31 🌸

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"You're telling me both Hyunjin and Seungmin are missing?" Chan asked in disbelief as he run his hand through his hair in frustration. It was already dark, around midnight and everyone else was already asleep. I nodded, feeling more guilty then ever. "The last I saw from Hyunjin was when he ran away after... Something in the cottage and Seungmin ran out this afternoon after we fought."

"I'm so sorry" I said as I looked down. Chan immediately shook his head. "Don't worry, we'll find them. It's not your fault, so don't beat yourself up about it." Chan let out a sigh as he stood up. "Let's go look for them okay?" He walked up to me and helped me get up, supporting me with walking. I carefully sat down in the car as Chan closed my door, getting in his own seat.

"Do you have any idea where we're supposed to look?" I asked Chan, still worried. Chan nodded, but didn't seem to happy. "I might have an idea of where Seungmin is, but I just hope he's not." I just stared through my window, somewhat scared to ask any further. The ride seemed endless, even though only a few minutes passed. The silence in the car only brought even more tension than there already was.

Luckily enough the car stopped. I looked outside the window and saw a huge mansion, at least twice as big as our house. "Where on earth are we" I asked cautiously. "Don't worry about that. You stay here, I'll check if Seungmin is inside." Before I could even protest Chan was already outside. I watched him go inside the mansion and got out as soon as I could as well. I had to know.

I walked as fast and steady as I could. I saw Chan walk behind the mansion, probably to the garden. I followed him but stopped behind a wall when I saw Seungmin and Elle. So that's where he was. With her. A single tear fell down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away and decided to listen. Chan was already nowhere to be found.

"You can't leave me again! You promised!" I heard Elle yell in rage. "Listen Elle, I told you. Yes, I loved you, and maybe I still have some feelings for you left, but I'm not going to lose Y/N because of you. You were my past, but she's my future." A loud slap followed. I quickly looked behind the wall to see Elle still with her arm raised. "I should have sent my brother after you instead, you asshole!" she yelled before running inside. Seungmin just stood there, watching her run away. He let out a sigh and turned into my direction.

I quickly hid behind the wall again, hoping he didn't see me yet. I heard his footsteps closing in, only a few metres away now. I closed my eyes, more scared with every second but before Seungmin could see me, a hand was covering my mouth as I was forcibly taken into the mansion. I tried to kick the person, hit them with all my might, but I had no control over the situation at all. I was done for.

I was thrown into a room, much bigger than the one I had now, needless to say more luxurious as well. The door closed fast, making it impossible to see who it was that had taken me. It must have been a guy though, considering his strength as built. I went up to the door, heavily pulling and pushing, trying anything to open it, but it was no use.

Instead, I crawled to the window since my legs had already used up all of it's strength. I swung the curtains to the side and desperately opened the window. I looked down, only to realize how high up I was. If I jumped, there was no way I'd survive. From a distance, I could see Seungmin and Chan talking, both clearly not in a good mood. I started yelling their names, but that was of no use either. They couldn't hear me.

I fell to the ground, realizing what was actually going on. Lucas got me, there was no other explanation. He must have seen me come here, or used Seungmin to lure me here. I can't possibly imagine what he's going to do. If he already beat up Chan even though he did nothing, I couldn't possibly imagine what he would do to me.

Over an hour had passed. There was no sign of Chan and Seungmin and the whole mansion seemed to quiet. I haven't heard any sound in a while now. I slowly opened the door, checking for any life signs. I slowly wondered around the mansion, searching for my way out. I had to go before he found out I left.

"Oh Y/N~" a sweet voice called as footsteps slowly closened in. I looked around, trying to find any place to hide. I quickly went into the first door I could ever find, shutting it instantly. "I'm coming sweetheart~" the voice called again as it passed by. It was by no doubt Lucas' voice. Luckily enough I don't think he even noticed me.

I let out a sigh of relief, reaching for the doorknob once again, but a familiar voice stopped me. "Y/N?" the voice called out, making me turn my head back instantly. The room was dark with nothing to light it. I couldn't see his face, but I knew it was him. It had to be.


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