the last day

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"Mike stop!We have to get to class!"El giggled through the kisses

"Nu-uh.Not happening."Mike answered not stopping kissing her

"Mike come onn! It's the last day of school and I don't wanna be latee"she squeled

"Ugh fine,but later we're going to finish that"he winked as El chuckled shyly.

They got out of the locker room and started their way for chemistry.Fortunately they had first period together so they went through the same way holding hands.

It was now the last day before school closes for summer and at the same time the last day they had to be in this 'jail'.They all graduated last week and all got accepted to college.The boys got accepted in a college in South-Carolina and both El and Max were going to study English in Florida.Obviously Mike,Lucas,Dustin and Will were studying science.

Everyone was 18 but El would turn them next month.Max and the others have been secretly planning her birthday for months and they even got Hopper's permission for what they wanted to do.It is her 18th birthday and it has to be something unforgettable.

When they reached the class El gave him a quick kiss and went inside.Mike followed her as well,still a little dizzy from that make out senssion they had.

"Very nice of you to finally join us mr Wheeler"ms Daren the chemistry teacher said(I picked a random name lol😂)

"Yeah yeah you're welcome"mike casually told her as everyone started to laugh

"Silence!"ms Daren hit her book on her desk and continued the lesson as she a gave an angry look on Mike.

He made his way to his seat which only happened to be next to El's.Eleven gave him a look and he shrugged sitting down.


"IT'S LUNCH TIME"Dusting yelled as the whole party made their ways through the school halls

"Oh my god Dustin can you please try not to make us even more embarrassed the last day we actually are in this shit hole?!"Max rolled her eyes taking Lucas' hand

"Well....obviously not.Today they have chocolate pudding so I'm not going to settle down for NOTHING."He answered her

Max scoffed and continued walking next to Lucas as everyone else tried to hold back their giggles.They arrived at the cafeteria and sat at their usual table.After a while everyone had their trailers of food and started eating.

They all chatted and laughed until Will decided to make an announcement.

"So guys you all know this is our last day here"he cleared his throat

"Which means that it's the last day we're sitting here at this table as high schoolers"he said with a frown

"Are you gonna make a speech or something now?"Dusting said with his mouth full of pudding

"Ugh no but I just wanted you all to feel grateful for our last day here because even if we hate this place I'm sure we're going to miss it when we'll be older"he said with a serious look

Everyone at the table stared at each other for a moment and stopped laughing.They were understanding the fact that from this day on they were going to be officially introduced to the stressful adult life.Well,not for at least the next 3 months.

They smiled and all nodded.Will then sat down smiling.


The day passed by quickly and then it was time to leave this place for good.They goodbyed their friends and teachers and went out of there.

"Oh my god we are finally FREE"Max yelled squeling

"Finally"El said sighing

"I thought you liked school"Mike gave a playful look

"Seriously?"El rolled her eyes at Mike and he laughed pulling her by the waist giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"Remember what we left this morning?"he wishpered in her ear smirking

Eleven blushed and smirked back at him as she hit him playfully on the chest.She got out of his grasp and went next to Max.

Mike sighed and started walking with the boys.

"Soooo"Lucas started"hormonal problems huh?"he smirked at him and laughed

"Oh my god could you shut up for once?"he scoffed

"Yeah but seriously dude what's wrong?She doesn't give you the nas-"

"Oh my god Lucas SHUT UP you're so disgusting!"He hid his face with his hands trying to hide his blush.

"Mike not kidding now how happens not to have done it yet?"Dustin asked raising his eyebrows

"Because we dont want to."

"Oh come on man you know you want it"Lucas hit him playfully

"Yeah guess what though Lucas,it doesn't matter if I want to but if SHE wants to dumbass.We are not all hormonal teens like you and Max."he stated seriously

After that the boys stopped and continued walking in silence with a bit of awkwardness because of the fact that what Mike said was right.

The girls on the other hand don't have such a different conversation either.

"Why are you acting so hard to get?"Max laughed

"Wh-what do you mean?"El asked awkwardly

"Uhm what do you think I mean.It's obvious that Mike want to you know what and you always pushing him away"

"Oh my god Max!We are not like that..."

"El you know you're just like that.You guys literally can't keep your hands away from each other for a minute!"she laughed

"What!?No!This isn't true"El defended looking down

"Yeah yeah El whatever you say"Max smirked


Heyoo my dear readers.Welcome back to our little story with the very first chapter of this book.As you can say this book is going to take place when they are older and more mature and I can't wait for you all to see what we have in mind for this book.

PLEASE let us know what you think about this bc all your opinions are very important to us.So comment all you want<3

Later sweethearts☁️

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