28 🌸

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A loud crash woke me up, instantly shooting me up. Another loud crash followed, making me flinch. I checked my alarm clock, 03:25 in the morning. Not the time you want to wake up. Next, shouting followed. "You asshole!" An unfamiliar voice shouted as another crash followed. My door swung open, revealing Hyunjin, despair in his eyes. "Y/N, we need to go!" he said as he lifted me up, not giving me any time to question what was going on.

He lifted me downstairs, quietly, so whoever was downstairs wouldn't hear us. I could vaguely make out two figures, one of them totally being beaten up. My head instantly turned to Hyunjin, fear had totally taken over me. "I already called the police, they'll be here in a few minutes, but for now we have to bring you to safety" he whispered as he tried to open the back door, but a shrieking sound followed. The living room became quiet as the two figures now came out. Chan, all beaten up and an unfamiliar guy, just a little older than us.

"So you're the girl that hurt my sister so much" the guy yelled as he stormed over, but Chan pulled him back with all his might, slamming him into the wall. "Run!" He yelled, which is exactly what Hyunjin did. He ran until his legs and arms gave up, but by this time we were already at the park, hiding in the dark. Hyunjin put me down, trying to catch his breath while I just sat there, scared for my, or rather Chan's life.

"What on earth is going on!" I asked frightened. I looked at Hyunjin, searching for comfort but instead found fright in his eyes, even worse than mine. I slowly put my hand on top of his, trying to calm him down even a little. "Hyunjin" I whispered in a hushed voice. He looked at me with tears in his eyes, shocking me a little. He wrapped his arms around me and started to cry, totally breaking down, losing all the strength in his body.

"Who was that?" I asked him, his image reappearing in my mind. He was quite tall, well-built, dark brown hair and black, sharp eyes. "Why did he come back" Hyunjin cried out. "Why!" he yelled. We suddenly lost balance, making us fall backwards on the grass. He quickly switched our positions, making him hit the ground, me falling on top on his chest. He held me tight as his tears kept flowing down.

"That was Elle's brother, Lucas" Hyunjin suddenly said. It was easy to spot the fear in his voice. "He came by once last year, after 'hurting his sister'. The police had to stop him by force, he hit me so hard, it was horrible..." he wiped his tears away and continued talking. "Ever since he was in prison, but I guess they let him free already. I remember him shouting 'if you hurt her again, you're dead'. Ever since I have been frightened of him, thinking he would come back, and he really did."

My phone rang, startling the both of us. "Chan is calling" I said hesitantly. Hyunjin immediately sat up straight. "You can't answer, what if it's Lucas?" His hands were shaking, even though he tried so hard to keep them steady. "But what if it's Chan, asking for help, or telling us to come home?" Without awaiting Hyunjin answer I picked up the phone.

"Chan" I almost yelled, the tears forming in my eyes again. I put him on speaker so Hyunjin could listen as well. "So it's Y/N huh" a deep, somewhat familiar voice spoke through the phone. "What did you do to Chan!" I yelled out, the tears now flowing down once again, my eyes already red. I heard a small laugh on the other side of the phone. "Don't worry sweetheart, he just has a couple of bruises. For you, however, I can't guarantee you'll get out of my grip that easily."

The tears stopped, my breath stocked as I was now completely overcome by fear. Hyunjin snatched the phone out of my hands and held it near his mouth. "Listen you sick bastard, if you lay as much as one finger on her, I won't forgive you, ever!" he yelled before hanging up. "We gotta move, we can't stay here" Hyunjin said as he crouched down in front of me, allowing me to climb in his back. I rested my head on his shoulder and before I knew it, I fell asleep again.

"Y/N" a soft voice whispered. "Y/N" the voice said again, this time somewhat louder. I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by the sunlight. It took me a few seconds to readjust, but slowly Hyunjin's figure became clearer. "Goodmorning cutie" he said with a soft smile on his face. I sat up straight, trying to remember what happened last night. I looked around me, only to find myself in an unfamiliar room. "Where are we?" I asked him confused. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled once more. "Don't worry, no one will find us here."

He lifted me up and took me into a much bigger room, which I assumed was the living room. It seemed like a small wooden cabinet in the middle of a forest. "What is this place?" I asked once more, taken aback a little by the peaceful surroundings. Hyunjin went back into the kitchen to get our breakfast of which the nice scent filled the room. "It's just a cottage my parents rented for vacation. They gave me the key so I could use it whenever I want."

He walked up to me with the food and smiled. "You're the first one to know about this you know? None of the others know." I glanced over at him. "Speaking about the other, have you heard anything from them?" I asked worriedly, but Hyunjin shook his head in response. "There's no reception here, so I can't contact them. Let's go back later okay? We both could use some strength don't you think?" I smiled and nodded. "Good idea." He put one a CD, playing perfect by Ed Sheeran, immediately lifting my mood. "I love this song!" I said happily as I started singing along, completely being sucked into the song, forgetting about my surroundings.

Hyunjin smiled softly as he watched me. "And I love you."

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now