he's stupid

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Just...i don't know what this is.


January 1st 1986

Michael Wheeler opened his eyelids to welcome the first morning of the new year. His sleepy face instantly transformed into a hopeful one, as he felt the sun rays brushing his cheeks and he heard the well-known breathing besides him.

He slowly stood up-carefully enough to not scare her- and approached her from the other side of the bed.

His fingers drove to her hair-so soft, so long now, so perfect.

"happy new year, el" he whispered, as his fingers were caressing the velvet material.

"i love you so much"

He just sat there and observed her closely. Her face was so delicate, and so adorable even when she was asleep. Her skin was so smooth and so soft, causing him to think that only one touch could tear it apart, just like her crystal hazel eyes, which were hidden now due to her sleeping position.

He wished they could be like this forever. He wanted the new, upcoming year to be a repetition of the previous one-without the stupid demogorgons and the shadows of course- just the happy memories that were now stuck in his brain and never meant to go.

Just him, El and their love.

He observed her a little longer before heading for his desk and getting out of his drawer a piece of paper among with a pencilcase full of crayons.

Mike was not the best at art- Will the wise was the artist afterall- but he knew the basics and had some sort of talent.

And his inspriration was infinite. His muse was right in his room, in his life, in his heart.

He started painting her, as well as he could. Her skinny body, her beautiful hair and all the details that made her face so pretty and special at the same time.

When he was finally pleasured with the result, he moved on to his being, which he didn't quite like to draw- the thought that he was an ugly nerd always bothered his mind.

Anyways, he finished himself too, but just a look into the paper indicated that something was missing.

Mike filled this space with grass, flowers, trees and the blue sky, but the outcome, the impression of loss, remained the same.

What the hell was missing? How could he find what it was?

He looked at her once more.

And that's when he knew: his eyes sparkled, his heartbeating increased, his spine shivered.

He quickly grabbed the crayons and started drawing the two imaginary beings on the paper, without taking his attention away from them.

He drew and drew, maybe for an hour or two, and was only stopped when he felt an arm brushing his back gently.

"What are you drawing, my paladin?" she asked with a sleepy, but loving voice

"Us" he replied shortly, as he was putting the final details on his creation

El stepped on her toes as she rested her head on his shoulder and took a look of the painting.

Her face frowned at the sight "But Mike, that's not only us. There are two other people there"

The boy blushed and looked on his lap "Well...they kinda are our-" he said in embarassment "you know ou-ou-our-"

"Our children" she finished the sentence with a grin on her face "they look like me"

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