Extra: locked but loved

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Every tale has its jovial, enchanted ending; Cinterella was recognised by the attractive prince, Sleepy Beauty and Snow White woke up from their eternal hibernation, Beauty eventually aided the wicked beast to transform into a compassionate, caring prince and so on.

Fortunately, Mike's and Eleven's tale was no exception to the prevalent rule. The prince and the princess, the typical boy and the unconventional girl, the nerd and the weirdo or however else you wanna call them, they ended up happily together.

Between the colourfully painted walls of their recently constructed residence, only two completely nonidentical sounds could be made out; the gloomy reporter's voice springing from the television and the cheerful, baby laugh initiating from the blue-wallpapered room.

Inside the latter, Michael Wheeler was tickling his beloved, treasured son, by playfully kissing his soft stomach.

"Dada stop!" Apollo utilized his limited vocabulary in between his father's touches, but Mike completely ignored him, as he continued leaving kisses on his silk skin.

Subsequently, the infant laughed even more, an adorable, baby tittering which charmed Mike's ears and verified himself that he was the luckiest father alive.

"No, dada won't stop cause he loves you so so much and he wants to be kissing you like this forever!" he chuckled as his son shrieked with joy and he really didn't care if the whole neighbourhood heard him. "And especially today because it's a very special day!"

The baby clapped his hands, absolutely knowing why that day was so special. His parents had been anticipating this day for like a month.

Suddenly, however, its little eyes were steered towards the ceiling, where they met the body of the renowned Wheelers' dog, which was hovering.

"Mia?" Mike said shocked, as he mimicked Apollo's stare and saw the dog flying, as if it had superpowers.

But it wasn't Mia the one with the superpowers.

"When will you learn to control those powers of yours?" Mike complained to his son with a grin, observing that his exceptional abilities were entirely equivalent to his mother's ones and even stronger.

Apollo might have still been a baby, but his powers were beyond obvious; whenever the boy's sentiments were very aroused, his powers were activated unconsciously.

For example the other day, when he wouldn't eat his fruit cream, the spoon 'escaped' from Mike's hold and flied towards the sink, and eventually ended up in it. And Mike shouldn't omit that day when he tried to wash Apollo up, but instead the soap bottles completely emptied themselves, leaving absolutely not a bit of substance left for the baby.

Apollo's power was a little brat, and Mike couldn't do anything to prevent it.

But, for the time being, Mia flying was not a devilment nor a threat, so Mike had no other choice but to smile at the ridiculous spectacle.

"Mia!" the baby giggled as the white dog finally landed on the marble floor tiles and initiated licking his face. "Apollo birthday!" he added.

Mike smiled at his son's idiocy of trying to make the animal understand that it was his birthday.

How he loved his son.

And how he loved his wife.

"Hey, Apollo..." he attracted his son's attention, "I am now going to find mommy to prepare your birthday cake okay? And then we will open the presents from your grandparents and our friends! I will leave you and Mia to play now, okay?"

"Yippee!" the infant retorted as Mike caressed his hair and left a solitary kiss on his forehead, before paving his way towards the living room, aka. where Eleven was unwinding.

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