6 🌸

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My fake smile disappeared soon. "Seungmin, there's nothing to talk about. It's obvious that you found the person you always wanted to be with, so what else needs to be discussed?" I saw guilt in his eyes. I wanted to give in, but it would only hurt more in the end.

"I still wanted to apologize." He came closer, but I took a step back. "Apologize for what Seungmin? You did nothing wrong, we weren't even dating anyways." Saying those words out loud hurt me even more than expected. I desperately tried to fight the tears that were forming in my eyes, but it didn't work.

"Y/N..." His expression was hurt, a kind of hurt I never hoped to see. "I guess I was the only one, but I really thought there was something special between us." I gulped. "Not anymore, Seungmin. I'm sorry" I said before walking away. This time Seungmin didn't shout something. When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw him now also crying in the middle of the street.

Why did it have to end like this? Why did that girl have to come back? Why? Why! All the thoughts blocked reality, causing me to bump into someone. "I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized, not even looking up. "Y/N?" A voice said, causing me to look up after all. His face looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out who he was just yet.

He studied my face for a second before concern took over him. "Y/N, gosh, don't apologize, come here." He pulled me into a big hug, which I accepted immediately, melting into his arms. Right now it didn't matter who it was, all I needed was a hug, and someone telling me it would all be okay. "I'm so sorry for everything Seungmin did. If only I had warned you."

That's where I recognized him from. He was one of Seungmin's friends. Hyunjin or something like that right? "Why would you apologise? It's not like you did anything wrong." Hyunjin sighed. "Well, there is something I didn't quite tell you either."

The tears slowly stopped flowing when confusion took over. I moved out of his arms and gave him a confused gaze. "Let's go home first, we'll talk there" he said, taking my hand. I didn't quite understand what was going on, but just followed his lead, until I was in front of their shared house. He wanted to take me inside, but I protested. "No, please, not here!" I said, afraid I'd have to face Seungmin again. Hyunjin looked back at my panicked face and flashed a soft smile. "Don't worry, he's not here."

We went inside, seeing Jisung in the hallway. "Y/N...?" He said confused, looking at me, Hyunjin and then moving his eyes to our hands which were still intertwined. "I should tell her the truth about Elle" Hyunjin said. "The truth?" I asked him confused. His gaze moved to me. "We haven't told you everything yet."

Jisung's face was filled with uncomfortableness. "Hyunjin, are you sure you have to tell her now?" Jisung's gaze was still on the intertwined hands, his face looking more and more concerned. Hyunjin seemed to have caught on, but only held my hand tighter instead. "It will only hurt more if she finds out later." Jisung just nodded and went into the living room, allowing me and Hyunjin to go upstairs to his room.

Hyunjin closed the door behind him and sat down next to me on his bed. He look puzzled, not sure of where to begin, but spoke up anyway. "Seungmin told you Elle was using you to make someone jealous right?" He asked carefully. I nodded silently. "Well, what he didn't tell you, was that the person she tried to make jealous was me."

I looked at up, staring at his dark chocolate eyes, shocked by his words. "She was my classmate at the time, and it was obvious she had a crush on me, but no one said a word about it. When I didn't show any form of interest in her, she decided to use different methods, which was dating my best friend, Seungmin. I warned him so many times, but he didn't listen."

He paused a second before continuing. "I begged Elle to stop, but she said the only way for her to stop was by dating her. For Seungmin's sake, I started dating her, but Seungmin was heartbroken. He said he understood, but when Jisung found out he got furious for Seungmin. We started fighting, and Jisung said he was done with me. It all hurt so much that Elle and I decided to move to her parents house for a while."

"What happened next?" I asked in a quiet voice. "After a while I finally found a way to break up with her, and explained the situation to everyone else. Luckily enough they understood, but Seungmin was still beyond hurt. Luckily enough time healed all wounds, and Seungmin was finally getting over her. A little over a week ago, she suddenly reappeared. She apologized, and said she wanted to start over, but I told her no. I guess she apologized to Seungmin as well, which is why they're dating again."

Tears formed in my eyes again. My head hurt terribly from crying so much. "She's terrible" I said with a shaky voice. "She's only using him, why can't he see that!" I half shouted, angry at her for using him, but angry at him for not realizing.

"I guess love really makes blind" Hyunjin said hesitantly. He softly pulled me into his arms again, stroking my hair. "Listen, Y/N, I know that right now you don't want anything to do with him, but please, help him. Everyone here knows that you're the only one that can help him forget about her, so please" Hyunjin begged.

"But how?" I replied half crying. "How am I supposed to help him when he doesn't want to be helped?" Hyunjin now had a soft smile on his face. "I have a plan, but it isn't the greatest." I once again looked at him in confusion. "We have to make him realize exactly how much your worth by doing the same thing as Elle did with him. We need to make him jealous."

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