broken promises

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Mike Wheeler was sitting on his basement's couch. The mattress was thick and hard, because the furniture was quite old, but to him, it felt like the softest thing.

Because he was in another world, another universe. In a universe where everything was soft. Everything was made of silk, pure silk and cotton. Because, as long as he had her on his mind everything was soft.

The softness of her beautiful smile, the smile that took his breath away. The softness of her bright hazel eyes, in which he could see himself in every time he looked. The softness of her smooth skin, which he swore only princesses had. And she trully was a princess.

So the thought of her made everything around him magical. He may was in his basement, but to him, it was paradise.

If only eleven knew what she was doing to mike. The boy had no space in his head except for her name. Two letters, El. And those two letters had eaten his whole memory.

But his mind was not only filled with good things related to her. The boy started thinking about the negative facts. In a month he had to go with the other three boys away from her. And if she didn't exist, he wouldn't care about leaving Hawkins at all.

But she did exist. And Mike was afraid. All those months away from her would feel like a torture. He wouldn't be able to touch her hands, to kiss her lips, to make her love for a long period of time.

Sure, they would meet each other, but only on the holidays. And, to be honest, this time wasn't enough.

He just wanted his El. Not his stupid studies.

But life was life and he had to obey its rules. He had to make money. And only a nice university would provide him with those.

A month. He still had a month to spend with his girlfriend. And he made sure that he would make the most of it. Just him and her. Together. Until the last minute of their separation.

But those plans soon changed, as he listened to his mother's voice from downstairs.

"MIKE COME TO THE LIVING ROOM YOU HAVE A LETTER FROM THE UNIVERSITY" she screamed. Her voice was strict and professional, just like every time she talked about school and studies. Karen was always pressing to Nancy, Mike and now Holly, about school. And he was used to it.

He went up the stairs and straight to the living room, where he found his whole family sitting on the couch looking weirdly at him. Ted was holding an open file in his hands, which he had obviously read.

"Mike..." nancy started to say. She looked quite concerned, compassionate, as it seemed to Mike

"Yale sent us a letter. They asked all students to be there in a week. They are going to give you rooms so you must go there three weeks earlier to organise and get to know each other." his father announced

That's when the boy lost it. "i-in a w-w-week?" he trembled.

"yes mike, in a week" karen repeated, for him to realise it.

A tear fell down his cheek. He had to leave Hawkins in a week. He had to leave the town he grew up in seven days, only. Under normal circumstances, it would be a relief. Leaving this boring, isolated town, with its creepy past and the mean people. But her, oh leaving her earlier would be the death of his.

And he felt this death. He felt it everywhere. In his blood, in his mind, in his bones, and most importantly in his heart. He was certain it wasn't beating anymore. The organ responsible for his emotions was in shock and disappointment, and who could blame it?

"W-w-what ab-bout e-e-el?" he said trembling more at the sound of her name. Nancy's eyes watered, because she understood him. She really did. Jonathan and her had been a couple since Mike and El became one, so losing him would be a huge stitch. And mike just had this stitch.

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