I don't wanna lose a second

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Michael Wheeler was still in his basement. More specifically, on Eleven's former bed, where he fell asleep in tears last night after his conversation with Karen.

The truth was that those tears never left. They were still on his freckled cheeks and they were been renewed every single second he thought about her.

And that means they were been renewed all the time, because every second she was the only thing on his mind.

His thoughts were cut off though by a door knock, his basement's one

He didn't respond. At least until the second, louder knock was heard.

"Leave me alone Lucas or whoever it is!" He shouted, and his voice sounded sick, from the unstoppable crying of course

He didn't want any of his friends to see him in tears. He wanted to spend this heartbreaking moment by himself. Because no one  would understand. Even Lucas who would separate with Max. No one would ever be able to feel what he feels, because Eleven was not just the love of his life. She was his life. And losing her would be no difference than losing his life.

"Mike?" The voice said

Oh and he would recognise this voice from miles away: her voice, the sound that only angels make

He didn't expect her to come. But she did. And he was willing to open the door. She was the only one who was allowed to see him in this mess. The only one.

He stood up slowly and opened the door.

And when he did, it was like watching himself in a mirror.

The same teary cheeks. The same sad eyes. The same downturned lips. And most importantly, that disappointed glare which he hoped he'd never see again on her amazing face.

They didn't talk. They didn't have the power. So, she just fell into his arms, collapsing into his warm hug, which, he sweared, he'd never break apart.

It was exactly this view: two teenagers, absolutely in love, hugging each other so strongly and tightly like there was no tomorrow.

And, to tell the truth, there was no tomorrow.

Only today. And that's what eleven thought and decided to turn up. There wasn't time. And with crying and being apart they wouldn't achieve anything. Oppositely, they would make the situation worse, and when that week would end they would be regretting not spending it together.

That's why she came to him. And she was glad with her decision.

"I don't want to leave" he said, while he was holding her warmly

"Me neither" she said and started sniffling "why? Why is this happening to us?" She said as the tears started making a new appearance in her hazel eyes.

Oh, and he hated those tears. They were like stitches in his heart. She felt pain and her pain was his too. Maybe worse even.

"Maybe, it is for a good reason. Maybe God is testing us. To see if we can stay together even if we are so many kilometres apart" he tried to make her more hopeful

"Will we?" She asked. She always had a huge thread about whether their relationship will remain stable through a so wide distance.

"Oh we definitely will. I mean, i can't forget about you" he said like it was something obvious

"But, what if you find a beautiful girl in there and start catching feelings for her?" She stated jealously

"What?" He replied in shock "me? Forgetting about you? Catching feeling for someone else? El, i swear sometimes you are so silly"

"Promise me you won't" she said more serious than ever before

"Okay, of course I'll promise. Only if you say that you won't fall for any guy except for me" he said and created the deal.

She giggled "i have already fallen for you you know"

"So, is it a promise? We won't fall for anybody else except for one another. Even if we won't be able to hug each other, to touch each other, to feel each other." He said with a sad smile

"It is a promise" she said and joined her pinkie with his own.

They sat on the couch as they continued hugging endlessly

And silence. Quiet. Piece. Relaxation. Short breathings only and rhythmical heartbeats. The sound they both needed to live.

"Mike?" She said and broke the silence


"I love you" she said

"You know my answer is that i love you too. Endlessly. Undoubtedly. Uncontrollably. Unstop-"

He was cut off by the feeling of her soft lips on his own.

It was a soft kiss. A sad and soft movement. Even the make-out that followed was soft. They wanted to provide each other with feelings at that time, and not with pleasure. And those things were passed in the best way.

"Mike?" She said as she pulled apart


"I don't wanna lose a second"

"What do you mean?" He asked without making sense of his girlfriend's statement

"I don't wanna lose a single second. I want to spend every single moment with you. I don't want to spend more time crying. I prefer to spend this time with you."

He grinned "well, this sounds good. I mean, so SO good"

"So, what would you say if I invited you on a date in the afternoon?" He suggested, but he already knew her answer

"As long as it is only you and me" she said

"Always" he answered and pecked her lips once again

What El held from their conversation was that he would never cheat on or forget about her. They had made a promise.
And 'friends don't lie' so he was hoing to keep his promise.
At least that's what she believed at the moment.

And that thought would be proved wrong in the nearer or further future

Guys it is Iris again because Asimina was busy and couldn't write this chapter.
I am quite disappointed with my writing skills recently, i hope this book is still pleasurable to read.
Asimina and I have decided its whole plot and can't wait to  present it to you!
There has been a lot of content out these days, and we are trying to keep up with our fanpages on instagram (hawkins_lover and mouthbreathers83), the new content of stranger things 3(fillie dance was soo adorable) and of course our wattpad account(you already know it duh)
The next chapter will be spice and written by Asimina(finally) so get ready!
We are so close to Mike's leaving and we don't want to do this to us or you, but we have to...
Ily though

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