Blinking Lights

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"You are the most important things to me in the world" Mike whispered, as his ear was already tenaciously placed on his girlfriend's baby bump.

"I mean, your mother has always been. And I would have never thought that I'd love somebody more than her, but, here you are...proving me wrong" Mike continued reffering to his unborn son, who he anticipated eagerly since he found out about his existence.

"Baby" El laughed, as her delicate fingers caressed Mike's black hair "you've been talking to him for the past three hours! Aren't you exhausted?"

"Sorry, I just like being to him" said Mike with a joyful grin.

"You'll have a lifetime being with him, Mikey" she stated, as she hugged his tall being tightly.

"You won't lose me... You won't lose us"

The two yet-to-become parents were cuddling on the mattress of Eleven's bed. They were alone in the house, as Hopper and Joyce were occupied with morning chores.

El's petite body was beneath Mike's one, only a few inches seperating their starving lips.

And El couldn't wait for her redemption: she wanted him. All of him.

She had gone completely nuts without him, and now that she eventually had him, she had that fucking pregnancy intercepting her "scheme".

"You haven't eaten for like three hours" Mike said out of nowhere and stood up as fast as greased lightning.

"Mike...I am really, absolutely full you don't have to-"

"Oh I definitely have to. I don't want my son skinny like you" he retorted dauntlessly.

"Look who's talking!" she giggled, looking at Mike's slim figure "but really, I am not hungry! All I want is hugs!"

"First food, then the hugs" he alleged as he grabbed his leather wallet.

"Mike! Come back you-"

"I said I'm going"

"But you don't have t-"

But she unfortunately couldn't complete her sentence, because Mike had evacuated the house the house without further discussion.

"-to go out and buy me food for the tenth time today" she sighed feebly.

How much better could this boy become? For the past week he had managed to set aside all of their precedents and devote himself utterly to her and their baby. He brought her plenty of food(a LOT of food), he always slept by her side, hugging her tightly and making sure she was covered with the blanket (so that the baby wouldn't freeze) and he would make her listen to classical music (because some innovative american researchers say so) repeatedly.

But, there were those other times when he would go completely insane. For example, the other day, he shouted at her for leaning down to grab the remote control and for getting out for five minutes without a jacket on. And she shouldn't omit that time when Mike had a panic attack because she carried a water bottle, which was 'so heavy that it could kill the baby'.

Saying he was exaggerating a little would be a huge understatement.

But she was finally happy, even with Mike's peculiarities. After all this drama, she was eventually feeling content, she was getting her happy ending.

Her happy ending, which was a new beginning. Her son.

"I love you" she said to her baby bump which was now at the height of its rise, on the verge of exporting its invaluable content.

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