When wishes become reality

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time skip

"It's day 124" she was heard from the other line, her voice loud and passionate

"Day 124" he repeated, and smiled in relief

She was definitely smiling in her own dorm too, smiling because she achieved to make a living without having him. Smiling because even though she knew she was a strong and powerful person, she would have never imagined making it without seeing her boyfriend's angelic face.

"I can't wait to see you" 

"I know. Me too" he replied "But I'll meet you tomorrow. First thing"

To tell the truth, he never thought that he would actually say these words. He had managed to be kilometres away from Eleven for 124 days, he had put up with the impossible. He had beaten the impossible.  And he actually couldn't believe that he said the word 'tomorrow'. He dreamt of this word since day 1, the day he left Hawkins and began adapting to his new lifestyle.

The word 'tomorrow' had an effect on Eleven too. She gripped the phone tighter, as she felt her body tingling, signaling itself that she was about to see him.

She would be able to touch him. To kiss him. To feel him.

"tomorrow" she repeated, and lied on her bed with a shining, happy grin on her beautiful face, before ending the call

And Mike wished he could see that face.

And because it was Christmas, the time of the year when all wishes come true, his wish would turn into reality.

Christmas had always been Mike's favourite season. Well, except for when his best friend was kidnapped and him and his friends were attacked by other-dimentional monsters or when his aunt Cindy had visited his family and wouldn't stop telling him that he had the cutest boy-butt.

As i said-except for those little exceptions- Michael Wheeler adored Christmas. He always loved unwrapping presents on Christmas day and making wishes to Santa. When he was little, Nancy and him would write him a letter-believing he was real- and asking him for a bunch of things.

And Karen and Ted were willing to buy all those things for them. They could be owners of a whole bank if they wanted to.

Another important factor to why Mike loved christmas, was his girlfriend herself. He had met her a week before Christmas in the woods, and who would have imagined how far they had gone through together. Eleven was his best Christmas gift, and that gift was unbreakable and could last for an eternity.

Also, this Christmas would bring her into his arms again.

He had missed her so much. He had mi-


"Oh, little mickey is thinking of tearing El's clothes off once he sees her...You have missed her naked, right?" Lucas said with a smirk, while he was puting his boxers into a small suitcase

"Eww...GROSS" will shouted, and got the thought of his sister and his best friend doing inappropriate-for-children-things out of his mind.

Mike ignored all of his friends and started packing his things in silence, the happy grin never leaving his beautiful face.


"El! This fucking Ronald guy sent you another bunch of roses!" Max yelled

"He did? His gifts are so romantic!" eleven answered and smiled

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