grabbed my hands to make me stop. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I looked at him a bit in shock, but that soon got replaced by a soft smile. "I am." Hyunjin engulfed me in a hug. "Thank you for letting me walk you down the isle."

The music started playing. Seungmin stood at the alter, waiting for his bride to come out. Hyunjin and I were upstairs, ready to go. He held out his arm with a big smile. "Are you ready?" I shook my head laughingly. "No, but let's do this anyways!"

The door opened as we started walking, slowly so everyone could see us. The closer I got to Seungmin, the more I could see tears forming in his eyes. Hyunjin and I stopped right in front of him. "That promise we made still stands, you have to take good care of her okay?" Seungmin nodded, quickly wiping his tears away. "I promise with all of my heart."

Seungmin took my hand as we walked up, now standing right in front of each other. "You look gorgeous" he whispered softly as the priest started speaking. "Today we are here to celebrate the wedding of mister Kim Seungmin and miss Y/N."

The rings came out, brought by an already crying Jeongin. "Kim Seungmin, do promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer,  for better for worse, and forsaking all others,  keep yourself only onto her, for as long as you live?" With a bright smile on his face, Seungmin's eyes lingered in mine. "I do."

Seungmin got one of the rings, holding up my hand. "I tell you this every day, but what better day than to repeat this today. You are the love of my life, my best friend, my lover, my inspiration. You make every day better as you make me better. I hereby promise to love you unconditionally through thick and thin, through sickness and health. I promise to accomplish one of the greatest streaks any human could have ever dreamed of, to tell you I love you for every single day of the rest of our lives. I promise that as we walk through live together, I will always be by your side, loving you, pushing you and celebrating with you. I will always put you first and give you the best for the rest of our lives. Y/N, I love you." He slowly put on my ring, smiling brightly, quickly wiping away one of my tears.

The priest then moved to me. "Y/n, do promise to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer,  for better for worse, and forsaking all others,  keep yourself only onto him, for as long as you live?" I couldn't stop smiling either, a tear already forming again. "I do."

I got his ring as well, taking his hand. "I love you because you are so sweet and kind. I love you because you love me just as much as I love you. You are my best friend and I am so happy we're on the same team. You are the love of my life and make me happier than I could have ever thought was possible. You make me unbelievably proud, and I promise to make you proud as your wife. I vow to listen to you and learn from you, to value our differences just as much as our common ground. I will put all my efforts into strengthening our marriage and give you the best version of me. Seungmin, on good and bad days, with rain and with sunshine, I will love you forever. I'm so lucky you are mine." With that, I put his ring on as well.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife." Seungmin grabbed my waist, pulling me in for a passionate kiss. Everyone else in the back was clapping, yelling, whistling, but all of it had disappeared in my mind, only Seungmin coming through. He slowly broke the kiss, looking at me with so much love. "I love you so much, misses Kim Y/N." I laughed a little. "You really are an idiot" I said, before kissing him once again.

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