19 🌸

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Another chaotic morning. People yelling everywhere. "Breakfast is ready!" Chan yelled from downstairs. I slowly opened my eyes, keeping them half shut in order not to be blinded by the bright sunlight that was shining through the curtains. When I finally was able to make something out a person was standing in front of me. I blinked a few times to see who was standing in front of me.

"Hyunjin? What are you doing here?" I asked confused and still awfully tired. His face was awfully worried for this early in the morning. "Y/N! Why on earth are you in Seungmin's bed? Weren't you supposed to sleep in Jisung's room?" I nodded. "Seungmin and I were talking some more last night, I guess I fell asleep here."

Hyunjin's worry didn't disappear. "Still! Nothing happened right?" I shook my head, to which he let out a relieved sigh. "Let's just go downstairs" he said as he took my hand, trying to help me up, but an unknown force kept me down. Was it a sign that I couldn't leave the bed? Because I wouldn't mind.

But no, it sadly wasn't. Seungmin popped his head out of the blankets, rubbing his eye. "So loud" he groaned in annoyance as he tried to find a new comfortable position. Seungmin closed his eyes again, still keeping me as close as possible. Hyunjin stared at him in disbelief, as I was just confused about what was going on. "Yah, Seungmin!" Hyunjin yelled as he tried to get me out of his grip.

"I said, BREAKFAST IS READY!" Chan yelled once more, but this time a lot louder and somehow angrier, making Hyunjin and Seungmin rush out of the room. "What's going on?" I asked still confused. They both turned around, their eyes deadly serious. "You don't want to see Chan angry!" They said in unison before running down.

When I got downstairs, I found out why they were so scared. They were literally on their knees in front of Chan while he was yelling at them. "Can't you guys for ONCE WAKE UP?" Chan sighed in disapproval. "Gosh, just sit down." The boys ran to their chairs and Chan's gaze fell on me. His eyes were still furious, and with every step I put back, he put one closer.

I closed my eyes, afraid of what was going to happen next, but surprise took me over. He hugged me, and when I opened my eyes I saw him smile sweetly. "Goodmorning Y/N, did you sleep well? You must be hungry after not eating much, I'll make you extra food if you want!" I stared at him confused, but relieved he wasn't yelling at me.

"Why is she getting special treatment?" Felix asked annoyed, since got yelled at as well even though he was earlier than me. Chan turned around and looked him dead in the eye, immediately shutting Felix up. "Listen Felix, she's a girl, you have to treat girls with care!" "But you barely even know her" Felix whined. "She's living here now, which means she's part of the family, now shut it or no breakfast for you." I let out a small chuckle, leading to me getting all the attention and a few confused gazes. "Sorry, I just thought it was nice to see how close you were, I didn't mean to laugh" I quickly said, but Felix smiled. "It's okay, let's just eat, I'm starving!"

After I just finished my plate I looked up at everyone. All smiling again, chatting happily, it made me realize how good it feels to actually be around people again. I got startled when Seungmin suddenly nudged my arm. "You should finish your plate" he whispered. I looked down, and there was, in fact, more food. "What?" I said out loud. "What's wrong Y/N?" Chan asked who sat opposite of me. "I just finished my plate but now there's more food on it again!" Chan laughed. "Seungmin, don't tease her like that! He's just trying to get you to eat more since you lost so much weight." I looked at Seungmin, who gave me a somewhat sassy 'sorry'. "Fine, I'll eat more, but not too much!" I replied laughingly.

After we, this time really, finished breakfast, everyone went to do their own thing. Chan was working on a project, most of them were making homework and Felix was gaming again, as usual, just leaving me with nothing to do. I went back to Jisung's, or rather now my room to watch a movie, there had to be something I could do to make time go faster.

I turned my laptop on as I started Netflix. After scrolling through the various movies, I just put on Shrek, since I couldn't think of anything better. As soon as I turned it on, Jeongin came bursting through my door. He stood still for a second, locking eyes with me. "Is that Shrek?" He suddenly asked, causing me to burst out in laughter. "That's what you almost broke the door for?" I said inbetween my laughter. He just nodded shyly. "Yeah, it is Shrek" I replied, still trying to stop laughing. His eyes were begging me, but he didn't say a word. "Do you by any chance wanna watch it with me?" I asked teasingly, to which he threw himself on the bed next to me. "I thought you'd never ask!"

We started the movie, but kept being interrupted by more and more people coming in, and eventually, all eight of us sat there. Everyone sat seriously close to each other to be able to see something, ending with me leaning my back against Hyunjin. "Guys?" I asked and paused the movie. "Can't we just watch it downstairs if we're all watching this anyway?" The boys looked at each other and started laughing. "That might be a better idea" Chan said.

"I have a better idea though" Minho said suddenly. "Weren't we all going to visit Jisung?" We looked at each other, our faces instantly sadned as we nodded. "Let's go see him." The ride seemed to take hours, even though it was only a few minutes. We were all quiet, suddenly not knowing what to say anymore.

We all stood in front of his grave. "Hey Ji" Minho started. "It's been a while hasn't it?" Changbin put his hand on Minho's back to comfort him. Minho had been hit the hardest out of all of us, since he practically knew Jisung since birth. "Ji, look, Hyunjin and Y/N got super skinny, so you have to tell them to eat a lot okay?" Tears started forming in Minho's eyes, but he kept them in and just smiled.

"Jisung, are you doing well up there? I'm sure you must be in a paradise right now with everything you've ever dreamed of" Felix said to divert the attention from Minho, knowing his voice would crack if he talked any more. "Actually" Felix continued, "I brought you something." Felix took out a picture of the nine of them together. "I'm sorry I don't have a picture of Y/N for you, but this way you won't forget about us right?" Tears started streaming down his face, but he didn't make a sound.

Seungmin stepped in front. "Actually, I might have something for you too." He got a picture of me out, the one he took at our first meeting and placed it next to their picture. "I wanted to keep this, but I decided that you deserved it more. Thank you for looking out for her Jisung." Hyunjin nodded. "Thank you for staying with her when we messed things up.

A soft breeze blew sakura petals all around us. We all looked at each other and smiled. Of course, no one can prove it, but we all believed it was Jisung, telling us you're welcome. Even though he can't fhysically be with us anymore, he will always watch over us from above. With that in mind, we went home again, all now smiling. Thank you Jisung.

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