take it or leave it

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(broo I'm seriously listening to bloodline rn and it's the FiRsT time writing from a computer and I really dk how it's going to turn out)



El is currently in Max's room comforting her while she was crying...again.The party was over a week ago and Max is still crying her heart out 24/7.Lucas have tried to contact with her but she wouldn't listen to anyone.

On the other hand Mike wasn't going through a different situation either.Lucas wouldn't leave his room and he wasn't eating.The boys had started to be worried about his health and didn't know what to do.

And the saddest part is that Lucas was so drunk that he didn't remember anything,so he couldn't say exactly what happened.Poor guy he just wanted the girl that he loves back.

One thing for sure was that they had to do something so Max and Lucas would get back together,but unfortunately all of their tries were thrown to the garbage and they had started to give up hope.

"Max..."El started softly

"Yes?"she answered in between sobs

"I really think that you should listen to him.I'm sure all that happened is a huge misunderstanding"she said while stroking her hair gently

"Oh my god El here we go again.What do you not understand!?I saw him with my own eyes.There's no misunderstanding.He cheated on me with some random whore without even telling why!"she broke again her voice cracking at the last two words

"Exactly Max!You didn't let him explain himself to you.You just locked yourself in a room,crying all day and pushing everyone that care about you away!"El couldn't take it anymore.This whole situation was stupid and she had enough of all the drama.

Max just lowered her head and whipped her cheeks from the streaming tears.

"Please..."El concluded

"Fine.I'll hear him out.But I'm telling you.I don't assure you that he's not going to get at least slapped again"Max stated seriously

El chuckled and hugged her best friend.Now the only thing she had to do was inform the boys about her plan.


"Yes Mike.Be here in 15 minutes.Okey?"El was talking to Mike through the phone

"Yes,see you then"Mike said and then ended the call

"Okey Max they're going to be here in 15 minutes"El told her

"What!?No they can't be here so soon!Look at me! I'm a mess.I don't have enough time to get ready!"Max panicked and started throwing random clothes out of her closet

El giggled at her and went to find an outfit for her before she destroyed the whole wardrobe.

After about 20 minutes they heard a knock on the door and Max acted like her heart stopped and stopped functioning for a second.So El had to go and open the door only to be met with 8 pairs of eyes.Mike,Lucas,Dustin and then Will at the end.

El gave them a slight smile and let them in.Lucas being the emotional mess he is almost broke down at the sight of Max's bloodshot eyes.

"Max..."he said softly trying his best not to break completly

"You have 10 minutes."she told him looking straight in his eyes

Lucas nodded and followed her to her room and they closed the door behind.

The others stayed at the living room,Dusting going up and down in the room while the others nervously sat on the sofa.

"Do you think they're going to work this out?"El asked Mike softly

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