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Eleven had never visited a foreign state before. But there she was. With her 5 best friends getting out of the plane, carrying their heavy suitcases and wearing their colourful clothes. The girls were dressed in floral dresses, while the boys were in shirts with patterns and shorts. All of them had those silly coloured glasses on their eyes and wore mexican hats.

They looked silly, but Eleven loved it.

What was the point in being normal, anyways? 'Being weird is pretty', she thought.

She was really thankful for the opportunity given to her. Mike and Hopper had spent money for this trip, just for her birthday. And with that thought, and with no embarassment, she grabbed Mike's hand and kissed him in a really crowded place. But she didn't care. She was happy.

"ew guys get a room" dustin said

"Don't worry Dustin,they soon will" max said and smirked at El

"Max, we should too" lucas told her

"At the hotel, Lucas. Now, why don't we explore?" she recommended and everybody nodded in agreement.

So, the six teenagers spent their day in sightseeing. They went to history museums, which the boys loved, to the famous Florida's aquarium and of course they took multiple photos next to the beautiful beaches. They did all those things until their feet hurt and they decided to go to the hotel to unpack and relax.

Their hotel was a five-star one and was really luxurious. Eleven wondered how Hopper, with his low salary, could afford them staying in it. But she didn't really mind from the second they got in: it was huge with crystal items everywhere.

The receptionist, a nice lady with short-brown hair gave them the number of the rooms. She told them that Hopper had given her instructions that Eleven would sleep with Max, Dustin with Will and Mike with Lucas.

He had made it pretty clear that Mike and El would sleep in different rooms.

'Fuck' they both thought.


It was now afternoon, and El and Max were in their own room.

"Why the hell can't dad let me sleep with Mike?" she almost screamed

"Because honey, you can't sleep with Mike. I bet you'd stay awake" she answered honestly, while lying on the bed

"Max, we would only hug" the brownhead answered

She didn't have intentions of having sex with Mike, even if she wanted to. She just wanted him as close to her as possible.

"El, I need to tell you something" max said

"go on"

"You are a girl right?" she asked, to which El nodded confused "and as a girl, how do you feel when Mike is not around?"

"i feel empty...i feel like something inside of me needs him"

"exactly!" she said relieved "well, this feeling will never leave totally, except from know what"

"I don't know, okay? I mean, i have so many know, but I try not to think about them" she said blushing

"for how long El? you can't avoid it for always! And....and think of Mike!"

"what about Mike?"

"boys are ten times more hormonal than girls. Can you even imagine how hard it is for him? to hold himself? I'm sure he'd kill to fuck you right now, but does not do it because he loves you!" she said angry

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now