making and breaking

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[spice warning]


The girls were ready.They were supposed to go to one of their classmate's end of the school party.

El wore a tight black dress at the length of her upper thigh, which made her figure amazing through the mirror, most especially when she turned behind, revealing her open back. She wore Joyce's black high-heels, and had her face makeuped by Max herself. The girl coloured eleven's lips dark red, that matched perfectly with her black mascara and eye-liner. The word to describe Eleven is the least stunning.

On the other hand, the redhead girl was perfect herself too. Unlike El, whe wore some hot and short blue reaped shorts, that made her butt look fit and incredibly big. And the combination with her short, black top which had her belly uncovered and her black leather jacket made her so breathtaking, even El would fall for her. Max's makeup was consisted of only a bright, hot red lipstick.

The girls looked at each other and smiled, satisfied with their looks. They grabbed their purses and told Hopper to drive them to Jennifer Hayes' house, where her party was held.

Once they got in Jennifer's villa, they both looked around at the sight they had got used to all these years. Complete darkness with only some candles for decor. At some spots, tables with crisps and popcorn, for the hungry ones. At more spots, tables with drinks, which was illegal for their age, but anyways everybody drank. And everywhere, and I mean everywhere, teens dancing to the loud music or making out.

The girls started searching for their boyfriends, but of course, they were unable to find them in the darkness. Not until Mike came and grabbed El's back

"Hey baby" he said

"oh god Mike you scared me" she said in shock

"Hey mike, where are the others?" max asked

"well, dustin left early in tears because Stacy turned him down again, Will is making out with a bitch somewhere and for Lucas I honestly don't know. I last saw him at the drinking spot. He was drinking the vodka like it was water" he replied

"Oh...okay, i'm gonna look for him. I hope he's not much drunk" max said and left them alone

Once they were on their own, Mike grabbed El's hand and leaded her to an empty spot of the house, and started kissing her passionately and with so much force. To him, it was an attempt to feel her more, because lately he couldn't get enough from her and that drove him crazy. To her, it was pure enjoyment, because, honestly, when Mike was drunk he made out with her perfectly. And the enjoyment got bigger once his mouth started slowly going down from her jawline to her lower neck. Her body has always been weak at his touch, and when these touches became more passionate, while he was leaving hickeys on her weak spot of her neck she felt her body tremble.

Mike's hands were moving up and down on her back when they finally locked at her hips pressing them hard. El gasped and let out a sigh of satisfaction at that all so known feeling.They kept kissing harder and harder and they didn't seem to want to stop any time soon.They had started breathing from their nose some time now from the lack of oxygen but they didn't say anything,they wouldn't dare to end this passionate and so full of love moment.

They both knew too well that they craved more,so much more from eachother.They would have crossed the line at that right moment,but they didn't do it. Their first time should definitely be in one special day, and especially in a day when they'll be sober, without any alcohol in their bodies, so that they'll remember the moment forever.

And that was not now.

For now, the passionate make-out session was enough.

"you look so hot today, Hopper" he told her when they were finally exhausted and stopped.

"You wouldn't let your hands off me, Wheeler" 

"How could I when you have your butt almost uncovered? I could take that dress off in a second" he teased back, to which she only blushed in the darkness

Because, honestly, she was amused with the idea. She just wouldn't tell him.

"Well, babe, I have to go to look for Will, since Lucas must be with Max. Will you be okay if I left you alone for a second till I find him?"he asked and hugged her tightly

"I guess so" she replied with a smile. Anyways, she would search for Jennifer.

So, when Mike left she made some circles around the house to find her. But she was nowhere in sight. But somebody else was in sight. A girl with bright red hair who was drinking a vodka glass after glass in the drink table. And El knew that girl well. TOO well.

"Max?" she said and approached her best friend

"Oh, El, you showed up!" Max said dizzily

"Where is Lucas? And you drank way too much" she shouted to be heard.

"Who is Lucas?" she asked

"Your boyfri-"

"Oh, you mean that asshole who was supposed to be my boyfriend while he was making out with a slut?"she said with watery eyes

"What?" El wouldn't believe her

"You have no idea how much it hurt" she said, while drinking another glass of vodka "He cheated on me and I caught him doing it" she added while more tears ran in her cheeks

"Mike said he was drunk" El tried to stand up for Lucas

"He was drunk with that bitch's tongue, yes" the redhaired replied harshly "But I don't think she'll kiss him again because I slapped him so hard that I bet he's dying from bleeding" she said while drinking, crying and smiling at the same time.

"Oh Max" El answered in shock. While she was making out with Mike, terrible things happened. If only she was there for Max, things would turn out better.

"Oh and do you know what the best part is?" max continued her monologue

"Oh god..." El replied terrified cause she really couldn't stand more sadness

"I found that boy called Troy Harrington in the backyard and made out with him. You have no idea how much I enjoyed it" she said and laughed, while El widened her eyes.

She actually had made out with this mouthbreather? She couldn't believe it.Only the thought of it made her feel sick.

"Max, both of you really fucked things up" Eleven stated while Max started crying and was embraced by her friend.

Well, the make-outs turned into break-ups that day.

What a fucking good way to leave from a party.


Shit, this chapter was weird in a way I don't even know what's happening 😂, and sorry for disappointing you lumax shippers! They will make things up again, I promise.

I wanted to make a dark(and exciting) chapter, so here it is. I thought that in this book we still present Mike and El like kids, but they are teenagers, so I wanted to write about their teen lives. Here's the first hint;)

With Ashmina we have figured out the plot of this book, and unexpectable things are about to happen. One promise: this book will be longer than the last one.

So, I hope this chapter didn't disappoint you a lot.


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