the beauty and the prince

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El was sitting on her bed while reading some magazins Max had brought her the previous morning. It was a Monday morning. Monday morning with no school. This fucking torture had finally ended and El was so glad about it. Basically, of course, she would go to university, but for the time she could be enthusiastic for the end of high school.

She studied at the models' outfits for a while and watched some soaps. After that she ate eggos with berries and laid down on her bed. She was bored. The hours couldn't pass and Hopper was not home because he worked every Monday morning.

But the boredom went away when she heard a loud knock from her window.

And of course she knew who it was. Or who he was.

She opened the window and the boy came into the room, falling down loudly on the floor

She started laughing.

"Why exactly are you laughing?" he said with an annoyed look

"Nothing! You could just enter from the door silly" 

"the only silly in here is you baby" he said poking her nose

"Hey, I'm not silly!"

"Yeah, sure"

"I am because i fell in love with you!" she joked

"Ouch that hurt" he replied, and laid on her bed.

Some seconds later, she joined in. She laid next to him, and placed her little head onto his chest and closed her eyes. Mike's body was El's place to relax, place to forget the tiredness and remember relaxment. Yeah, Mike's magical hug was one of the infinite advantages of him.

"I came here all this way just to sleep?" he said annoyingly

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Won't we do anything?"

"Like what?"

"We could watch a movie" he told her


"Yeah, it's a tape you put on a player and-"

"Mike, I know what a movie is. I just don't have one. Hopper has some in the living room but I bet they are with stupid policemen and gangsters"

"Luckily for you, my mage, I stole one of my mum's" he told

"Ahem. Which one?"

"The beauty and the beast" he said and showed her the tape

"Are you sure it is suitable?" she asked, not really wanting to watch mature scenes

"I don't know, are you afraid of losing your innocence?" he laughed

"Shut up" she said and pushed his shoudler

Mike put the movie on the player and went back to El, who hugged him tight emmediately. That was their position for the whole time of the movie, which was really amazing. Really well directed for its time of filming, with talented actors, well picked-up music and a creative plot. The finalle was breathtaking, in the point when the beast died and Belle cried on it. Of course El joined Bell's crying. Mike on the other hand was comletely disgusted from the movie. He couldn't believe he was watching a girl romance! But he had his own romance in his hands, so he felt better anyways.

And when the final scene, when the beast turned into a prince and danced with Belle, Mike felt relieved to press the 'turn off' button. 

El was now happy, because of the happy ending, but, when she looked at her love, her eyes became emotional 

"What's going on?" he asked and hugged her tightly

"It's are Belle"

"I'm what?" he asked surprised

"You are Belle and I'm the beast"

"Do you feel alright? Shall I call a doctor?" he joked

"Shut up. When I met you I was ugly as a beast and you with your kindness helped me show the best of me. You are Belle and I am the beast"

"El you are not okay I think I'll-"

"Shut up. I'm serious"

"Well, if you are serious you have to be belle because Belle came in the beast's house. Plus it would be weird if i was Belle"


"Because she has a vagina and i have a dick, and you are calling me Belle" he said smilingly

"Enough with human anatomy, Mike-hormonal-wheeler" she said

"I'm only hormonal when I'm with you" he smirked

"Well, now I see the beast. Yup, you are the beast Mike" she joked

"The beast needs kiss to turn into prince. Emmediately"

She just looked at him with a wide smile.

"We are running out of time" he replied

"I love you" she just said

"and I love you" he replied "You are my beauty"

"And you are my prince"

"I haven't turned into a prince yet. You have to kiss me first" 

And of course then she did what she was asked. He approached the love of her life and cupped his cheeks, as he kissed him slowly. Slowly and passionately, with so much love contained. Her lips were convincing him in every way that the girl he found in the woods several years ago, the girl he fell in love with when he was only a thirteen-year-old boy never stopped and will never stop loving him. 

His hands emmediately traveled to her lower back, while hers found her favourite spot, his hair. She always liked to brush his silk hair with her fingers while they were making out. Most times she was pulling it down from the passion and Mike ached, but, of course, could never tell it to her. His hands were making cicles on her back now, while they were deepening the kiss, making it more passionate second by second, as they could not get enough of each other.

And both of them knew that they needed more of each other.

But they were both too shy to admit it.


Pretty shitty chapter...I couldn't find inspiration, I'm really sorry. About the beauty and the beast, I did not write about the newest version of the movie, just imagine a 90s beauty and the beast movie (bc our story takes place in 90s, as the children are older)

I don't have something else to write, except from thanks for the support to this book, it already has so many views! thanks!



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