20 🌸

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I sat up straight, wires all around me, my eyes wide open, tears falling down without even knowing why. I blinked a few times, trying to see where I was, totally confused until I finally was able to make out that I was in a hospital. The room was pitch dark, so I assumed it was night. Next to me was Seungmin, sleeping on the side of the bed while still sitting in the chair.

I tried remember what happened, but as soon as I saw a car flash right before me, a sudden headache overtook me, making me scream in pain. Seungmin instantly woke up, worried, yet somehow relieved. "Y/N! Owhmygosh, I'll get you a doctor!" He wanted to go away, but I grabbed his hand. I was shaking terribly. "What happened?" I asked confused. "One minute ago we were at Jisung's grave!"

Seungmin gave me a confused look. "Grave? Your memory must have been altered. You got in a car accident. You've been in a coma for the past three days. Jisung got lucky, he's resting at home now." My eyes grew in shock, tears streaming down my fave rapidly and uncontrollably.

"He's alive?" I asked, my voice sounded broken. Seungmin nodded as he wiped away my tears. "Are you really okay Y/N?" I couldn't think straight. I took off the equipment that held me back, ran out of the hospital, running to their home. I had to see him. I had to know for sure he was alive. Please let him be alive! When I arrived I banged on the door as loud as I could. I didn't care what time it was, I had to see him right now.

The door opened slowly, Chan standing in the door opening, but when he saw me worry instantly took over him. "Y/N? What are you doing here at 3 AM? Why aren't you in the hospital?" I didn't answer his question, but ran straight past him to Jisung's room. I instantly swung it open, revealing Jisung sleeping safe and sound.

More tears came flowing down. I fell down on the ground, now actually feeling how weak my body actually was. My legs gave up, and my head felt like it could explode any minute, but none of that mattered right now. He was alive. He didn't die, he was here right in front of me. He's alive! Chan ran upstairs as well, worried as hell about me. He stood still when he saw me down on the ground, my hands covering the tears I shed.

"Y/N, what happened out there?" Chan whispered as he kneeled down next to me. "Come on, let's get you to bed." He tried to help me up, but I instantly fell back to the ground, my legs were awfully weak. Chan picked me up and supported me with walking, until a voice rang. "Y/N?"

I turned my head around and saw Jisung sitting up straight, rubbing his eyes. "Ji... sung?" I cried out. I couldn't progress anything at the moment. Was it really just a dream? Now somewhat more awake, Jisung immediately walked up to me and hugged me. "Ssshh, it's okay, it's okay." He carried me to his bed and sat me down, as he rocked me back and forth in his arms. "It's okay, I'm here."

"What happened Y/N? You should be in the hospital resting!" he asked when I slightly calmed down. "But you- you were dead, and- and it was my fault, and-" I couldn't say anything else when the panick and tears immediately came back. "I thought you really were dead Jisung" I cried. Jisung just wiped every single tear away. "It's okay, I'm here. I'm okay, see, I'm alive!"

Reality finally started to kick in. Everything was just a dream. He's still here. But the dream seemed so real! Even the confe-. The confession. What on earth was I dreaming about!? What was wrong with my mind? When I was quiet for an awfully long time, Jisung's worry only grew. "Y/N? What's wrong? The dream?" I shot up embarrassed. "I-it's nothing!"

I sighed, but out of relief. "I'm sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night Ji" I said embarrassed. Jisung just smiled. "You can wake me up any time Y/N, you know that. Let's get you back to the hospital okay?" I nodded as my smile grew. I guess you never know how much you'll miss someone until you lose them.

Jisung lifted me down the stairs as he put me in the car which Chan was driving. "I just called Seungmin that we're on our way back" Chan said with a slight chuckle. "The poor boy was so confused, he didn't even know what to do!" I instantly panicked. "Owhmygosh, Seungmin! Owhmygosh this is bad!" Jisung laughed. "Don't worry Y/N, you're the most important now."

We drove back to the hospital, Seungmin and the nurses already waiting. "I'm sorry for rushing out" I said as I laid down on the brancard, looking at Seungmin. He gave me a simple smile and tucked my hair behind my ear. "I'm just glad you're awake." "Miss Y/N, we'll have you take a full test tomorrow, but for now let's get some rest okay? Right now you don't seem to be in any danger, so that's good. If there's anything, you can push the red button next to you, is that okay?" The doctor asked to which I nodded. "Thank you very much."

The doctor looked at Seungmin. "If you want, you can stay here for the night. Should I prepare you another bed?" Seungmin looked at me and smiled. "I'd like to stay, but right now I think it might be best if Jisung stayed." He looked at Jisung, who gave him an awfully confused look. "I just don't want Y/N rushing out of the hospital again because of you" he said laughingly. Jisung looked at me and smiled. "Thanks Min!"

Seungmin and Chan went back home, while Jisung stayed with me. "You know" Jisung started, laying in the bed next to mine. "Seungmin sat here every day and night, praying for you to wake up. He really was devastated when he found out you had been in the accident, so I'm really surprised he wanted me here instead of himself." I nodded and smiled shyly with just the thought of Seungmin always by my side.

"I'm sorry for scaring you guys like that" I replied softly. He shook his head and smiled. "Don't be, we just care about you a lot. Let's talk in the morning and get some rest okay? It sounds like the dreams you had when you were unconcious weren't all that great, so you must be mentally exhausted." I nodded in agreement. "It really was awful..." Jisung flashed another smile. "I'm here, so don't worry okay? Goodnight Y/N." "Goodnight Jisung."

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now