33 🌸

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I opened the door without thinking and rushed out. All the memories we shared were replaying in my head, making me cry even more. I run around the corner, but instantly stopped when I saw Lucas. "So there you are" he said with a huge smirk on his face. I started running in the opposite direction as fast as I could, constantly looking back.

He was just walking slowly, the smirk still on his face. I ran through what seemed like endless hallways, running down the stairs, only to be searching for the next. "Running is pointless" his voice echoed through the house, making me panick even more. Footsteps seemed to be closing in so I looked around me, searching for another place to hide.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me into a dark room. I tried to scream but a hand covered my mouth. "It's me, it's okay" Seungmin's voice whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arm around my waist, taking his hand off my mouth. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist, finally feeling safe. "Where'd she go" Lucas said annoyed as he marched by the door, the shadow of his feet visible through the bottom of the door.

When his footsteps weren't audible anymore I let out a sigh, slowly letting myself loosen up. Seungmin, however, wrapped his arms around me even tighter. "I'll get us out of here, I'll explain everything, please just trust me right now, I know you're mad at me but I promise I can explain everythi-" I pressed my lips against his, shutting him up.

He stood still for a second but eventually returned the kiss. "I know what she did Seungmin" I said as I broke the kiss. "Hyunjin told me, about how she threatened you, how you couldn't tell me, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you!" A tear streamed his face, seeming relieved, but then instantly turned back to worry. "Wait, Hyunjin? You saw him? Where is he?"

My eyes widened a little in realisation. "I left him in the room, owhmygosh!" Seungmin looked at me in horror but suddenly bursted out in laughter. "That's so you! Let's go find him. Chan is on his way, police should be on sight soon as well." I nodded and slowly opened the door. "He's not here, quickly, let's go!"

We quietly went up the stairs again, searching for the room Hyunjin was in. Not too long after, we found it, the way there was easy and quiet, but perhaps too easy. "Seungmin, don't you think it's too quiet here?" I whispered worriedly. Seungmin nodded. "We have to be careful." He grabbed my hand and started walking, keeping me behind him.

"It's this door I think" I whispered as we stopped right in front of it. "Stay behind me, we never know what'll happen." He slowly opened the door as I watched his face slowly turn horrified. I peaked my head from behind his shoulder, only to let out a scream.

Right in front of us was Hyunjin, Lucas behind him, with a knife against Hyunjin's throat. "I knew you'd come back" Lucas said, but frowned a little. "Didn't expect you though, Seungmin. I thought I told you to go home, you wouldn't want your precious girlfriend to get hurt right?"

Seungmin gritted his teeth. "I'm not playing your little mindgames anymore Lucas. You can't always protect your sister." Lucas instantly turned darker. "Don't bring her into this" he said threatening, pulling Hyunjin's head up a little more to hold the knife even tighter against his throat. "Just let him go!" I screamed. "Hyunjin has nothing to do with this, let him go!"

Lucas' smirk came back after seeing me so desperate. "I'm sorry love but you know I can't do that. Unless you'll come here and take his place, there's not much I can do for you." "I'll take his place, just leave him alone!" I shouted, trying to move forward, but Seungmin held me back, his hand holding my wrist. "I won't let you have her Lucas."

Lucas let out a sigh and dropped his hand, the knife still in it. Hyunjin fell on the ground, desperately trying to catch his breath. "Then I'll just go and get her." He walked forward, raising the knife. "Y/N, run!" Seungmin shouted as he pulled me back, storming in front of me. "Seungmin!" I screamed out as I stormed up as well, jumping on Lucas' back to try and disorientate him.

"Lucas, wait!" a girl's voice suddenly screamed, revealing Elle. Our heads shot up to see Chan holding Elle, clearly holding her too tight. Lucas instantly stopped. "Let her go or you're dead!" Lucas shouted angrilly as he didn't have the upper hand anymore. "Just let them go Lucas, I don't want to die yet" Elle cried out. Lucas, however, didn't bulge. "We had a deal Elle! You'd get Hyunjin, Seungmin, whichever you want and I'd get to toy with Y/N, I'm not going to back down now!"

"I'm afraid you'll have to, put your hands up in the air right now!" a loud voice suddenly called, scaring everyone in the room. Police stormed in as they handcuffed Elle and Lucas. "Thank you for your call. We've had multiple accusations against these two but were never able to get proof" the officer said. "I'm just glad this is over" Chan said.

After that everything went fast. Hyunjin was brought to the hospital to get him checked, Elle and Lucas were brought to the police station for questioning and Chan drove me and Seungmin home. After what felt like hours of questioning and hugging, Seungmin and I were finally left alone. He held out his hand and smiled. "Let's go to the park one more time, I think you've waited long enough to see what the special project is." I looked at him and smiled brightly as I took his hand. "Let's go!"

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now