Author's Note

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So it's been quite the ride you guys. I don't know if it's just me or every writer when they finally finish a book they've put months in writing it, is so emotional. I must have cried more the past two days than I've cried my whole life. Okay no that's a lie bUt still I really did sob while writing the epilogue.

I followed Iris' words and out of curiosity read again the first chapter of this book that also happened to write myself and then I read the epilogue. It's literally amazing how much I've progressed, not extremely but still enough to be able to say now that I know English lmao.

When we started writing this book one year ago we never thought it would make it past our previous book "The summer of love". But here we are "Teenage love" having over 21k views, leaving the other far behind it.

We want to thank you all for the love you showed our little book. We wouldn't be where we are rn if it wasn't for you. So thank you, really, for reading our book and loving it as much as we did. We love you all so so much and we are so grateful for you.

Keep being awesome and we'll meet again my dear readers. We won't make a sequel for this book so this is the ultimate ending. Don't worry tho, we have another book in progress, this time not mileven and surely not like anything we've written before. So if you are to read it, please go easy on us, we're still learning lol.

Bye for now,
~Asimina and Iris💗

Ps; there will be extra oneshots of this book so you don't forget our precious little babies and their future together;)

Ps; there will be extra oneshots of this book so you don't forget our precious little babies and their future together;)

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