it feels like forever

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(This chapter is poor fluff and angst sorry about that)


The time passed by like a train without a stop.August left as quick as it came,the girls had left Hawkins two weeks after the boys,everyone had settled in their new dorm,for the girls,and at their new apartment,for the boys.

They were two weeks in college and everything seemed to go fine with their work and classes.Mike had started with Dustin a part time job at a diner and Will with Lucas started working at a small café near their apartment.

The girls were....fine too.They had almost every class together so they left and came back around at the same time unless El had lost track of time in the college library, something she did quite frequently since they came here,or if Max's shift at the local fast food place had been delayed.

Everyone would say they were very good,actually almost amazing,but to them it was pretty much the same since they said goodbye.The same shallow feeling,deep in their stomachs that never left.It was there since the moment they woke up and went back to sleep.

Dustin and Will had gotten better as the days passed but for the two couples of soulmates that were separated it never left.It was worse for Mike and El though.

El would forget to eat,sleep and as it was mentioned before she would stay in the library alone for hours.It had become something like her safe place.Mike on the other hand,would often don't talk to anyone or get lost in space even during classes.Most days he would cry himself to sleep and most of the times Dustin would have to seriously drag him to work.

So now it was some days before October began.It was a rainy Sunday in South Carolina and everyone had gone somewhere out,either for work shifts or just out at friends they had made during these two months.Everyone except of course Mike.

He was wrapped around his comforter,on his bed,playing something on his guitar.At some point he came across El's song he had made many years before,when everything was so easy and light-hearted(if you excepted the monsters from other  dimensions and the evil Russian government).

He picked up the piece of paper in his hands and observed it.Observed how the time had made the ink of the pen go light,how the paper had gone old and there were some stains of something that had been spilled on it.

He smiled in nostalgia of the good old days and a tear fell on the paper without him realising he had started crying.He huffed of frustration and whipped his eyes with his hands.

He was sick of this.

He was sick of all of this.

All this heartache,all these sleepless nights and all these tears.

He had enough of all of that.

He was a grown man for god's sake.

And he was going to see her again eventually in a couple months.

So why waisting his time crying.It wasn't like she had dumped his ass and never spoke to him again.She was there,in another city,living her own life,and probably at the same state of mind as he was.

But why was he complaining anyway?They spoke almost every single day and that reminded him that he hadn't called her yet today.

So he got up,forcing himself out of all this sadness and took the phone in his hands and called her and Max's number.It ringed a few times until it picked up.

"Hello?"Max said from the other line

"Uhm h-hey Max,is El there?"he asked as calm as he could

"Oh hey Mike,uhm El is here but right now isn't the best time..."

"Why?"Mike asked starting to get worried

"U-uhm I don't know if I can tel-"


"Fine.She's in the bathroom....crying again."Max sighed

"What do you mean again!?"Mike practically yelled from the other line

"Jeez Mike.Yes again.I thought you knew? She's been crying like almost every day."Max stated

"What?"Mike asked softly most to himself
"Pass me the phone to her"he said softly

"I don't know if that's a good ide-"

"Max now."Mike said firmly

"Fine okay.....this couple god"Max murmured the last part quitely

She knocked on the bathroom door,hearing a faint 'go away' from El right after.

"El please, it's Mike on the phone"

And in just like a snap of a finger El burst the dokr open and grabbed the phone out of Max's hands before closing the door again.Max slowly rolled her eyes at her friends and went back at her homework.

"Mike?"El asked softly

"El"Mike smiled warmly at the sound of her voice

"U-uhm how are you?"she asked sniffing

"Not good."

"What?Why?"El asked concerned

"I miss you"his voice broke through the last word

"I miss you too.So much"she sobbed

"El please don't cry"he said his voice wavering

"But Mike I can't.I know we talk almost all the time but-I can't."she started crying

"Aw El if I could show you how much I can't either.You're on my mind.Constantly.And it's like I can't faction without you here."he sobbed too

"Me neither love.I feel like I'm alone.Max is so caring and she's always trying to make me feel better but I just can't-"she sobbed not being able to continue her sentence

"Baby,I know it's hard but-but we have to get through this.I know we can but this crying shit has to stop"he chuckled through sobs

"You're right"she laughed too
"But how?"

"We'll figure it through time."

"Mike I know you're right but it just feels like forever.And I want to see you like-now.But I can't and it's so frustrating"she breathed

"I know,my love.But I'm here whenever you need me and I love you."Mike said trying to not break once again

"I love you too"she smiled a little

"Good so now can you please,please stop crying?It breaks my heart hearing you like this"he said softly

"Yeah sorry"

"You have nothing to be sorry of"Mike quickly replied

"So now,how was your day?"he asked cheerily trying to lighten the mood

"Now it's perfect"she smiled through the phone imagining his beautiful face.

And like that they continued talking for hours till they eventually had to go to sleep but Mike didn't hung up until he heard her steady breathing over the phone.


Hi here's a sad filler chapter.Idk why it is so depressing but hey it's going to get better?

Sorry for the late update and I hope you liked it.

If you don't mind please comment bc we literally don't know if people like what we're writing and we constantly getting anxious about our books:')

So yeah,adiòs until the next one my fellow readers<3

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