Everything will be fine

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1 month later

"Mike, are you there?" Dustin shouted for the hundredth time with all the air he had in his lungs, as his best friend had been isolated in his room for the past four hours without making a single sound or getting out at least to pee or eat something. 

But, no response to his wonder.

"Dude, open the door it's not funny, Mike this is a code red!" he claimed again, just to come up against blank.

A wave of worry washed him from head to toe, because he knew that something was up. Call it instict, call it logic, call it insanity. Something was up, and Dustin knew it.

For the past month Mike in a really worthy state to admire, according to the conditions: for some weird reason he was always cheerful and- especially when Daizy was around- would stand up and dance those silly songs, like a three-year-old child that was ignorant of how to behave. If he weren't Mike, Dustin would swear he had taken something illicit.

But no way, Mike was the most trustworthy boy on planet.

However, there were those other times, when Mike seemed crashed down. He wouldn't talk, he would complain he had a terrible headache, he would stagger and eventually would end up lying on his own remoted bed, with his sore muscles and his slim body, which had become even more slimmer than it was and had decated somehow-and was pale up to a point.

"Holy mother of God!" Dustin complained one more time, as Mike had his door locked, and he didn't know whether he was in a vibrant status or not.

He had to do something, and quickly.

He rapidly ran to the near, familiar house, as Daizy was out of town, where he explained the situation to his other two best friends, the three of them returning to the apartment with a crowbar in their palms.

"MIKE OPEN THE DOOR OR I'LL BREAK IT" Lucas screamed but nobody responded once again.

The young man inhaled andf exhaled, before using all his force to open Mike's door with the crowbar, and, hardly, he succeed.

"Oh, fuck" Will said as he stepped into the messy bedroom, which he found frought with shattered vochka glasses all accross the floor.

But, what was even more frightening, was the sight of their best friend lying senseless on the mattress of his bed. 

The crowd of them ran to his direction worriedly, slapping his face technically and testing his blood circulation, but Mike remained in his tragical condition.

"Guys" Will said as a shiver ran down his spine "Look" he claimed, as his two friends looked at whatever he was staring at.

"Dustin...call an ambulance" Lucas alleged



Eleven was feeling weird that day.

Well, at least, stranger than the rest of the days. She always felt weird ever since Mike and her separated ways but, that day, it was just different.

She felt like a hidden piece of her was suffering- but it was probably her hormones.

"I love you." she said, as she gently rubbed the top of her belly.

"Aren't we nice in here?" she asked the baby, knowing that she wouldn't receive any answers.

"Just you, and me, and our love" She softly whispered, a small grin on her beautiful face, which had been crying, less than ten minutes ago.

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