too good at goodbyes

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^^^I'm listening to "I love u" by Billie Eilish and I'm still crying both for the last episode of the s3 and Cameron Boyce (rest in paradise angel💔) and I just though I'd let y'all know.

Oh btw almost forgot SPICE AHEAD and I mean SPICE


And as Mike and El expected the whole week went by in a snap of a finger,with all the dates they were going,to hanging out with the whole party and taking in every moment and thing they could.

It was Sunday afternoon and in about 20 minutes Mike would come over to pick up El for their last date before he'd leave.Yeah the time had come, tomorrow morning he'll be driving to the campus with rest of the boys.

El had changed outfit more than 5 times and currently she was almost an hour in front of the mirror.At last she was finally satisfied by how she looked and now she was applying some more of her red lipstick on her lips.

She looked herself on the mirror and took a long breath.That would be their last date,their last few hours alone and she was determined to not waste a second.She had planned to make their last night together special.Oh how much has she been wanting this.They would go for a movie and then for dinner in one of their favourite diner.And after,oh after that,he was supposed to return her home but El had asked Joyce(i literally had to take a deep breath before I continued writing the next part)to take Hopper at a get away trip for the weekend so they could have some 'alone time' and of course she said yes.

And by now she was alone at the house,with Will at Dustin's house for a sleepover and Joyce with Hopper away at a luxurious hotel somewhere near Hawkins.So she had everything planned and ready.She and Mike had all night to themselves and she was ready for it.

Finally El heard Mike's car pulling up in the drive way so she checked one last time her appearance and headed for the door.

Before Mike could even knock El opened the door reveiling her beautiful self.Miie stood there for a moment completly frozen by her beauty.That night she was really something else.She was wearing a short white dress that had a beautiful v-neck in the front capturing her carves perfectly.She had curled her hair and she was wearing a dark red lipstick, mike's favourite,and she was also wearing red high heels.

Mike was, to say the least, astonished.He had to bring together himself so he could form actual words.

"El-wow you look-you look amazing"Mike said still processing the view in front of him

"Why thanks,Wheeler.Not bad yourself"she winked and closed the door behind her before starting for his car

Mike was already frozen for a second time tonight.He couldn't stop repeating what just happened.She winked at him and she's literally hotter than he has ever seen her.Oh she's for sure up to something.

He followed shortly after her and opened the door for El who's been waiting.He got in the driver seat as well and started the car.They made it at the cinema on time for their movie and got in their seats.It was a new romantic comedy that El had been gushing about since the day it came out.

After the movie was over they walked to the diner since it wasn't pretty far away from where the movie theater was.Mike also took notice that El was way more flirtarious than normal by swaying her hips a little more or by being a little more affectionate and touchy.

While they were eating El wouldn't stop holding his hand or touching his leg from under the table.Mike occasionally would almost choke on his food by her actions but the truth is,if she's trying to give him a hard-on,she's for sure achieving it.

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