34 🌸

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"Close your eyes" Seungmin said as we stood in front of the beginning of the park. "Why?" I as confused. He smiled brightly as he grabbed one of my hands. "Trust me." I hesitantly closed my eyes and followed his lead, slightly stumbling. "You're not going to let me fall are you?" I asked slightly scared, but was already a bit more reassured when I heard his soft laugh. "Don't worry, I promise I'll catch you if you fall."

"You can open your eyes now" he said softly. I opened them, only to notice a huge screen and fairy lights at our usual spot, a bouquet of red roses in his free hand and most importantly, a huge smile on his face. "You prepared all this?" I asked totally in shock. "Y/N" he started. He placed the roses on the bench and grabbed both of my hands. "Before I say anything else, I want you to watch something." He led me to the bench as I sat down, Seungmin starting up the beamer.

"Y/N, smile!" the video started. You could see me turn around, slightly confused and heard Seungmin's laugh in the background. "What are you doing?" "It's a secret!" The video showed all of our moments together, from times he would purposely shoot to the secret times I didn't even realize. Suddenly the screen showed only Seungmin in this exact spot, the exact same decorations, probably from a few hours before. "Dear Y/N, I know I'll probably freak out if I try to say this face to face so... I wanted to do it this way. So much has happened lately and from the moment you met me, everything seemed to go wrong. Things got messed up and no matter how much I tried to be there for you, it wasn't enough. In an hour I'll be going back to Elle's house to set everything right. If things go wrong, then... You probably won't get to see this so let's not think of that and hope everything goes right! The point is... I never got to be there for you when you needed it the most but I really want to be there for you, I want to always be by your side. To take care of you when you're sick, to cuddle while watching movies while I'd probably feed you, knowing you're too lazy to get it yourself." He paused for a second, an even bigger smile appearing on his face. "What I'm saying is that I love you. And this time, no Elle, no Hyunjin, it's just you and me, here and now. This time I want to do it right and be the only one for you. Y/N..."

The screen turned off, making me turn to Seungmin. "Y/N" he continued, his smile just as big as on the screen. "Will you be my girlfriend?" My smile grew wider and wider. "Yes!" I said without thinking, jumping into his arms. "I love you so much Seungmin" I said, wrapping my arms around him even tighter. We both lifted our faces slightly apart, gazing in each other's eyes before closing the gap.

Suddenly, people around us started clapping, startling the both of us. We quickly broke off the kiss, both embarrassed yet happy. Before us stood 8 boys with awfully big brins on their faces. "Ya, Chan! I told you not to tell the rest!" Seungmin said annoyed. "Sorry" he said laughingly as he walked up to Seungmin. "You're growing up so fast!" He fake cried and hugged him.

The boys all joined the hug except for Hyunjin, who walked up to me. "Hyunjin, I-" he shook his head and engulfed me in a warm hug. "I'm happy for you, really, so no apologies or anything. Just promise me you'll be happy okay?" I smiled and nodded as I returned the hug. "I promise." "HYUNJIN, NO STEALING MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN" Seungmin laughingly shouted, making Hyunjin let go, also with a smile on his face. "Take good care of her!" Seungmin's laugh turned into a soft smile. "I will."

"Now if you guys clean up, I'm going out on a date with my girlfriend!" Seungmin said. In the blink of an eye he took my hand and started running. "Seungmin, get your ass back here!" Minho yelled, but of course, Seungmin did not get his ass back there. We kept running and running until we were already blocks away, both too tired to run any further.

"I never thought I could run that much!" I said jokingly. "Y/N" Seungmin said with a somewhat mischievous smirk on his face. "What?" I asked, my cheeks turning slightly red. "I never got to finish this" he said before passionately smashing his lips onto mine again.


I want to thank you all so much for staying with me until the end! I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I was so invested in the fanfic I even cried while writing, can you believe it? I know lots of you wanted to end up with Hyunjin or Jisung because they, quite obviously, treated Y/N better, but I learned that no matter how great someone treats you, you can't help who you love. You can be thankful and feel happy when people treat you well, but it's not always love. That's why I wanted Y/N to end up with Seungmin. To show that real love won't just change that simply. Anyways, thank you once more! I might make an epilogue, but no promises~ thank you so so much and I really hope you guys have great lives!

✔️photograph • Kim Seungmin✔️Where stories live. Discover now