12 🌸

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I froze. "Seungmin...?" was all I was able to say. He didn't move a muscle. He just kept hugging me tight, until I heard a small scream. "Seungmin?" A high pitched, REALLY annoying voice shouted, pretending to be hurt. Seungmin sighed, not wanting to let go until he was forcefully pulled off of me. "I told you she would try to steal Seungmin away from me" the high pitched voice cried.

Of course, the high pitched crying came from Elle. The one she was talking to was Hyunjin, who was now seriously angry. Hyunjin walked up to me and grabbed me by my wrist, a bit too forcefully. "We need to talk."

He dragged me to a somewhat remote area, and when Seungmin and Elle were finally out of sight, he sighed and let go. "Gosh, that girl is getting on my nerves!" He ruffled his hair in frustration. "What happened?" I asked carefully, not wanting to make him any more angry than he already was. "She tried to convince me you would cheat on me and you were just using me, pretty much convincing you were the same as her."

"Are you okay?" I asked carefully. "No" he simply replied, and hit the wall in frustration. I got slightly closer and hugged him. "Don't let her get to you, that's exactly what she wants." He immediately softened and hugged back. "Thank you Y/N." He flashed a smile, already seeming better.

A thought suddenly entered his head as he backed out of the hug, his arms crossed. "Anyways, why were you hugging Seungmin?" You laughed a bit as his overprotectiveness, but quickly stopped when I noticed he wasn't joking. "It's the same story here. He warned me about you, saying you stole Elle from him, and he started crying, saying he didn't want you to steal me away from him too."

Hyunjin scoffed. "Steal you away? You're not even his to begin with!" I nodded. "I know... But isn't this what we planned on doing? I think making them jealous is working, so why do we seem more stressed out than them?" Hyunjin let out a sigh. "I don't know, but you're right. They should be the ones stressed out, not us." We nodded, both agreeing we shouldn't let them stress us out.

"How should be continue the plan?" I asked slightly worried. "I think they're both pretty jealous, but just jealousy won't help, we need to make her practically beg for you." Hyunjin's face suddenly formed an evil smirk, leaving me confused. "Than that's exactly what we're doing!" He started explaining. "If I pretend to be on her side, she would move closer to me again, that way you can get closer to Seungmin again." I nodded. "It's set!"

We started walking again. When we were at my house, we stood still. We didn't say anything, but his look said enough. "Do you by any chance want to come in Hyunjin?" I asked laughingly, to which he sighed out of relief. "I thought you'd never ask!"

"What do you want to do?" I asked once we were inside. "Hmm, good question, I didn't actually think it through yet!" We both laughed until I suddenly got an idea. "How about we go to the cinema? It's been a while since I've been there!" Seeing how badly I wanted to go, Hyunjin instantly agreed. "Let's go princess."

We quickly ran to the bus station, and just barely caught it in time. "Gosh.." I said once inside, trying to catch my breath. "I never thought my stamina was this bad!" The bus started driving, causing me to almost fall, but I fell against Hyunjin's chest. "Already falling for me?" He said laughingly. "Come on!" I said as I playfully hit him.

We sat down and Hyunjin got out his earbuds, giving one to me. He put on some songs, to which we silently jammed, not wanting to disturb the other people on the bus. When we were at the cinema, we both paid for a ticket and sat down. "Did we really have to buy love seat tickets?" I asked laughingly as he put his arm around me. "Come on, can't we?" He asked while pouting. "Alright, stop pouting!" He laughed as he kissed my temple and slightly pulled me closer. It started to feel like we were slowly becoming a real couple.

"We still have 10 minutes before the movie starts right?" Hyunjin asked. I nodded. "Yeah, why?" He smiled. "I'll get us some popcorn! Sweet or salty?" I thought for one second and laughed. "I want them like Elle." "Salty it is!"

When Hyunjin went out to buy the popcorn, I suddenly felt a hand grip my wrist. I looked up to see Seungmin with an angered face. He pulled me out of my chair and took my out of the room. "Seungmin, what are you doing?" I asked. "Seungmin, it hurts!" His tight grip on my wrist didn't loosen up one bit.

When we were at the stairs, I suddenly saw Hyunjin, smiling happily at the popcorn, but when our eyes locked, he instantly dropped the popcorn. "Y/N!" He screamed, causing Seungmin to start running. Hyunjin now also started running, trying to catch up. "Seungmin, stop!" I said once more, but he wouldn't listen. He pulled my into a bus which just started driving, leaving Hyunjin behind. He tried following the bus, running desperately, screaming my name, but the bus wouldn't stop.

"Seungmin what on earth are you doing?" I asked for the last time, but still got no reply. After a few minutes he took me out to the park. Our park. He walked up to the spot where we first met and stopped, turning around to face me. He moved his grip from my wrist to my arms. "Y/N, do you hate me?" I stared at him confused. "Of course I don't ha-"

Before I could answer he smashes his lips against mine. His hands were on my back, pulling me as close as possible. The kiss was deep, passionate, but somehow it felt like he wasn't himself. After a few seconds he broke the kiss, staring at me. My eyes were wide open, not being able to process what had just happened. "Y/N, go out with me."

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now