something that lasts a lifetime

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Okay so there's smut in this,if you don't like it just skip.It's going to be at the end of the chapter so you're okay to read the whole thing first.♡


El was currently struggling to find the perfect fit for tonight as it was new year's and for the first time they were allowed to actually spend it with eachother without any parents around.

It really was a special day for El at least. She needed to be beautifull for Mike. I mean it's going to a new year after midnight and she wouldn't want Mike to start the year with an ugly girlfriend.

She had literally tossed all her closet out trying to find something good to wear, but nope, no luck. The one was too much, the other was too simple or she had wore it again, so now she was down on the floor ready to have a meltdown over clothes.

That was until the phone rang and she got up to answer it.


"El!I need help!I can't find anything good to wear!"Max screeched from the other line.

"Oh honey, I have the exact same problem I'm telling you."she sighed.

"Okay that's it. We're going emergency shopping right fucking now. Meet me by the mall in ten."Max said and hung up.

El got up to put her jacket and boots on.Before she left she got 50 bucks from Hopper and made a mental note to pay him back some time.

She started her way to the mall through the cold streets and when she finally arrived at the mall,freezing her ass off,Max was already in the lobby waiting for her.

"Stupid bitch what took you so long, it's new years which means we have less than 2 hours to find something to wear tonight before the stores close."Max rolled her eyes.

"And we're going to lose more of this precious time if you keep whining about it, don't you think?"El raised a smartass eyebrow at her and Max just shook her head, taking El's hand in hers.

They made their way through 5 or 6 stores before settling at one outfit they liked,both being more than satisfied with their choices they paid and left going straight to El's house as it was already 7pm so they should start getting ready.

After they got in her room and closed the door behind and throwed their bags on the bed,El spoke.

"I have to take a shower shit."she cursed under her breath.

"Oh that's why your hair looks like they were drown in oil huh?"Max joked laughing.

"You're so funny I swear to god."El rolled her eyes before exiting the room and going straight to the bathroom.

She took her sweet time getting cleaned and moisturise her body before going back to her room where Max was.

When she entered her room Max was with her underwear on,looking at herself in the mirror.El soon enough realised that her set of underwear was new and oh god was it too revealing.

"The hell is that?!"El widen her eyes looking up and down her best friend.

"It's sexy right?"Max smirked.

"Max why don't you just wear no underwear at all?"She raised her eyebrows at her.

"Oh hush, you're just jealous I have a better sex life than you"Max winked at her.

"Yeah no,no way.I don't need that kind of slutty thing to make Mike fuck me anyway."El smartly replied with a smirk of her own.

Max scoffed and get passed El to take her clothes from the shopping bag.El as well changed into her lacy black thong that she had bought months ago from Cali but decided to not wear a bra as her outfit didn't need one.

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