we'll get through this

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The hours went by quicker than they should have in El's opinion and right now it was almost 9pm and she was sitting anxiously on her bed,her foot not being able to stop moving up and down.

She was currently alone,after Max had gone out in a urgency to go to the nearest drug store before it closed or the streets got too hard to walk in because of the snow.

El for sure didn't expect her day to finish like this,but here she is,so nervous that she felt that she could actually puke,not that she hasn't been doing so.

Not only that her anxiety was eating her up,her nerves were killing her,her mind was tricking her and her heart was breaking by every passing moment but she actually didn't know what to do.

She was left with practically nothing.

Well actually no.

If her assumptions were correct then she wasn't.....left with nothing.

But that thought scared her more so she tried to just focus on other things.

Aaaand that led her to her current situation where she is two seconds away from calling Mike.

She knows it's probably midnight there but she just has to call him.

So she just picks up the phone and with a sudden wave of confidence and braveness,she calls him.

But everything stops when he picks up.

Her breath hitch and it's like her brain stoped functioning.She just stayed there,words not making their way out of her mouth.

Mike wasn't saying anything either and the silence was eating her up.

After a few more moments of silence she realised she couldn't do it and as she was about to hang up Mike speak up and her heart skipped a beat.

"Friends don't lie..."

Mike's almost broken voice said just above a whisper.

"Mike-"El tried to say but she was cut off quick.

"Don't.I don't wanna hear it.I don't want to hear YOU ever again."

There was a sudden outburst from the line that made El jump a little and before she could say anything else he started talking again.

"Don't call me ever again,bitch."

Mike stated harshly before he hang up,leaving El shooked.

She slowly put the phone back down,her hands more shaky than before and before she could even wrap her head around what just happened,Max came bursting through the door.

"Holy shit it's so cold out there,the streets were literally like a white sea and you're lucky I got to Mr Peterson's store before he closed-"she cut her words abruptly when she saw the look of complete shook and heartbreak in El's eyes.

"El?El what happened?!"she reached forward and wrapped her in a tight embrance like she had done so many times that evening.

"I-"El tried to answer her but honestly,she didn't know what to say.

"Come sweety,sit down."Max led her to her bed and sat down next to her.

"Now do you want to tell me what happened?"she asked softly.

"Huh?Oh uhm....nothing....really?"El said a little too cautiosly and when Max gave her that "you're lying" look,she knew she wasn't really believable.

"What? I'm serious! I'm fine Max."she put a hand on top of Max's comfortingly.

Max looked at her somewhat suspiciously but she didn't push her more.

"Okay...well are you ready?I brought it."She bit her bottom lip as she dag in the plastic bag she brought and pulled out the pregnancy test.

"Yeah."El sighed and took the box from Max's hands.

She walked to the bathroom locking herself up before taking the test and leaving it on the sink.

She didn't know what to do.Should she stay there like a guard staring at the cup or go out in Max's comforting arms as she waited for the confrontation that,either she was just stupid or stupidly naïve for letting something like that happen.

As she was thinking about it the minutes went by without her own permission and she was left there,being too scared to look at her own mistakes.

She tried calming herself down with deep breaths but that wouldn't help.Five minutes had gone by and she still hadn't looked at it.Max started knocking on the door,making sure she was okay.

El decided that she had to look at it eventually but it seemed like her own self wasn't letting her do so.

So with a last deep breath she looked up from her hands on her lap and right where the cup was.She stand up and slowly turned the stick around to look at what it said.

She took it in her hands trying to understand what it said but when she understood there was no reaction.She looked at herself in the mirror trying to understand who the person in front of her was.It wasn't her.It didn't feel like her.

She was just.... emotionless.

She unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom coming face to face with her lifelong best friend.

But the way Max was looking at her with such worry and pure love for her best friend,she couldn't take it anymore,she just broke down.

"Max..."she sobbed holding the pregnancy test up.

Max didn't have to look at it to understand what that meant.She started crying too,the both of them falling into each other's arms.

"I'm pregnant."El looked up at her with teary eyes but behind that Max saw a glimpse of happiness too.

"I'm going to have a baby.Mike's baby."she couldn't help it and broke into more tears at his name.

"Oh El..."Max sobbed still holding her tightly.

"You'll get through this.We'll get through this.Together.I'll be here for you the whole time.Everything's gonna be okay honey."she kissed her head trying to even her breaths as El continued sobbing in her neck.

They stayed like that until El fell asleep.Max stayed guard all night thinking what was happening and how her best friend would get through this.There were so many things that had to happen in the next few months so this baby comes into the world and have a good life with actually happy parents.

First though,they would have to tell Mike.And by they I mean El.


Hi again,your gurl Asimina is back and if I'd tell you she didn't cry at all while writing this,it is a big fat lie:)

But anyway I can't believe we've officially got into the last part of this book.It feels like yesterday when me and Iro were scared of even considering publishing our first book and now here we are,'Summer of love' having 14k reads and this book just reached 10k.

I mean wow.You have no idea how grateful we are and how much we love every single one of you.

Just saying this part is going to be a bit rocky but I ASSURE you it'll worth all the pain.

Okay see you in the next one then❤️

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