lost a part of myself

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Jam to someone you loved for this chapter.I'm sorry for the tears.


It was hell.

The last week she and Max was back in their dorm,was actuall hell from both parts.

To say El was heartbroken was a huge understatement.

She was devastated.

She wasn't eating,sleeping and she missed her first day of classes too.She was a mess to say the least.

Another thing was that she was feeling ill all the time.Like something in her was missing him more than herself and his absence was killing it.

Max wasn't copying as well either.

She missed Lucas and all her other friends.

Including El.

She hadn't spoken to her since what happened.Actually she hadn't spoken at all and that was what was driving her crazy.

She was worried for her best friend.She knew there was more in the heartbreak she was feeling that she wasn't saying.Plus she wasn't feeling well almost all the time.

Max had tried to force her to eat or even speak but it was hopeless.

Now it was Sunday finally and both girls had the day off of classes and work.Not that if they didn't El would go to either of them anyway.

It was snowing outside and the forecast was expecting the biggest blizzard that had happened there in ages.

So they didn't have anything to do really and everything would stay closed until the storm is over,and that's not anytime soon.

Suddenly the phone rang and El's skin prickled with hope.She turned from her position looking out the window to Max who had stand up to answer it.

"Hello?.....Who?.....Ohhh Conor!"Max said with a fake smile looking straight at El.

El felt a wave of anger going through her at the mention of this name.

"Yeah...no I don't think she's in the right condition to talk to you right now...But Conor I'm telling you she can't talk to you right now.....no for real she can't-"

She was cut short by El grabbing the phone from her hands with a crazy expression on her face.

"Okay listen up here dear butthead Conor.Because of YOU and my fucking stupid mind I lost the ONE THING I CARED THE MOST ABOUT.I'm sorry that I'll have to break it to you but THIS is never going to happen.I had a boyfriend and you fucking knew but kept sending these fucking gifts and me being my STUPID ASS SELF I didn't tell you something sooner.So if you had the kindness to DO NOT FUCKING CALL ME AGAIN I'd appreciate it very very MUCH.Now have a good fucking evening Conor!"El banged the phone back down breathing heavily.

Max was staring at her with startled expression.

El's breathing slowed down but she couldn't do it anymore and she broke down.Max saw her starting to slid down to the floor and rushed to hold her up.

"Max..."she sobbed.

"Hush El I'm here don't worry."Max stroked her hair.

"I can't-I can't do it anymore.I lost him.And it was all my fucking fault.You were right from the very beggining."El said between heartbreaking sobs.

"It's going to be okay honey, you're going to work it out I know"she whispered still holding her in her arms.

"No,no,no...he h-hates me,you h-heard him!"

"He was just hurt El,he didn't mean it."Max cooed sympathetically.

"I'm so so sorry Max."El looked up at her still sobbing.

"There's nothing to be sorry for babe,you didn't do anything-"

"No I did.I-I didn't talk to you I made you worry and I'm-"she broke into a sobbing fit again.

"It's okay El, you're going to be okay."Max stroked her in her arms.

"I'm broken Max, I-I'm empty without him."she whispered.

Max continued holding her and they stayed there on the floor of their dorm for what felt like hours until El calmed down and was ready to stand up again.

But that was only to run to the toilet and throw up again.

Max sighed and followed her to the bathroom,her heart breaking seeing her best friend like this.She rushed and held her hair up as she was finishing up vomitting in the toilet.

El held her face above the toilet with her arms for a few moments before she stand up again with Max's help.

She washed her face and she brushed her teeth trying to shake the horrible taste off her mouth.Eventually she did and then returned to her bed with Max.

They got under the covers Max holding El in her arms as they didn't say anything and just watched the snow fall outside the window.

After a long minute of silence El broke it again by whispering something incoherent.

"What?"Max asked looking down at her.

"I fucked up big time Max..."she said with an unreadable look on her face.

Max was looking at her with her eyebrows forrowed in confusion.The questions were many in her mind and somehow El knew that and spoke again.

"I can't use my powers."El stated with a sad expression looking straight in her eyes.

Oh no......


Okay so I think we all know that was a really small filler chapter but honestly it was a must and I'm also sorry for the cliff hanger but...🤷

I think everyone knows what's happening by now but ohhhh hOneyyyyyyyy.Just you wait.

I'm sorry for the depression and see you next chapter with a more.....light hearted chapter;)

Love y'all

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