oh Holly

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A week had past since the school was over and Mike got a part-time job at Bob's shop with Will and Jonathan.El was stuck inside the house to avoid the extraordinary heat and once in a while she went to the mall with Max.

Right now she was sitting on her bed looking through some magazines because of how bored she was.

That was until Hop stormed into her room with a bright smile on his face

"El I found you something to do because you're bored out of your mind AND you'll get money for it!"Hopper said not stopping smiling

"Ahm...Well daddy I don't kno-"

"Nu-uh you're going to do it and I'm sure you're gonna love it!"he cut her off

"Fine!What do I have to do?"El asked mentally rolling her eyes

"You're babysitting Holly!"he smiled

"Wait what!?Really?"she asked and her mood changed from 0 to 100 immediately.

"Yes,Karen needs to go out of town for one or two days to her aunt who's sick and Ted is on a business trip.So there's no one to take care of her."

El couldn't believe it.She was beyond happy.Not only she got to spend two days at her boyfriend's house but she would also spend time with Holly who she loves so much.She's like the little sister she never had and she's always happy to be around her.

"Yes yes yes!Of course daddy and I'll babysit her but can I ask something?"she asked with bright eyes

"Always"he smiled

"Why can't Mike do it?Where is he going to be?"

"He's working from nine to three in the afternoon,so when he's back you can come here"

"What?Why? Can't I like sleepover or something?"she frowned

Hopper sarcastically laughed
"Oh sweetie.You want to sleepover to mike's when no adult is there?I don't think so"he continued to laugh

"Dad.We don't need an adult to spy on us you know."El stated looking at him straight in the eyes

"Well yeah but I've been a teenager too sooo that's a no and you know why"he said seriously
"plus I already agreed in the other plan..."he mumbled

El was confused by what he said but she didn't argue further
"Ugh fine whatever!"El said

After that Hop went out of her room and closed the door behind him.El closed her eyes and fell asleep even though it was still 9pm.


El was awaken by the first rays of sun and the birds chirping.She looked over to the clock on her nightstand,it said 7:45 so she had an hour to get ready.

She got up and took a shower.When she came out she quickly went through her wardrobe to find something to wear.She ended up wearing a simple floral short dress and her white converse.

She went to the kitchen only to see a note from Hop and Joyce

To El,

We are going out of town and we'll be back late at night.

There is food in the fridge and 20 bucks on the table.

Have a good day!

Great they weren't going to be here for the whole day which meant she could stay at Mike as long as she wanted.

She ate a bowl of cereals and then started for Mike's house.It was now 8:50 so she wouldn't be late.

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