you are mine

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Okay now,um enjoy...?


"So, Mike Wheeler, I'd love to reach the 'top stage' with you. Do you accept this time?"El asked softly her heart speeding up.

Mike was dumbfounded.Actually wrong-he was speechless.He looked at her with slight wide eyes,his heart feeling like it would melt in any second.His mind had stopped functioning to think of what she had just said.

The only thing he could do was give her the most soft,loving smile.She was amazing.She was unreal, however she was right in front of him with all her beauty and glory.Mike thought he could pass out.

"Are you serious...?"he asked almost as a whisper

"Yes Mike.I really am"she answered truthfully taking a step forward in front of him.

She took his blushing face in her hands and kissed him,so soft but passionate at the same time.

Mike kissed her back about 2 seconds later setting his hands lightly on her torso.

El put her hands around his neck as a way for her face to deepen the kiss and make it more rough and needy.As the minutes passed they kept kissing more and more passionately and became desprate for air but they wouldn't stop for any reason,it was always like that when they made out.

(Oh my god I'm shaking)

"I love you"Mike broke the kiss looking into her eyes,eyes full of lust and love.

"I love you too"she said leaning her head on his shoulder inhaling deeply

"El are you sure?"he asked her

"I have never been more sure about something.I want to be yours and only yours"she looked up at him and smiled

Mike felt his heart flutter.This was really going to happen.He didn't know what to do next,he didn't know how to do it.His anxiety started rising up by each moment passed and he looked down trying to hide his worry.

"Mike"El said lifting his face up with her indefix finger.

"Yes?"he softly asked looking at her eyes

"I'm here don't worry, you're not going to do nothing wrong."she smiled giving him a sweet soft kiss on his lips,nose,jaw,cheek generally everywhere on his face.

Mike giggled at her cuteness and lifted her up in his arms,carrying her bridal way looking into her eyes as he lead them to the bed.

When he reached the bed he let El gently on it and immediately hover over her going into a passionate kiss.His hands started going up and down on her torso and took her lower lip in between his teeth.

El whined at his touch not because he was hurting her but because of the feeling she felt deep down that was stronger than ever before.She couldn't help but smile as she felt her heart beat against his being the exact same.

"Mike"El said

"Yes?"he lifted his head up from her lips

"I'm ready"she told him

And with that Mike went to kiss her cheek as a way to show his love again,even though he didn't have to.He lifted his shirt up and throw it somewhere in the room leaving him only with his swimsuit on and then he went to leave a trail of kisses down El's neck.

El ruffled her fingers through his hair while he was kissing and sucking around her neck.Mike started to lift his hands a bit higher at her torso and looked up at El as a way to get clarification in which she gladly nodded her head as an answer.And with that her top went off leaving her half naked.

Mike zoned her body with his eyes just mesmerized at her beauty.

"You're just so beautiful El,so so beautiful"he said and went back on kissing her neck going more and more down reaching her colar bone.

El just blushed unable to stand such sweet words.She had always felt insecure about her body but with Mike he always made sure to prove her wrong.

"Mike"she said not able to take it any longer

Mike didn't need anymore words,he knew what she wanted."are you sure El?"he softly asked again,just wanting to be sure.

"Yes Mike"she said grabbing the hen of his swimsuit signals him to take it off.

Mike was sure by now so he did what he was told.He took his pants off and then slid El's once down too.Now they were completely naked,the atmosphere so loving and so not awkward at all.They just smiled at each other and Mike went to take the condom.

"Oh I see you were prepared huh?"El chuckled playfully on the boy she was so in love with.

"U-uhm the boys made me buy them b-because the thought I would need them.I guess it was worth it, wasn't it?"he shuttered at first his face going red like a tomato.

"Hell if it was"she whispered at herself biting her lip but Mike heard her and smirked vefore slip it on.

He went back to the bed and positioned himself between her legs.He glanced at the clock for a quick second and then turned to look at her smiling big.

"Happy birthday El Hopper"he said kissing and starting to move inside her for the first time.


"Hey where did El and Mike go?"Dusting yelled at the others who were still in the water

Max and Lucas immediately shared glances and smirked.

"Hm....I don't know maybe Mike is giving her her gift finally"Max winked

Everyone got the hint and started laughing and cheering at literally nothing as nobody was there.

"Guess I'll have to sleep in your room babe"Lucas said approaching Max and wrapping his hands around her waist

"I guess so too"she smirked.


El had woken up about half an hour ago,the sun just starting rising.She just stared dreamingly at the boy in front of her whose hands were wrapped around her and her head was comfortably sitting on top of his chest.

She couldn't help but blush at what had happened previously that night.Mike,her Mike,who knew how to love her and understand her so good.She has never been more in love with him than right now.

Her mind just kept on going through future thoughts of them doing that again and again,or even better how amazing it would be to grow up and make a child through their love.Her dream and her goal in life was to give Mike that gift.

But they were still young and in less than two months they were going to be separated because of collage.She really didn't care that much nor worried,because she knew for a fact that they were never going to stop loving each other,and distance was nothing in front of their old love.

"One day...I'll make you the most lucky boy in the world...and that's a promise"she whispered looking at his closed eyes smiling softly.


So*cough*hey guyss...

How are y'all?Ehm yeah this was pretty of awkward and emotionally intense to write but I have to say that I'm really proud of how it turned out and I'm SO happy that I'm fInAlLy done with this charp so that we can start the actual plot of the story.

The only think I can say is that literally I spent 5 DAYS writing like a paragraph each and then like just stop bc I couldn't stand the cringe.Iro was like "hA YOU'RE THE ONE WRITING IT AND I'M NOT" seriously the wHoLe time and that bitch would literally just ignore me for a day so I had like no-one to cheer me up.(yeah yeah I love you indeed)

Fun fact no2:My bday is on July 11th so here it's the reason of her bday date lol😂😂

Okay now I stop,bye.

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