10 🌸

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My breath stocked, and the rest of my body froze. "Y-you're kidding me right?" He shook his head and laughed a little. "I don't mean it like that, I mean it for show, for the plan remember?" I sighed out of relief, yet somehow a weird feeling entered my stomach.

He continued his explanation. "What I meant was that if we 'date' each other, we would kill two birds in one stone right? Both Seungmin and Elle probably wouldn't like it a lot. What do you say?"

For a few seconds I didn't know how to reply. Hyunjin's face grew more concern as I didn't reply. "Y/N...?" He held my hands slightly tighter. "I..." Before I could reply, he shook his head. "It's okay if you don't want to. I won't force you to do anything." He turned away, but I called out to him. "No, let's do this!"

He turned back with a smile on his face. "I hoped you'd say yes." I smiled back. "I already promised I would help with the plan right? But... How are you planning on doing this?" He started walking again. "I think it's pretty easy. Just pretend to like me and I'll take care of the rest." He winked at me and slowly intertwined our hands.

I looked at him and he just chuckled. "If we want to pretend to be dating we have to make it look real right?" I looked down somewhat embarrassed. "It's not like anyone is watching now anyway" I mumbled. "Y/N, why don't you sleep over at our house again? If Elle can sleep over, let's show them my girlfriend can sleep over too!"

I hesitated. "I don't know, don't you think it'll be too soon?" He shook his head. "I think it would definitely be a good way to show we're 'dating'" he said, winking once more. "Fine, but stop the winking!" I let go of his hand and hit his arm. He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Hyunjin, shouldn't we go to my house first? I still need to get my clothes!" I suddenly said when we were almost there. "Just wear one of my shirts and sweatpants." When we arrived at his home, he carefully opened the door, but there was a light coming from the living room. He grabbed your hand again. "Just in case" he whispered as you went inside.

He quietly opened the door, only to see Seungmin and Elle hugging, with Elle sleeping in Seungmin's arms while he was watching TV. My heart ached, but Hyunjin quickly tightened his grip on my hand, stroking it with his thumb to comfort me. Seungmin looked up, clearly in shock. "Y/N?" Seungmin asked confused. When he noticed our hands, he switched to panic modes. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"I just brought my GIRLFRIEND over to sleep here, there's nothing wrong with that right?" Hyunjin asked with a mean undertone. "Girlfriend?" Seungmin became even more confused, but it was clear to see he didn't like where this was going. "Yeah, I just asked her out and she said yes." Hyunjin looked at me and smiled. I looked back, forcing a smile as well.

"Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" Seungmin asked seriously, but Hyunjin wouldn't let me answer. "I'm sorry, but that'll have to wait. She's coming with me now, and you wouldn't want to wake up your own girlfriend now would you?" Hyunjin dragged me upstairs into his room.

"That worked out quite well" he said laughingly, while I just kept quiet. When Hyunjin didn't hear a reply, he became worried. "Y/N..." A single tear fell down on the blankets. "I hate this Hyunjin... I hate it!" He stayed still next to me, still rubbing my hand with his thumb. "I know Y/N, I know."

More tears started flowing. "I don't think I can do this Hyunjin, it hurts too much. I hate seeing them together, I don't like it." Hyunjin scooted over and pulled me close. "Let's just sleep for now and talk it over tomorrow okay? You're probably too tired to think straight." He kissed my forehead and slowly lay me down. He pulled the blankets over me and lay down on the other side of the bed. "Goodnight Y/N."

That morning I woke up in his arms. He had himself all wrapped around me, like I was a teddy bear. For a moment I felt like all my worries were gone, until the door opened, revealing Seungmin. I quickly shut my eyes again, pretending to be asleep. I heard his footsteps come closer and closer, and felt the bed sag slightly.

A hand put my hair behind my ear, but I still felt Hyunjin's hands around my body, so it had to be Seungmin's hand right? My mind was going crazy until one of Hyunjin's hands moved away, grabbing Seungmin's wrist. "What are you doing?" Hyunjin asked in a seriously scary low voice. I slightly opened my eyes, enough too see something, but not enough for them to notice. Hyunjin and Seungmin were both quiet, but their glares said the words for them.

"Seungmin, let me ask you again. What are you doing?" Hyunjin asked once again. "Just checking up" he replied carefree, which angered Hyunjin even more. "Stop checking up on someone else's girlfriend, you have your own girlfriend remember?" Seungmin pulled his wrist out of Hyunjin's grip. "Does that mean that I can't care about someone else?" "It means that you can't touch someone who's not yours."

The tension between the two of them grew every second. I pretended to wake up, trying to calm the situation down a little. I murmled and rubbed my eyes, only to see two soft smiles when I fully opened them again. "Good morning Y/N" Seungmin said in a sweet voice. "Morning baby" Hyunjin said as he pulled me closer, kissing my temple. "Morning" I muttered back, a bit uneasy about the whole situation.

"I was just leaving, I'll see you soon Y/N" Seungmin said sweetly as he left the room. I looked at Hyunjin who just awkwardly stared at me. "You heard everything didn't you?" I gulped and nodded. "Was it that obvious?" "It wasn't, but I just noticed... I really don't know what's going on in that boy's head!" He sighed. "Well, at least your plan is working isn't it?" I asked. "I mean, it is, but right now he's pretty much just trying to claim you while he's clearly dating Elle. The plan was for him to let go of Elle, not making him try to claim the both of you."

I sighed. "I guess you're right, but then how on earth do we make him see how much of a wench she is?" I asked, totally out of ideas. "I have an idea! Let me try to find Elle, she should still be here."

Hyunjin went downstairs, with me following shortly after. "I got greeted by the boys, who were awfully confused as for why I was here. "Y/N...? Jisung asked confused. Everyone know how much I liked Seungmin, so it was even more confusing as for why I was here since clearly Seungmin was with Elle right now.

Hyunjin decided to hug me from behind to try to make it clear, but it only confused everyone else even more. "Hyunjin...?" Elle also looked up, her eyes were full of disgust and confusion, but she still kept her innocent smile. Hyunjin looked her right in the eyes. "I'm dating Y/N."

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