4 🌸

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The next few days, all I could think of was him. His smile, his actions, the kiss... Whatever it was, he wouldn't leave my mind. Of course, we kept in touch. We called daily, texted daily, but not much, and sadly enough we didn't have the time to actually meet either. He told me he was busy with something, so I didn't want to bother him too much.

Another text message popped up. It must be Seungmin right? Apart from him, I rarely talk to anyone. However, to my surprise, it wasn't Seungmin, but an unknown number.

This is Y/N right? I'm Jisung, Seungmins housemate. I know this might sound weird, but could you come over? I need you to help me convince Seungmin to finally get out of his room and start eating. He barely ate anything the past few days.

I was shocked when I read those words. What on earth could he be doing that he barely even eats? I quickly texted back that I was on my way, grabbed my coat and purse and ran to his house. When I got there, I was totally out of breath, since my stamina had never been that great. Jisung opened the door with a worried look. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "I... ran... too... fast..." I said inbetween my heavy breathing. Jisung laughed and let me in.

"He's in his room, I hope you can convince him to come out." Jisung said as he pointed upstairs. I sofly knocked on his door two times. "Seungmin? It's me, Y/N. Can you open the door?" I heard a few things move in his room. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" The door slowly opened as I saw Seungmin. You could definitely see he hasn't been proper care of himself.

"Owh my gosh Seungmin, what happened to you?" His confused face turned into a sad one. "I..." He couldn't seem to find proper words for whatever was going on inside his head. "Let's go inside and talk there okay?" I softly said, making sure we'd get some privacy.

I sat down on his bed. Even his room was a mess, when it was normally so clean. "What happened?" I asked with a concerned look on my face. He looked down on the ground for a while, but suddenly he looked me right in the eyes, his gaze penetrating right through my soul. "Y/N, what would you do if you found out the person you used to love so much but suddenly disappeared, tried to back into your life?"

With just those words, my heart had shattered into a million tiny pieces. I wanted to ask him about it, about who it was, if what the two of us had wasn't special, but all I could do was hide my pain behind a smile. "I would probably try to forgive that person. He or she must have had a reason for whatever happened right?" He nodded, and his face slowly brightened up a little.

He ran out of his room, out of the house, leaving me in confusion and with sadness. Tears slowly fell down. "What about me?" I asked yourself inbetween the sobs. I wanted to feel happy for him, but what about me? I had feelings too!

The door opened, and I quickly wiped my tears away, hoping no one had seen them. "Y/N, where did Seungmin go?" Jisung asked confused when he just saw me in the room. When he got closer, he could clearly see stains of crying on my cheeks and got closer. "Y/N, where did he go?" Jisung asked once more, but now with more concern in his voice. "I think he went to the love of his life" I answered before bursting out in tears again.

Jisung hugged me, not sure of what else to do as more boys entered the room, questioning why there was a girl in Seungmins room crying, without Seungmin being there. Jisung signaled the others to leave, which they did. When I had calmed down a little, Jisung slowly moved away. "What happened here? I... I thought you were the love of his life?"

I looked down. "That's what I thought, and hoped too, but I guess not. He said something about the person he used to love reappearing after being gone for a long time." I said inbetween the snifs that were still audible.

That's when Jisung seemed to lose it. "I swear if that idiot went to Elle again I'm gonna kill him!" He walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him, once again, leaving me confused. That's when Chan came in. "Chan, what's with everyone and leaving me alone confused in a room that isn't even mine today?" Chan laughed and sat down.

"Chan, can I ask you something?" I asked carefully. "Of course! What is it?" "Who is Elle?" Chan's expression seemed to darken. "Someone you don't want to know anything about. How do you even know about her?" I slightly tilted my head. "Well, she's the reason Seungmin and Jisung just stormed out.

"So you're telling me she's back?" Chan asked in disbelief after I had explained everything. "Well, I guess so. I don't really know the details either." Chan sighed heavily. "Seungmin really is an idiot!" Chan was about to stand up, when I called out for him. "Wait! Are you going to leave me too?" Maybe it was the sad tone in my voice, or maybe just his unconciousness that made him sit down, but whatever it was, I'm glad that I wasn't left alone once again.

"You probably already guessed this, but Elle was Seungmin's ex girlfriend. I don't think I've ever seen someone so in love as Seungmin was with Elle. He did everything for her, whatever she wanted, she got. But Elle wasn't that good of a person. She used Seungmin to make another boy jealous. When her plan had finally worked, she left Seungmin with just a simple goodbye and left town. I'd never seen him so heartbroken as that moment."

I looked down. "So she's the person who taught him about photography huh..." I softly said, remembering what he said when we first met. "He told you?" "Just a bit, but enough to get the pieces together. I knew I shouldn't have fallen in love with a guy who was still in love with someone else!" Chan looked up at me and stroke my hair. "It's not your fault. You can't help falling in love with someone." I sighed. "I guess you're right."

When I was about to leave the room, I spotted a photograph. I immediately recognized Seungmin, who was smiling like never before. Besides his was a girl, comfortably resting in Seungmin's arms. "That's why he loved her, she's beautiful" I said sadly. I looked in the mirror Seungmin had in his room, at all my insecurities, when Chan's hand covered my eyes. "Don't look if you're just going to disapprove of yourself."

"Look" he started when I was about to leave. "I know we don't really know each other, and met only once, under REALLY awkward circomstances, but why don't we hang out some time?" I looked up to see him smile, but the pity in his eyes was easy to see. "It's okay, you don't have to comfort me. I'll be fine, but thank you for the offer."

After we said our goodbyes, I went to the park. If there was one place that could cheer me up, it was the park. It always helped me, so why wouldn't it now? Well, that answer became quick to answer when I saw Seungmin with Elle, kissing, his hands cupping her cheeks. My purse dropped on the ground and tears streamed down my face again. Seungmin looked up, shocked when he saw me. "Wait, Y/N! I-"

Too late. It was too late Seungmin. "I'm happy to see you back together" I said, while forcing a smile. Not that he would believe it, since the tears were clearly visible, but I at least wanted to do my best on wishing him happiness. I grabbed my purse from the ground and started walking away. I could hear Seungmin shout my name, but it was already too late. "Thank you for everything until now Seungmin."

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now